TAM Webinar 73TAM Webinar Series
TAM Webinar 74TAM Webinar Series
TAM Webinar 75TAM Webinar Series
TAM Webinar 76TAM Webinar Series
TAM Webinar 77TAM Webinar Series
TAM Webinar 78TAM Webinar Series
For advanced search options, visit the TAM Webinar Video Page.
TAM Webinar 72: Asset Performance, Monitoring & Adjustment | VideoWebinar/Video
Results from the TAM community survey identified "Asset Performance, Monitoring & Adjustment" as priority topics. This webinar focused on Chapter 4: Asset Performance and Chapter 6: Monitoring & Adjustment of the recently enhanced AASHTO Digital TAM Guide.
Featured Presentations:
- Chapter 4 Enhancements Overview - Brad Allen, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
- Corridor-Based Management of Ancillary Assets with Maintenance Management System Data - Meredith Hill, Maryland DOT and Scott Sugar, Lumenor Consulting
- Chapter 6 Enhancements Overview - Katie Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
- Performance Model for the Federal Pavement Performance Measures - Reid Kiniry, Vermont Agency of Transportation
TAM Webinar 71: Strategy, Planning & Resource Allocation | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar focused on Chapter 2: Strategy and Planning and Chapter 5: Resource Allocation of the recently enhanced AASHTO Digital TAM Guide. Chapter authors provided an overview of the enhanced sections of their chapters followed by presentations from state DOT TAM leads on how they have applied strategy, planning and resource allocations.
Presentation include:
- Martin Gordon (WSP) — Overview of TAM Guide Chapter 2 enhancements
- Trisha Stefanski — Minnesota DOT TAM Strategic Action Plan
- William Robert (Spy Pond Partners) — Overview of TAM Guide Chapter 5 enhancements
- Chris Whipple – Utah DOT asset valuation development
Slides are now available: https://www.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2024/10/TAM-Webinar-71_-final_10-16-24.pdf
TAM Webinar 70: Information & Systems | VideoWebinar/Video
Results from the TAM community survey identified “Information and Systems” as a priority topic. TAM Webinar 70 featured the following presentations:
1. Topic Overview / Digital TAM Guide Chapter 7. William Duke, Spy Pond Partners
2. Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset Management. Chris Williges, HDR
3. Virginia DOT Guardrail Inspection Program Innovations. Wenling Chen & Matt Barret, Virginia DOT
4. Indiana DOT AI Project Bundling for Improved TAM Results. Louis Feagans, Indiana DOT
TAM Case Studies Miniseries Part 2 – Risk Busters: Unleashing the Power of Effective Organizational Risk Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Transportation agencies’ ability to manage their highway systems can be impacted by unexpected and unplanned events, such as revenue disruptions and natural hazards. Managing these uncertainties through risk management is an integral part of modern leadership practices and a key component to Transportation Asset Management (TAM). The FHWA initiated a project to advance the consideration of financial and organizational risks in a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Several resources were developed to illustrate strategies for managing these types of risks, including two webinars. This webinar focuses on identifying and managing organizational risks.
Featured presentations and speakers:
“Indiana DOT Case Study: Organizational Approach to Implementing Asset Management & Managing Risk,” Louis Feagans, Indiana DOT
“Minnesota DOT Case Study: Consideration of Risk in Managing Ancillary Assets,” Trisha Stefanski, Minnesota DOT
Case studies featured in this webinar:
Minnesota DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23020.pdf
Indiana DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23019.pdf
TAM Webinar 69: Organization and People | VideoWebinar/Video
The TAM Guide Chapter 3 - Organization and People states "Asset Management is not possible without people within the organization who are committed to its success. This part of the asset management framework involves establishing TAM roles, responsibilities and competencies, strengthening coordination and communication, and managing change."
This webinar featured presenters who shared their agency experiences related to TAM and change management, knowledge management, training, and capability building.
Featured Presentations:
- New Mexico DOT TAMP Knowledge Management. Virginia Stubella
- Michigan DOT TAM Program Assessment. Bradley Sharlow
- Utah DOT TAM Organization and People. Patrick Cowley and Chris Whipple
TAM Case Studies Miniseries Part 1 – Don’t Let Financial Uncertainty Derail Your TAMP: Strategies for Identifying & Managing Financial Risks | VideoWebinar/Video
Transportation agencies’ ability to manage their transportation systems can be impacted by unexpected and unplanned events, such as revenue disruptions and natural hazards. Managing these uncertainties through risk management is an integral part of modern leadership practices and a key component to Transportation Asset Management (TAM). The FHWA initiated a project to advance the consideration of financial and organizational risks in a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Several resources were developed to illustrate strategies for managing these types of risks, including two webinars. This webinar focuses on identifying and managing financial risks.
