California Transportation Plan 2040

California Transportation Plan 2040

The CTP 2040 provides a common vision, and a set of supporting goals, policies, and recommendations to guide future transportation related decisions and investments to achieve a fully integrated, sustainable, multimodal transportation system that provides for the safe and efficient flow of people, goods, and services throughout California. The CTP 2040 is a product of an open and collaborative approach with the State's transportation partners and stakeholders, and is the result of an extensive, multi-faceted public engagement process that responds to federal and State laws and regulations that emphasize public engagement.

LRTP Performance Measures:
  • Fatality and Serious Injury
  • Pavement and Bridge Condition
  • Bicycles and Pedestrians
  • Freight and Intermodal

Resource Types: Plan

Publication Year:

External Link

Related Sites
TPM Portal