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Research Candidate Statement
Funding: $0
Funding Source: AASHTO Committee Support, NCHRP

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Research Candidate Statement

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Research Candidate Statement
Funding: $0
Funding Source: FHWA, NCHRP

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Title Background and Problem Statements Objectives Proposed Research Activities Desired Products Notes and Considerations Funding Estimated Timeframe Category of Funding Status
GM/SC - Balancing Freight and Goods Delivery Needs Into Designing Complete Streets of the Future AASHTO Committee Support, NCHRP
G/DM – State DOT and MPO Planning Coordination: Enhancing the 2016 Regional Models of Cooperation Handbook Full NCHRP
CCR - Developing a Framework for Evaluation of Decarbonization Outcomes FHWA, NCHRP

Programmed Projects

Funding: $200,000
Funding Source:

The purpose of this research is to create four new snapshots that showcase effective planning practices. These snapshots will provide concise instructions on how to apply practices that have proven to be valuable in addressing common issues faced by the state DOT planning community. The snapshots will utilize compelling data, case examples, survey data, and other relevant information to demonstrate the value of the practices and encourage planners to utilize the guidance provided within them.

Funding: $350,000
Funding Source:

The aim of this research is to create a comprehensive collection of information that will serve as a resource for state departments of transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other relevant stakeholders. This collection will assist them in effectively communicating the importance of the relationship between freight and communities.

Funding: $400,000
Funding Source:

The purpose of this research is to develop a toolkit that can be used by transportation and planning agencies to integrate the Safe System approach into their planning and programming processes. The toolkit will include proven, innovative, and emerging strategies, and will be designed to be useful and practical for agencies to use. The toolkit will be reviewed and commented on by a range of agency practitioners during the draft stage.

Funding: $350,000
Funding Source:

The goal of this research is to find practical and effective approaches for state departments of transportation and other transportation agencies to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion among their transportation planning staff in a sustainable way. These strategies will be specific and concentrated on fostering an inclusive work culture where DEI in transportation planning is given high priority. They will address various aspects, including but not limited to recruitment, promotion, and retention of diverse staff, allocating agency resources towards DEI goals, valuing the contributions of all employees, establishing agency-wide accountability for DEI goals, building staff capacity to cultivate respectful, welcoming, and constructive professional relationships, and partnering with educational institutions to sustain DEI for the future of the transportation planning profession.


Funding: $200,000
Funding Source:

This project seeks to develop recommendations pertinent to the need/ feasibility of updating, expanding, or replacing benefit analyses for highways for both users and non-users.


Active Projects

Funding: $600,000
Funding Source:

The goals of this research are to identify the appropriate methods, timing, location, and reasons for incorporating uncertainty into state DOT and MPO planning and programming processes. The research also aims to develop frameworks, guidelines, or toolkits to incorporate uncertainty into various planning documents such as LRTPs, STIP/TIPs, and monitor their implementation. Additionally, the research will identify strategies and techniques to respond proactively to uncertainty in plans and achieve their objectives. Lastly, the study will provide strategies for communicating with stakeholders, including partners, decision-makers, elected officials, and the public about uncertainty in transportation planning and programming.



Funding: $350,000
Funding Source:

The aim of this research is to offer transportation agencies empirically-based advice on assessing the efficacy of public participation initiatives or schemes pertaining to transportation planning and project implementation.