Featured presentations and speakers:
“Michigan Case Study: Asset Preservation as a Guiding Principle for Managing Financial Risks,” Lina Chapman and Bradley Sharlow, Michigan DOT
“Florida DOT Case Study: Managing Financial Risks by Monitoring Revenues, Costs, and Managing Investment Streams,” Daniel Cashin, Florida DOT
Case studies featured in this webinar:
Florida DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23018.pdf
Michigan DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23017.pdf
TAM Webinar 68: Equity and Transportation Asset Management | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar provided an overview of equity in the context of transportation asset management, covered what resources exist, what resources are being developed, and shared practices of state DOTs and local agencies.
Speakers included:
- William Johnson, Colorado DOT
- Jason Smiley, City and County of Denver
- Shaker Rabban, Minnesota DOT
TAM Webinar 67: How Pavement and Bridge Conditions Affect Transportation System Performance | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 67 featured speakers discussing how pavement and bridge conditions can contribute to system performance areas, such as highway safety, freight mobility, or reliability— based on work completed for FHWA Office of Operations conducted by Iowa State University, Gordon Proctor & Associates, and Starisis Corporation. The webinar also addressed how attributes such as pavement shoulders, pavement friction, or bridge conditions contribute to highway safety, freight movement, noise reduction, and transportation system resilience.
Webinar Resources:
Applying Transportation Asset Management to Traffic Signals: A Primer, January 2022
- Applying Transportation Asset Management to Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Primer, January 2022
- Asset Management for Operations, FHWA
- How Pavement and Bridge Conditions Affect Transportation System Performance, October 2023
TAM Webinar 66: Beyond Pavements and Bridges | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 66 featured speakers from state DOTs sharing their experiences with adding transportation assets other than pavements and bridges into their TAM programs (culverts, lighting, traffic signals, guardrails, and sign structures are some examples). The end of the webinar features a robust Q&A where speakers fielded questions about their presentations and the process of incorporating a wide variety of assets into their agencies' TAMP and TAM programs more broadly.
- Stephanie Shippee, Connecticut DOT
- Kellie Thom, Minnesota DOT
- Michael Johnson, California DOT
- Ning Li, Virginia DOT
- Toby Manthey and Hope Wright, Colorado DOT
We heard from the following speakers:
- MnDOT's TAMS-HydInfra
- Washington State Ferry Terminal Inspection Manual
- TAM Survey - closing Friday 12/22/23. We want your input!
Resource shared in the Zoom Chat:
TAM Webinar 65: Communicating Transportation Asset Management | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 65 featured speakers from four state DOTs who highlighted what their states are doing to communicate Transportation Asset Management (TAM) effectively to various audiences.
Resources mentioned in the webinar:
TAM Webinar 64: Highlights from the TRB TAM Conference | VideoWebinar/Video
In this webinar, Matt Haubrich and Tashia Clemmons gave the AASHTO and FHWA welcome and introductions. We heard from the following speakers about their featured topics:
Laura Zale, Conference Chair — Conference Summary
Mike Johnson, Peer Exchange Lead — TAM Peer Exchange Highlights
William Johnson, Conference Planning Committee — Infrastructure and Risk/Resilience Innovation
Matt Hardy, Spy Pond Partners — Organizations and People Innovations
The webinar is punctuated by a discussion about next steps from the conference and feedback about how the conference went generally.
NOTE: If you are looking for session material from the conference, you can find the detailed program at the following link:
- Detailed Conference Program
- Use the tabs to navigate between days of the conference.
- Click "View Session" to see the materials associated with the session you're interested in.
- Please note that some sessions do not have materials.
TAM Webinar 63: Consistency Reporting | VideoWebinar/Video
The feature topic of TAM webinar 63 was Consistency Reporting. TAM leaders shared insights from how their organizations approach consistency reporting and consistency reviews.
TAM Webinar 62: TRB TAM Conference Preview | VideoWebinar/Video
In TAM Webinar 62, we heard from numerous presenters about tracks and select sessions from the upcoming TRB TAM Conference. Resources linked in the Zoom chat during the webinar are provided here:
TAM Webinar 61 - TAM Innovations | Video
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, SafetyThe webinar features four presentations on TAM Innovations. We heard first from Justin Bruner who presented on PennDOT's open source asset management systems, OSS-1 and OSS-2. Next, Trisha Stefanski of MnDOT explained how Minnesota is incorporating TAM into their Strategic Action Plan. Then, Chris Whipple shared how UDOT is leveraging the TAM Data Assistant and other NCHRP produced tools to advance. Finally, Mike Johnson of Caltrans shared how California has been using TAM to find new opportunities for improving performance in a safety context.
