TAM – Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience

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Edgardo Block

Connecticut DOT

[email protected]

Meredith Hill

Maryland DOT

[email protected]

Karen Miller

Missouri DOT

[email protected]

TAM - Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience



Research Period

36 months


Please provide a brief description of the project.

Literature Search Summary

  • NCHRP 20-83(05): Climate Change and the Highway System: Impacts and Adaptation Approaches (NCHRP Report 750, Volume 2, Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and the Highway System: Practitioner's Guide and Research Report.)
  • NCHRP 08-129: Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning (NCHRP Research Report 1052)
  • NCHRP 15-80: Design Guide and Standards for Infrastructure Resilience
  • NCHRP 23-26: Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts (Active Project, Start Date: 10/26/2022)
  • NCHRP 23-32: Transportation Asset Risk and Resilience (Active Project, Start Date: 11/28/2023)
  • NCHRP 08-36/Task 147: Strategic Mobility Research: Enhancing Mobility, Stimulating Economic Activity, Saving Lives


The objectives of this project are:

  • To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and climate resilience,
  • To identify challenges experienced by state DOTs in improving their performance in terms of achieving mobility and climate resilience
  • To develop new approaches to incorporating mobility and climate resilience considerations into transportation asset management plans (TAMPs),
  • To generate guidance for aligning existing asset management efforts with these new approaches.

Urgency and Potential Benefits

Recent trends observed in the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters and extreme weather- and climate change-related issues experienced by state DOTs increased the urgency of incorporating climate resilience into TAM strategic goals. Concerns related to satisfying mobility demands and reducing user impacts further exacerbate the urgency of these issues.

This study will provide state DOTs with theoretical and practical knowledge to align their TAM efforts with the broader objectives of improving mobility and climate resilience in their regions.

Implementation Considerations

The research developed through this study will support agencies increase resilience considerations in their asset management practice. A cursory review of DOTs latest TAMPs revealed a basic incorporation of resilience considerations by agencies often noting identified threats to the system that could undermine system resilience, but lacking in tracking resilience improvements over time or methods to measure the current system resilience. This research will move toward further integrating resilience into asset management as well as decision-making.


Edgardo Block

Connecticut DOT

[email protected]

Meredith Hill

Maryland DOT

[email protected]

Karen Miller

Missouri DOT

[email protected]

Others Supporting Problem Statement


Aimee Flannery

RS & H

Jennifer Gora

California DOT

Michael B. Johnson

Maryland DOT

Meredith Hill

Potential Panel Members

Christos Xenophontos


Anna McLaughlin


Person Submitting Statement

Baris Salman
Syracuse University
[email protected]
(315) 443-1452

