TAM Webinar 72: Asset Performance, Monitoring & Adjustment | VideoWebinar/Video
Results from the TAM community survey identified "Asset Performance, Monitoring & Adjustment" as priority topics. This webinar focused on Chapter 4: Asset Performance and Chapter 6: Monitoring & Adjustment of the recently enhanced AASHTO Digital TAM Guide.
Featured Presentations:
- Chapter 4 Enhancements Overview - Brad Allen, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
- Corridor-Based Management of Ancillary Assets with Maintenance Management System Data - Meredith Hill, Maryland DOT and Scott Sugar, Lumenor Consulting
- Chapter 6 Enhancements Overview - Katie Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.
- Performance Model for the Federal Pavement Performance Measures - Reid Kiniry, Vermont Agency of Transportation
TAM Subcommittee: Asset Management NPRM | VideoWebinar/Video
The CBPM Asset Management Subcommittee held a special meeting to discuss and collect feedback on FHWA's recently released NPRM: Asset Management Plans; Management and Monitoring Systems
TAM Webinar 71: Strategy, Planning & Resource Allocation | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar focused on Chapter 2: Strategy and Planning and Chapter 5: Resource Allocation of the recently enhanced AASHTO Digital TAM Guide. Chapter authors provided an overview of the enhanced sections of their chapters followed by presentations from state DOT TAM leads on how they have applied strategy, planning and resource allocations.
Presentation include:
- Martin Gordon (WSP) — Overview of TAM Guide Chapter 2 enhancements
- Trisha Stefanski — Minnesota DOT TAM Strategic Action Plan
- William Robert (Spy Pond Partners) — Overview of TAM Guide Chapter 5 enhancements
- Chris Whipple – Utah DOT asset valuation development
Slides are now available: https://www.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2024/10/TAM-Webinar-71_-final_10-16-24.pdf
TAM Webinar 70: Information & Systems | VideoWebinar/Video
Results from the TAM community survey identified “Information and Systems” as a priority topic. TAM Webinar 70 featured the following presentations:
1. Topic Overview / Digital TAM Guide Chapter 7. William Duke, Spy Pond Partners
2. Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset Management. Chris Williges, HDR
3. Virginia DOT Guardrail Inspection Program Innovations. Wenling Chen & Matt Barret, Virginia DOT
4. Indiana DOT AI Project Bundling for Improved TAM Results. Louis Feagans, Indiana DOT
TAM Case Studies Miniseries Part 2 – Risk Busters: Unleashing the Power of Effective Organizational Risk Management | VideoWebinar/Video
Transportation agencies’ ability to manage their highway systems can be impacted by unexpected and unplanned events, such as revenue disruptions and natural hazards. Managing these uncertainties through risk management is an integral part of modern leadership practices and a key component to Transportation Asset Management (TAM). The FHWA initiated a project to advance the consideration of financial and organizational risks in a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Several resources were developed to illustrate strategies for managing these types of risks, including two webinars. This webinar focuses on identifying and managing organizational risks.
Featured presentations and speakers:
“Indiana DOT Case Study: Organizational Approach to Implementing Asset Management & Managing Risk,” Louis Feagans, Indiana DOT
“Minnesota DOT Case Study: Consideration of Risk in Managing Ancillary Assets,” Trisha Stefanski, Minnesota DOT
Case studies featured in this webinar:
Minnesota DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23020.pdf
Indiana DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23019.pdf
TAM Webinar 69: Organization and People | VideoWebinar/Video
The TAM Guide Chapter 3 - Organization and People states "Asset Management is not possible without people within the organization who are committed to its success. This part of the asset management framework involves establishing TAM roles, responsibilities and competencies, strengthening coordination and communication, and managing change."
This webinar featured presenters who shared their agency experiences related to TAM and change management, knowledge management, training, and capability building.
Featured Presentations:
- New Mexico DOT TAMP Knowledge Management. Virginia Stubella
- Michigan DOT TAM Program Assessment. Bradley Sharlow
- Utah DOT TAM Organization and People. Patrick Cowley and Chris Whipple
TAM Case Studies Miniseries Part 1 – Don’t Let Financial Uncertainty Derail Your TAMP: Strategies for Identifying & Managing Financial Risks | VideoWebinar/Video
Transportation agencies’ ability to manage their transportation systems can be impacted by unexpected and unplanned events, such as revenue disruptions and natural hazards. Managing these uncertainties through risk management is an integral part of modern leadership practices and a key component to Transportation Asset Management (TAM). The FHWA initiated a project to advance the consideration of financial and organizational risks in a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Several resources were developed to illustrate strategies for managing these types of risks, including two webinars. This webinar focuses on identifying and managing financial risks.
