Develop Approaches for Corridor Planning and Allocation

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Develop Approaches for Corridor Planning and Allocation



Research Period

18 months


• Asset conditions are typically determined currently in separate silos - leading to asset treatments that are applied on varied schedules by asset (pavement, bridges, culverts) even over the same corridor.
• Significant resources may be misallocated on treatments applied at the wrong time due to lack of coordinated corridor planning.
• Corridor planning can organize the asset treatments — while also looking at environmental issues, congestion, and safety
• There may be other issues such as operation needs in a corridor as well.
o “Project delivery” can be achieved more efficiently because projects are organized into a corridor delivery strategy. Projects can be peeled off as funding is available
o Public can be engaged all at once instead of multiple times for multiple projects.
o Minimize contractor costs

Literature Search Summary

• Boadi, Richard S; Amekudzi, Adjo A. Risk-Based Corridor Asset Management: Applying Multiattribute Utility Theory to Manage Multiple Assets. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2354, 2013, pp 99–106
• Anderson, Scott A; Rivers, Benjamin S. Corridor Management: A Means to Elevate Understanding of Geotechnical Impacts on System Performance. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2349, 2013, pp 9-15


Develop guidance on an asset management corridor planning process to prioritize and schedule project delivery for cost effectiveness while also considering mobility/accessibility issues, drainage, and more.

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