TAM Webinar 60 - TAM and Resilience Building: Takeaways from the TAM Peer Exchange | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, Resilience, System PerformanceThis webinar goes over the takeaways from the AASHTO 2022 Conference on Performance-Based Management, Planning, and Data Peer Exchange session on incorporating Resiliency in TAM.
Panelist Presentation slides from the conference's TAM Resiliency Peer Exchange
TAM Webinar 59 - Incorporating Maintenance Cost into a TAMP (NCHRP 23-08) | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis webinar presents the findings from NCHRP Project 23-08 "A Guide for Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan", led by Applied Pavement Technologies. The research includes guidance for state DOTs to develop:
- procedures for identifying, collecting, and managing maintenance cost data
- life-cycle techniques and tools for demonstrating the value of maintenance activities
- strategies to include maintenance activities in 10-year investment plans with measured tradeoffs and benefit-cost analyses
- components of a financial plan displaying 10-year anticipated revenues and investments in capital and maintenance costs
Presentations and speakers include:
- Introductions – Anita Bush, Nevada DOT
- An Overview of NCHRP 23-08 Findings and Guidance - Brad Allen, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. - Rob Zilay, Dye Management Group, Inc.
- Using Maintenance Quality Assurance Data to Support Asset Management – Morgan Musick, Alabama DOT
- The Role of Maintenance in the Life-cycles of Ancillary Assets – Trisha Stefanski, Minnesota DOT
- Maintenance and Ancillary Assets in CDOT’s Asset Management Plan – Toby Manthey, Colorado DOT
TAM Webinar 58: The 2022 TAMPs & BIL Requirements | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementState DOTs are completing their federally required 2022 TAMPs. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) added additional resiliency-related requirements. States were offered the opportunity to extend the due date of their TAMP to December 2022 to provide time to include the BIL resiliency requirements. In this webinar, three states shared their approaches to meeting the BIL requirements in their TAMPs.
Speakers included:
• Todd Lamphere, Washington State DOT
• Mike Johnson, Caltrans
• William Johnson and Toby Manthey, Colorado DOT
• Tashia Clemons, FHWA
TAM Webinar 57: TAM Tools Miniseries 04 – Techniques | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMany agencies have developed techniques and processes to make the most of TAM tools and advance TAM capabilities in their agencies. This webinar focused on techniques such as data visualizations, standard reports, asset data collection, consistency reporting, and TAMP implementation. Speakers include:
• Charles R. Lattimer, University of Maryland’s CATT Lab
• Matt Haubrich, Iowa DOT
• Sage Donaldson, Arizona DOT
• Joshua Lafond, New Hampshire DOT
• Michael Johnson, Caltrans
TAM Webinar 56: TAM Tools Miniseries 03 – Other Tools | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, Environment, PavementThis webinar focuses on other tools that are being used and developed for TAM needs at transportation agencies. These tools include agency-developed tools as well as those developed through TRB, universities, and commercial vendors. Types of applications include multi-objective decision analysis, economic analysis, GIS, project bundling, prioritization, MPO target setting, and environmental analysis.
TAM Webinar 55: TAM Tools Miniseries 02 – Management Systems | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe second installment of the TAM Tools Miniseries, this webinar explores the asset management systems used and developed at transportation agencies. A variety of systems are presented by agency representatives, including integrated asset management systems, maintenance management, pavement management, and bridge management systems.
Featured Presentations:
Utah DOT ATOM - Kendall Draney, Utah DOT
AgileAssets at New Mexico DOT - Phillip Montoya, New Mexico DOT
Pennsylvania DOT BridgeCare and ProjectBuilder - Justin Bruner, Pennsylvania DOT
Use of AIMS models in CDOT TAM Budget Setting - Britton Stocks and Toby Manthey, Colorado DOT
TAM Webinar 54: TAM Tools Miniseries 01 – AASHTO Portals | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThis introductory session to the TAM Tools miniseries demonstrates how agencies can use the portals that AASHTO hosts to help with TAM needs. Webinar presenters highlight specific tools and applications available via the portals. This webinar also serves as an introduction to the topics covered in this webinar series.