Featured presentations and speakers:
“Michigan Case Study: Asset Preservation as a Guiding Principle for Managing Financial Risks,” Lina Chapman and Bradley Sharlow, Michigan DOT
“Florida DOT Case Study: Managing Financial Risks by Monitoring Revenues, Costs, and Managing Investment Streams,” Daniel Cashin, Florida DOT
Case studies featured in this webinar:
Florida DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23018.pdf
Michigan DOT Case Study: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/pubs/hif23017.pdf
TAM Webinar 68: Equity and Transportation Asset Management | VideoWebinar/Video
This webinar provided an overview of equity in the context of transportation asset management, covered what resources exist, what resources are being developed, and shared practices of state DOTs and local agencies.
Speakers included:
- William Johnson, Colorado DOT
- Jason Smiley, City and County of Denver
- Shaker Rabban, Minnesota DOT
TAM Webinar 67: How Pavement and Bridge Conditions Affect Transportation System Performance | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 67 featured speakers discussing how pavement and bridge conditions can contribute to system performance areas, such as highway safety, freight mobility, or reliability— based on work completed for FHWA Office of Operations conducted by Iowa State University, Gordon Proctor & Associates, and Starisis Corporation. The webinar also addressed how attributes such as pavement shoulders, pavement friction, or bridge conditions contribute to highway safety, freight movement, noise reduction, and transportation system resilience.
Webinar Resources:
Applying Transportation Asset Management to Traffic Signals: A Primer, January 2022
- Applying Transportation Asset Management to Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Primer, January 2022
- Asset Management for Operations, FHWA
- How Pavement and Bridge Conditions Affect Transportation System Performance, October 2023
TAM Webinar 66: Beyond Pavements and Bridges | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 66 featured speakers from state DOTs sharing their experiences with adding transportation assets other than pavements and bridges into their TAM programs (culverts, lighting, traffic signals, guardrails, and sign structures are some examples). The end of the webinar features a robust Q&A where speakers fielded questions about their presentations and the process of incorporating a wide variety of assets into their agencies' TAMP and TAM programs more broadly.
- Stephanie Shippee, Connecticut DOT
- Kellie Thom, Minnesota DOT
- Michael Johnson, California DOT
- Ning Li, Virginia DOT
- Toby Manthey and Hope Wright, Colorado DOT
We heard from the following speakers:
- MnDOT's TAMS-HydInfra
- Washington State Ferry Terminal Inspection Manual
- TAM Survey - closing Friday 12/22/23. We want your input!
Resource shared in the Zoom Chat:
TAM Webinar 65: Communicating Transportation Asset Management | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM Webinar 65 featured speakers from four state DOTs who highlighted what their states are doing to communicate Transportation Asset Management (TAM) effectively to various audiences.
Resources mentioned in the webinar:
TAM Webinar 64: Highlights from the TRB TAM Conference | VideoWebinar/Video
In this webinar, Matt Haubrich and Tashia Clemmons gave the AASHTO and FHWA welcome and introductions. We heard from the following speakers about their featured topics:
Laura Zale, Conference Chair — Conference Summary
Mike Johnson, Peer Exchange Lead — TAM Peer Exchange Highlights
William Johnson, Conference Planning Committee — Infrastructure and Risk/Resilience Innovation
Matt Hardy, Spy Pond Partners — Organizations and People Innovations
The webinar is punctuated by a discussion about next steps from the conference and feedback about how the conference went generally.
NOTE: If you are looking for session material from the conference, you can find the detailed program at the following link:
- Detailed Conference Program
- Use the tabs to navigate between days of the conference.
- Click "View Session" to see the materials associated with the session you're interested in.
- Please note that some sessions do not have materials.
Advancing Asset Management at INDOT - Louis Feagans | VideoWebinar/Video
Louis Feagans, the Managing Director of System Performance and Transportation Policy at Indiana DOT, gives an overview of the most effective ways INDOT is advancing its TAM practice.
Projection Selection for State of Good Repair - Alaska DOT | VideoWebinar/Video
Andrew Pavey with Pavement Management at Alaska DOT gives his presentation on project selection for SOGR.
Pavement and Bridge Dashboard — MNDOT Shaker Rabban 2023 TAM Peer Exchange | VideoWebinar/Video
Shaker Rabban with the Minnesota DOT gives his presentation on their Pavement and Bridge Dashboard.