Research concepts in the Pool


Add a new concept to the Pool

View all the concepts in the Pool

Add a comment on a concept

To add a comment, simply navigate to the candidate pool, select a candidate, and click the comment button. You will then be prompted to log in or register.


Candidates considered for advancement this year


View all the candidates considered for advancement this year


Add a comment on a candidate considered for advancement this year

To add a comment, simply navigate to view all the candidates considered for advancement this year, select a statement, and click the comment button. You will then be prompted to log in or register.


Prioritized statements being developed for potential submission this year


View the current set of research statements

Add a comment on a candidate statement

To add a comment, simply navigate to the current set of statements, select a statement, and click the comment button. You will then be prompted to log in or register.

Volunteer to help develop a statement

Log in to edit a statement

If you are already logged in as an admin, please proceed to the current set of statements. From there, select a statement to edit and click the “Edit Statement” button.

Log in to assign an author

If you are already logged in as an admin, please proceed to the current set of statements. From there, select a statement to edit and click the “Edit Statement” button and find the form to add an author

Log in to run a prioritization session

If you are already logged in as an admin, please proceed to the current set of statements.


Programed projects in the pipeline


View the current project pipeline

Log in to update project information

If you are already logged in as an admin, please proceed to the project pipeline. From there, select a project to edit and click the “Edit Project” button.

Log in to add a new project

If you are already logged in as an admin, please proceed to the Add New Project page.

Prepare a report