Featured Presentations:
MnDOT TAM Communications Portal – Dave Solsrud, Minnesota DOT
TPM Portal Regional Exchange Toolbox – Matt Haubrich, Iowa DOT
MODAT – Multi-Objective Decision Analysis Tool – Bill Robert, Spy Pond Partners, LLC
TPM Portal Benchmarking Platform – Mark Egge, High Street Consulting
AASHTO Portal Overview – Matt Hardy, AASHTO
TAM Webinar 53 – 2022 TAMPs: Lessons from Practitioners | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis 53rd TAM webinar presented a variety of practical, real-world perspectives on current topics in asset management, with a focus on how states are developing their 2022 TAMPs. An expanded roster of featured speakers provided brief updates and highlights from their agencies’ active TAMP development efforts. The webinar featured a fast-paced format designed to share successful practices and develop common problem-solving approaches with the TAM community.
TAM Webinar 52 – The IIJA and TPM | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, System PerformanceThis special interactive webinar on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Transportation Performance Management (TPM) addressed the IIJA’s implications for US transportation agencies’ TPM practice, considering asset management, risk management, organizational management, system performance, and more.
Speakers from FHWA and AASHTO provided a topic overview and set the stage for the discussion to follow. State DOT panelists shared localized perspectives on the issues and questions facing their agencies.
Featured speakers include:
• Steve Gaj, FHWA
• Matt Hardy, AASHTO
• Tim Henkel, Minnesota DOT
• Matt Haubrich, Iowa DOT
• Anne-Marie McDonnell, Connecticut DOT
• William Johnson, Colorado DOT
TAM Webinar 51 – TAM and TSMO | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementTransportation asset management (TAM) and transportation system management and operations (TSMO) are both important elements of transportation agencies. Rapidly growing advancements and uses of technology in transportation are creating new assets that are becoming critical components of the transportation network such as communications and security technology, sensors, cameras, and other intelligent transportation system (ITS) infrastructure technologies. TAM and TSMO business models and philosophies are also similar in nature focused on using limited resources to maximize return on investments. This webinar provides an overview of the relationship between TAM and TSMO and have three agencies share how they are advancing practices to support TAM and TSMO.
TAM Guide Book Club #8 Strengthening How Data Supports Your TAM Program | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchase at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries will help participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs. Participants will be encouraged to read sections of the guide prior to each webinar but those who have not read the guide will be able to participate and learn during the webinar.
TAM Guide Book Club #7 Investment Strategies and Multi-Objective Decision Making | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchased at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries helps participants get a deeper understanding of TAM investment strategies and multi-objective decision making processes.
TAM Guide Book Club #6 – Increasing Your Workforce Capacity | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchased at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries helps participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs.
TAM Guide Book Club #5 – Improving Risk Management and Resiliency | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchased at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries helps participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs.
TAM Guide Book Club #4 – Improving TAM Financial Planning | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, EconomyThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchase at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries will help participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs. Participants will be encouraged to read sections of the guide prior to each webinar but those who have not read the guide will be able to participate and learn during the webinar.
TAM Guide Book Club #3 – Life Cycle Planning and Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchase at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries will help participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs. Participants will be encouraged to read sections of the guide prior to each webinar but those who have not read the guide will be able to participate and learn during the webinar.
TAM Guide Book Club #2 – TAMP Implementation and Integration | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchase at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries will help participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs. Participants will be encouraged to read sections of the guide prior to each webinar but those who have not read the guide will be able to participate and learn during the webinar.
TAM Guide Book Club #1 – Preparing for your 2022 TAMP with the TAM Guide | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThe new AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide is available to help transportation agencies advance TAM practices and support them as they conduct TAM activities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering transportation services through their infrastructure assets. The Guide will be especially helpful now as agencies prepare their 2022 transportation asset management plans (TAMP). The TAM Guide includes templates, how-to checklists, and practice examples that users can access easily to provide support. The digital guide is available at https://www.tamguide.com/ and the print version of the guide can be purchase at https://store.transportation.org/Item/CollectionDetail?ID=217.
This webinar miniseries will help participants get a deeper understanding of the guidance and use interactive means to increase the capacity of participants on using the guide for their TAM needs. Participants will be encouraged to read sections of the guide prior to each webinar but those who have not read the guide will be able to participate and learn during the webinar.
TAM Webinar 50 - Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries: Improving Risk Management and Resiliency | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementRisk management and building resiliency is of growing importance for transportation agencies and is an integral part of an agency’s TAMP. The 2018 and 2019 TAMPs were required to be risk-based and include a risk register. In many of the initial TAMPs, agencies were early in their understanding of risk management in the context of transportation asset management (TAM). Agencies will have the opportunity to improve their risk management and resiliency elements of their next TAMPs as they have improved their understanding and practices related to TAM and risk management/resiliency. This webinar features discussion from DOTs on how they have used their initial TAMP risk registers and how they plan to enhance their risk registers and risk management and resiliency building processes in their updated TAMPs.
