TAM Webinar 57: TAM Tools Miniseries 04 – Techniques

TAM Webinar 57: TAM Tools Miniseries 04 – Techniques

Many agencies have developed techniques and processes to make the most of TAM tools and advance TAM capabilities in their agencies. This webinar focused on techniques such as data visualizations, standard reports, asset data collection, consistency reporting, and TAMP implementation. Speakers include:
• Charles R. Lattimer, University of Maryland’s CATT Lab
• Matt Haubrich, Iowa DOT
• Sage Donaldson, Arizona DOT
• Joshua Lafond, New Hampshire DOT
• Michael Johnson, Caltrans

Performance Areas:
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement
Infrastructure Assets:
Bridge, Highway Assets, Other Highway Assets, Pavement
Management Processes:
Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Performance Reporting & Communication, Resource Allocation
Agency Functions:
Tools & Technology
Agency Types:
MPO, State DOT