TAM ETG Webinar 6: Integrating Asset Management Plans Into Agency Processes
While the integration of transportation asset management has grown in recent decades, more transportation agencies are adopting TAM practices following the passage of the MAP-21 legislation. This presentation explores some of the challenges of TAM adoption including system integration and the communication of results.
Performance Areas:
Asset Management
Management Processes:
Performance Based Planning & Programming
Featured in the Following Resource Set(s):
TAM ETG Webinars | Resource Set
TAM ETG Webinar 6: Integrating Asset Management Plans Into Agency Processes | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 1: Target Setting in Asset Management Plans | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 3: Network Life Cycle Analysis Part 1 | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 2: TAM 101 for MPOs | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 4: Network Life Cycle Analysis Part 2 – Case Studies | VideoWebinar/Video
TAM ETG Webinar 5: Optimization and Cross-Asset Allocation | VideoWebinar/Video