A video of the webinar is available here. The slides for the webinar are available here.
TAM Webinar 49 - Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries: Improving Life Cycle Planning and Management | Video
Asset Management, System PerformanceLife cycle planning and management is a foundational component of transportation asset management. The progress that agencies are making in this area is noteworthy. Many resources are also available to help agencies with improving practices. This webinar shares an overview of the progress that agencies are making in improving life cycle planning and management practices and shares new and soon-to-be available resources.
TAM Webinar 48 - Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries: Improving Your Financial Plan | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, EconomyA financial plan is a required element of the TAMP. How well the financial plan is integrated with other elements of the TAMP can provide an indication of an agency’s TAM maturity. Financial planning advanced between the 2018 and 2019 TAMPs and more progress is anticipated in the next rounds. Resources have been developed through FHWA and TRB to support financial plans – and more resources are currently under development. This webinar shares some of the advancements in financial planning at transportation agencies and highlights new and upcoming resources to assist agencies in improving their TAM financial plans.
TAM Webinar 47 - Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries: Needs and Priorities | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset ManagementThis webinar uses an interactive format to get your input on what is most needed to improve your next TAMP. Polls assess the audience’s opinions in real-time on a variety of topics related to the next TAMP and address topics including: the areas that most need improvement, elements of the TAMP that most help agencies, areas where additional resources are most needed, and what those resources are. The polls are complemented by an interactive discussion with the facilitators and participants. A summary of the federal requirements and an overview of available resources will also be presented.
TAM Webinar 46 - Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries: Overview | Video
Asset ManagementThis webinar kicked-off the Improving Your Next TAMP Miniseries. The next cycle of TAMP development is around the corner and agencies need to figure out how they will develop their next TAMP. The purpose of the miniseries is to take a deeper dive into this topic of potential TAMP enhancements and help to provide knowledge, inspiration, and capacity to build a better TAMP.
This first installment focused on the findings of a recent set of FHWA TAM case studies. The case study subject—PennDOT—discussed the case study findings, reflecting on the agency’s 2019 TAMP and plans for their next TAMP.
TAM Webinar 45: TAM Communication and Visualization | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, Safety, System PerformanceThis 45th webinar in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM webinar series addresses TAM communication and visualization. Good internal and external communication are important ingredients of a strong TAM program. Webinar presenters share noteworthy communication techniques and examples and discuss the role of communication and visualization in strengthening TAM practice and driving TAM performance improvements.
TAM Webinar 44: TAMP and STIP Integration | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, SafetyThe 44th webinar in the FHWA/AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Webinar series addresses the integration of an agency's transportation asset management plan (TAMP) and the statewide transportation improvement program (STIP).
TAM Webinar 43: Geotechnical Assets and TAM | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, EnvironmentThe 43rd webinar in the FHWA/AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Webinar series addresses geotechnical assets and TAM.
TAM Webinar 42: TAM and BIM | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceAdvancements are being made in building information modeling (BIM) that enhances capabilities of TAM programs. This webinar provides an overview of BIM, the current state of the practice, and potential future advancements, followed by agency presentations of planned and ongoing BIM activities from a TAM perspective.
TAM Webinar 41: Consistency Review Process | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceThis 41st installment in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series focused on FHWA's consistency review process for transportation asset management plans.
TAM Webinar 40: TRB Performance and Data in Decision Making Conference Highlights | VideoWebinar/Video
EconomyThis 40th installment in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series featured highlights and summaries from the TRB Performance and Data in Transportation Decision Making Conference.
TAM Webinar 39: TAMP Implementation | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Safety, System PerformanceThe 39th webinar in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series focused on implementation activities related to transportation asset management plans.
TAM Webinar 38: Advanced Technologies and TAM | VideoWebinar/Video
EconomyThis 38th installment in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series highlighted the application of advanced technologies in agencies' TAM programs.
TAM Webinar 37: Communicating the TAMP and Stakeholder Engagement | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceThis 37th installment in the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series will address stakeholder engagement and communication related to transportation asset management plans.
TAM Webinar 36: Preliminary Findings from Initial TAMP Assessment | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar featured an update and high-level observations from the research team conducting a review of the Initial State DOT TAMPs submitted in 2018. Following the presentation there was an extended Q&A session focusing on lessons learned from the Initial TAMP effort and opportunities for improvement in the development of the Complete TAMPs due in June 2019.
