TAM ETG Webinar 4: Network Life Cycle Analysis Part 2 – Case Studies
This webinar builds on the previous webinars by providing an opportunity for transportation agencies to share their experiences with conducting network-level life cycle analysis, including how the results of the analysis have influenced their investment strategies.
The slides for this presentation are available for each part: introduction, Michigan DOT, Ohio DOT, and Seattle DOT
Performance Areas:
Asset Management
Featured in the Following Resource Set(s):
TAM ETG Webinars | Resource Set
TAM ETG Webinar 6: Integrating Asset Management Plans Into Agency Processes | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 1: Target Setting in Asset Management Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 3: Network Life Cycle Analysis Part 1 | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 2: TAM 101 for MPOs | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 4: Network Life Cycle Analysis Part 2 – Case Studies | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 5: Optimization and Cross-Asset Allocation | VideoWebinar/Video