Corridor-Level Performance Measures to Support Resource Allocation Strategies in Highways | Presentation
Asset Management, PavementProposed method for homogenous aggregation of performance measures. Case study of successful asset management initiative presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Condition of Roadways and the Dynamics of Highway System Performance: An Assessment Framework | Presentation
Asset Management, PavementCharacterizing performance of roadway systems based on the condition of components. Presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Best Practices in Highway Maintenance Performance Measuring | Presentation
Asset Management, PavementDiscussion objectives: Improve highway management effectiveness; Demonstrate accountability; Understand maintenance conditions and needs; Set priorities; Document the relationship between dollars expended with outcomes achieved – 4 case studies presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Association Rule–Based LCCA Model for Pavement Projects | Presentation
Asset Management, PavementOverview of Life Cycle Costing Analysis (LCCA) on pavement projects. Presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
A Stochastic Decision-Making Approach for the MTC Pavement Management System | Presentation
Asset Management, PavementCase study of successful Pavement Management System (PMS), StreetSaver, presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway Assets Volume 1: Guidebook | Research Report
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis two-volume report provides a methodology for estimating the life expectancies of major types of highway system assets, in a form useful to state departments of transportation (DOTs) and others, for use in lifecycle cost analyses that support management decision making. Volume 1 is a guidebook for applying the methodology in DOT asset management policies and programs. Volume 2 describes the technical issues and data needs associated with estimating asset life expectancies and the practices used in a number of fields—such as the energy and financial industries—to make such estimates.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway Assets. Volume 2: Final Report | Research Report
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis two-volume report provides a methodology for estimating the life expectancies of major types of highway system assets, in a form useful to state departments of transportation (DOTs) and others, for use in lifecycle cost analyses that support management decision making. Volume 1 is a guidebook for applying the methodology in DOT asset management policies and programs. Volume 2 describes the technical issues and data needs associated with estimating asset life expectancies and the practices used in a number of fields—such as the energy and financial industries—to make such estimates.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Engineering Economic Analysis Practices for Highway Investment | Research Report
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, SafetyThis study has looked at how U.S. transportation agencies have applied engineering economics (benefit–cost analyses and similar procedures) to decisions on highway investments. State departments of transportation (DOTs) are most likely to use economic methods when considering investments in pavement and bridge preservation, safety improvements, and major projects on trunk lines and in urban areas. This study, however, has found agencies that use economic information across their key business and decision processes. Information was gathered through literature review, presentations at conference committee meetings, a screening survey of state DOTs, and interviews leading to case studies.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Performance-Based Highway Maintenance and Operations Management | Research Report
Asset Management, PavementThis synthesis examines current performance-based management practices that are applied by state departments of transportation (DOTs) in highway maintenance and operations (M&O). Past studies have focused on the elements that make up a performance-based M&O approach, such as condition ratings, levels of service, performance measures, and threshold values. This study focuses on how state DOTs actually use performance-based measures to manage their highway programs. Information used in this study was acquired through a review of the literature, a survey of state DOTs, and follow-up interviews with four state DOTs to develop case examples of highway M&O performance management.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Estimating the Effects of Pavement Condition on Vehicle Operating Costs (NCHRP Report 720) | Research Report
Asset Management, PavementThis report presents models for estimating the effects of pavement condition on vehicle operating costs. These models address fuel consumption, tire wear, and repair and maintenance costs and are presented as computational software on the accompanying CD-ROM, CRP-CD-111, to facilitate use. The material contained in the report should be of immediate interest to state pavement, construction, and maintenance engineers; vehicle fleet managers; and those involved in pavement investment decision processes and financial aspects of highway transportation.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Pavement Management Guide, Second Edition | Research Report
Asset Management, PavementThis guide covers the following specific areas in nine chapters: Introduction to the Guide; Managing Transportation Assets Effectively; Inventory Data Collection and Data Integration Issues; Pavement Condition Assessment; Pavement Performance Modeling; Project and Treatment Selection; Using and Presenting Pavement Management Results; Implementation of Pavement Management Systems; and Future Directions.
Communicating the Value of Preservation: A Playbook | Research Report
Asset Management, PavementThis report presents guidance for communicating the value of highway system maintenance and preservation. The guidance includes numerous examples and models that transportation agency staff members can use to present—succinctly and persuasively to agency leadership, elected officials, and the public—the case for allocating budgetary and other resources to preserve and maintain the public's investment in highway infrastructure.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board