TAM Webinar 35: Developing the Complete TAMP | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar opens with an update and high-level observations from the research team conducting a review of the Initial State DOT TAMPs submitted in 2018. Following the presentation, three state DOT TAM practitioners present on their experience with the life cycle component of the TAMP, focusing on lessons learned from the Initial TAMP effort and opportunities for improvement in the development of the Complete TAMPs due in June 2019.
TAM Webinar 34: Integrating PM2 Targets with the TAMP | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, SafetyTAM practitioners addressed the integration of PM2 bridge and pavement performance targets with TAMP 10-year goals. Presenters shared lessons learned from the preparation of their initial TAMPs and PM2 submissions in 2018 and discussed their approach to the complete TAMPs due in 2019.
TAM Webinar 33: TRB TAM Conference Highlights | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis webinar featured a cross section of presentations from the 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management in San Diego. Those not able to attend either the conference or an individual session can enjoy highlights of the conference.
TAM Webinar 32: Life Cycle Planning and Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Safety, System PerformanceIn this webinar, TAM practitioners described current life cycle planning and management approaches. Presenters discussed how their TAMPs are supporting progress in LCP/M.
TAM Webinar 31: AASHTO TAM Guide Volume III – Stakeholder Input | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar opened with an overview of the plans for the development of the next volume of the AASHTO TAM Guide. The remainder of the webinar consisted of an interactive session designed to collect stakeholder input on the plans for the AASHTO TAM Guide Volume III.
TAM Webinar 30: FHWA Forum on Priority TAMP Requirements | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis FHWA Forum on Priority TAMP Requirements is a special installment of the TAM webinar series. As states are preparing their Initial TAMPs for the April 30, 2018 deadline, this unique forum was requested at the AASHTO TAM Subcommittee meeting during the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting.
TAM Webinar 29: Process Improvements | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis is the fourth in a four-part TAM webinar miniseries, Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan, focused on understanding federal requirements that guide TAMP development. This webinar addresses Process Improvements. Previous webinars addressed Asset Inventory, Condition, Target Setting, and Ten Year Projections; Risk Management; and Financial Plans and Investment Strategies.
TAM Webinar 28: Financial Plans and Investment Strategies | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Safety, System PerformanceThis is the third in a four-part TAM webinar miniseries, Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan, focused on understanding federal requirements that guide TAMP development. This third webinar addresses Financial Plans and Investment Strategies. Previous webinars addressed Asset Inventory, Condition, Target Setting, and Ten Year Projections; and Risk Management. The next and final webinar will address Process Improvements.
TAM Webinar 27: Risk Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, Safety, System PerformanceThis is the second in a four-part TAM webinar miniseries, Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan, focused on understanding federal requirements that guide TAMP development. This second webinar addresses Risk Management. The previous webinar addressed Asset Inventory, Condition, Target Setting, and Ten Year Projections. Subsequent webinars will address Financial Plans and Investment Strategies, and Process Improvements.
TAM Webinar 26: Asset Inventory, Condition, Target Setting, and Ten Year Projections | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceThis is the first in a four-part TAM webinar miniseries, Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan, focused on understanding federal requirements that guide TAMP development. This first webinar addresses Asset Inventory, Condition, Target Setting, and Ten Year Projections. Subsequent webinars will address Risk Management, Financial Plans and Investment Strategies, and Process Improvements.
TAM Webinar 25: TAM Communications | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyThis webinar addresses TAM Communications. Good communication both internally and externally is an important ingredient of strong TAM program. The webinar presenters share noteworthy communication techniques and examples including engaging their executive leadership and elected officials.
TAM Webinar 24: Life Cycle Planning in Transportation Asset Management Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar addresses Life Cycle Planning in Transportation Asset Management Plans. The webinar will share how agencies are considering life cycle planning in the creation of their TAMPs. This will include discussion of specific life cycle planning activities, how the development of a TAMP influenced greater focus on life cycle planning, and the impact life cycle planning has had within the agency.
TAM Webinar 23: Tradeoffs and Cross Asset Resource Allocation | VideoWebinar/Video
EconomyThis webinar addresses Tradeoffs and Cross Asset Resource Allocation. A good TAM program includes the ability to tradeoff investments in various agency programs (i.e., TAM vs Mobility). It might also include the ability to tradeoff and make cross asset resource allocation decisions (i.e., Pavement vs Bridges vs Other Assets). Many techniques and tools exist to enable these capabilities. Webinar speakers will share the experiences of agencies that have tradeoff and cross-asset resource allocation in their TAM programs.
TAM Webinar 22: TAM Data Governance and Implementation | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar addresses TAM Data Governance and Implementation. Speakers described the governance models for their TAM data, the processing of their TAM data, and how the data is used to add value to their agency's decision-making.
