TAM Tools Webinar Miniseries: Part 3 – Other TAM Tools

This event occured on 2022-05-05.

This webinar will focus on other tools that are being used and developed for TAM needs at transportation agencies. These tools include agency-developed tools as well as those developed through TRB, universities, and commercial vendors. Types of applications include multi-objective decision analysis, economic analysis, GIS, project bundling, prioritization, MPO target setting, and environmental analysis. As agencies become more engaged with TAM activities, they are realizing the benefits of increasing their capabilities through tools, resources, techniques, and processes. Such capabilities could improve the value achieved in transportation asset management plans and other TAM improvements. Throughout this miniseries, participants will be encouraged to grow their knowledge, share opinions and insights, and gain access to new resources. The four webinars, held weekly from April 20th to May 12th, cover available resources best-suited to meeting TAM improvement initiatives. The format of each webinar in the miniseries includes an introduction to the topic, a presentation of use cases from several different agencies, a facilitated discussion, and some polls collecting feedback.

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2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


TAM Webinar Series