Trans-AM: Customizable, Open-Source Software for Transit Asset Management

Trans-AM: Customizable, Open-Source Software for Transit Asset Management

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) identified a need to manage grants to transit agencies taking into account short- and long-term capital needs forecasts. Cambridge Systematics developed the Program Guidance and Grant Evaluation System (PROGGRES). Virginia DRPT and CS applied for an FTA grant to update and extend the system (now called Trans AM), and the PennDOT Bureau of Public Transportation joined the team with similar needs to Virginia DRPT, and some additional requirements. Presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.

Infrastructure Assets: Transit Assets
Resource Types: Presentation
Capabilities: Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Resource Allocation

Transportation Research Board

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TAM Portal