TAM Webinar 21: TAM Organizational Frameworks | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis webinar addressed organizational frameworks for transportation asset management. Webinar speakers described how different organizational frameworks support alignment of organizational units, systems, and data for transportation asset management. Topics covered included the importance of leadership, recruiting, retention, and staff development. Presentations highlighted strengths and limitations of specific organizational frameworks and lessons learned from implementation.
TAM Webinar 20: TAM Tools and Resources | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar will review currently available and recently released transportation asset management tools and resources. Presentations will cover a range of materials available to practitioners including: AASHTO's TAM Gap Analysis tool developed through NCHRP Project 08-90; the GIS and Asset Management Guide developed through NCHRP Project 08-87; AASHTO'S TAM Tools; and applications of asset management and risk management standards including ISO 55000 and J100-10/RAMCAP.
TAM Webinar 19: Data Acquisition, Collection, and Methods | VideoWebinar/Video
Bridge, PavementThis webinar is designed to highlight the potential to improve DOT asset management practice and operational performance through a focus on data acquisition and collection. Representatives from state DOTs will discuss their agencies' efforts in this area including new technologies for data collection and alternatives to traditional asset data collection. Data acquisition rather than collection can provide insight into noteworthy practices and strategies for success.
TAM Webinar 18: Coordinating Across Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, SafetyThis webinar explores the relationship between an agency's transportation asset management plan and its other plans, including: the long-range transportation plan, safety plan, freight plan, and more. Presentations from transportation practitioners will include practical examples of successful coordination across plans. This webinar complements and expands upon the recent AASHTO/FHWA TAM webinar addressing transportation asset management in the context of the performance-based planning process.
TAM Webinar 17: Transportation Asset Management and Risk Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, SafetyThis webinar provides an introduction to transportation asset management data needs, issues, and governance. Organized around a series of state DOT cases, the webinar is designed to highlight the potential to improve DOT asset management practice and operational performance through a focus on data and data management. Representatives from state DOTs discuss their agencies' efforts in this area, providing insight into the challenges encountered and strategies for success. State DOTs presenting include Maryland SHA, Iowa DOT, and Ohio DOT.
TAM Webinar 16: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans: Part II | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, System PerformanceThis webinar complements and expands upon the webinar first held on October 8, 2014, which provided an introduction to transportation asset management financial plans in the context of MAP-21. Representatives from US and international transportation agencies offer new perspectives on the challenges and the benefits of developing a transportation asset management financial plan. This follow-up webinar highlights agency outcomes and lessons-learned since the conclusion of the Part I webinar.
TAM Webinar 12: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, EnvironmentThis webinar provides a practical introduction to transportation asset management and financial plans in the context of MAP-21. It addresses the linkages between financial plans and asset management programs. As part of this webinar, presenters discuss the both the challenges and the benefits of developing a transportation asset management financial plan. Presentations also include consideration of relevant lessons from the experiences of international agencies that may be applicable to state DOTs.
TAM Webinar 8: Data Needs, Issues, and Governance for Improved Management of Highway Assets | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis webinar provides an introduction to transportation asset management data needs, issues, and governance. Organized around a series of state DOT cases, the webinar is designed to highlight the potential to improve DOT asset management practice and operational performance through a focus on data and data management. Representatives from state DOTs discuss their agencies' efforts in this area, providing insight into the challenges encountered and strategies for success. State DOTs presenting include Maryland SHA, Iowa DOT, and Ohio DOT.
TAM Webinar 15: Lessons Learned from Developing a Transportation Asset Management Plan | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceThis webinar provides a further update on the three FHWA pilot projects for the development of a Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Organized around the state DOT pilots, the webinar is designed to highlight the lessons learned by the three agencies, New York State DOT, Louisiana DOT, and Minnesota DOT, that piloted the development of a risk-based TAMP. It will also provide an introduction to AASHTO's TAMP Builder tool.
TAM Webinar 14: Linking TAM Guidance to the Planning Process | VideoWebinar/Video
System PerformanceThis webinar explores transportation asset management in the context of the performance-based planning process (PBPP). Presentations from transportation practitioners will focus on the relationship between TAM and PBPP, outlining the benefits agencies are achieving by tying PBPP to asset management goals and objectives, and addressing specific links between the AASHTO TAM Guide and the recently released FHWA PBPP Guide.
TAM Webinar 13: Review of TAM Resources Available to Practitioners | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar reviews currently available and recently released transportation asset management resources. Presentations cover a range of resources available to practitioners including: AASHTO's Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) Builder, TAM Portal, and TAM Implementation Guide; the new TAM Gap Analysis tool developed through NCHRP Project 08-90; and the Enterprise Risk Assessment Guide under development through NCHRP Project 08-93.
