FHWA TAM Expert Task Group
FHWA formed a Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group (TAMETG) in 2012 to identify outreach activities and other initiatives that would further increase the awareness of asset management among state highway agencies and advance the implementation and use of asset management principles. The TAMETG members have developed a number of products in support of asset management such a strategic plan framework, an introductory video to asset management practice, white papers, case studies, and power point presentations.
About the TAM ETG
The Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group was formed in order to:
- Outline a framework for financially sustainable infrastructure and service delivery that clarifies connections between asset management, stewardship, risk management, performance management, and long-term financial planning;
- Identify strategies for advancing asset management practice and influencing change within state DOTs and partnering with transportation agencies by addressing gaps in the framework, roles and responsibilities, drivers, tools, and/or workforce skills;
- Provide input to FHWA, AASHTO, and TRB regarding direction, definitions, processes, tools, and templates associated with implementation of state and local transportation asset management plans;
- Develop and implement a plan for communicating the work of the TAM ETG to the transportation community.
As an Expert Task Group, the TAMETG is organized by FHWA. Membership on the TAMETG is established through an invitation process facilitated by FHWA’s Office of Infrastructure. Members are State DOT employees who are national leaders in the area of asset management. The TAMETG also include liaisons from Federal agencies or other organizations, who participate in all TAMETG activities. Current liaisons represent the Transportation Research Board, the Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations. The TAMETG meets approximately twice per year and frequently invites guest speakers. Meetings may, but are not always, open to participation from others. To stay informed on upcoming TAMETG meetings, and opportunities to participate, check the TAM Portal Events webpage.
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