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TAM Webinar 11: Assets Not Owned by the State | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar explores the management of NHS assets not owned by the state in the context of MAP-21. Webinar speakers engage in an appraisal of the key challenges facing state DOTs, as well as strategies for success in managing the performance of these assets to meet MAP-21 requirements. Presentations address issues of data collection and management, coordination across agencies, performance measurement and reporting, and other topics.
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TAM Webinar 10: Approaches to Integrating Risk into TAM Programs and Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, SafetyThis webinar provides a number of examples that illustrate risk in the context of asset management and the development of a transportation asset management plan (TAMP). It emphasizes risks related to the performance of the system, as reflected in MAP-21. The webinar features discussion of how projects that have been developed to mitigate risk may be programmed into STIPs and annual programs. Speakers from state DOTs and other organizations also address topics including risks related to geotechnical assets, risk registers, and more.
TAM Webinar 9: Developing Transportation Asset Management Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, System PerformanceThis webinar provides an update on the three FHWA pilot projects for the development of a Risk-Based Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). It also provides an introduction to a TAMP Builder tool that is being built for AASHTO to enable state DOTs to more easily develop a TAMP. Organized around the state DOT pilots, the webinar is designed to highlight the lessons learned and provide insights into the development of a risk-based TAMP.
TAM Webinar 7: Asset Management and Adaptation to Climate Change and Extreme Weather | VideoWebinar/Video
Economy, Environment, SafetyThis webinar explores transportation asset management in the context of climate change and extreme weather events. Adaptation to climate change and extreme weather events presents an emerging set of asset management challenges and opportunities. Cases included as part of this webinar will highlight successful adaptation strategies, tools, and approaches. Webinar speakers will frame some of the key opportunities for state DOTs and share specific lessons learned drawn from the experiences of states at the forefront of these issues.
TAM Webinar 4: Asset Management and Risk Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar addresses risk in the context of asset management and exploring exactly how State DOTs successfully integrate principles of risk management into their asset management framework. Presentations examine ways in which agencies link components of risk management and asset management in order to improve strategic and operational performance. Specific cases highlight successful approaches for developing and applying a risk-based asset management strategy.
TAM Webinar 3: Asset Management Business Models and Barriers to Implementation | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, SafetyThis webinar explores transportation asset management business models. Webinar speakers provide a frank examination of the strengths and limitations of specific AM business models, and share lessons learned in overcoming barriers to implementation. Discussion focuses on alignment and integration of organizational units, systems, and data with agencies’ asset management business models. Throughout the webinar, State DOT representatives share their own experiences—including discussion of how strong AM practices can help in building the case for needed funding.
TAM Webinar 6: Addressing Asset Preservation and Maintenance in Asset Management Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
Safety, System PerformanceThis webinar presents practical information on the place of asset preservation and maintenance within a transportation asset management plan (TAMP). A summary of the 2013 FHWA Asset Management Peer Exchange in Burlington, VT will provide an overview of DOT experiences developing, implementing, and updating a TAMP – with a focus on the role of asset preservation and maintenance. Webinar speakers offer their perspective on how a TAMP helps drive improved performance in the areas of asset preservation and maintenance.
TAM Webinar 5: Asset Management and Performance-Based Planning | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar addresses the linkage of asset management and performance-based planning in the context of MAP-21. As part of this webinar, state DOT representatives discuss their agencies’ efforts to integrate asset management and performance-based planning, addressing specific challenges, success factors, and key benefits obtained. Presentations include specific examples of how DOTs have improved strategic and operational performance by tying planning and programming decisions to asset management goals and objectives.
TAM Webinar 2: Asset Management and Performance Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Environment, SafetyThis webinar provides an overview of successful practices for integrating asset management and performance management, highlighting performance management components that are most critical in the context of an effective asset management program. Presentations include specific examples of how asset management and performance management strategies complement each other within State DOTs. Representatives from state DOTs discuss their agency's efforts to develop an AM/PM framework and use asset management strategies to improve agency performance.
TAM Webinar 1: Asset Management and Safety | VideoWebinar/Video
SafetyThe first installment of this webinar series provides an overview of successful State DOT practices in asset management and safety. A summary of the 2011 FHWA Safety and Asset Management Peer Exchange highlights effective strategies for "moving the dial" on safety through an asset management approach. Presentations provide insight into asset management and safety program implementation. Specific cases presented during this webinar include: Oregon DOT's work to build network capacity, Washington State DOT's prioritization of safety related assets, and North Dakota DOT's sign inventory and retroreflectivity program.