Best Practices of Linking Required Planning/Performance Documents/Processes

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Anna Batista

High Street Consulting Group

240.252.5111 x106

Meredith Hill

Maryland SHA

[email protected]

Jeff Neal


[email protected]

Adi Smadi

The University of Kansas

[email protected]


Best Practices of Linking Required Planning/Performance Documents/Processes



Research Period

6-12 months


Please provide a brief description of the project.

Literature Search Summary

• NCHRP 08-113 Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk, and Asset Management Practices
• NCHRP 02-27: Making Targets Matter….engagement for meaningful performance management
• A Guide for Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan
• Incorporating Resilience Considerations in Transportation Planning, TSMO and Asset Management
• Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance Targets
• Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Practices. Topic 51-05. Collaborative Practices for Performance-Based Asset Management Between State DOTs and MPOs
• FHWA review of 2019 State DOT Transportation Asset Management Plans (internal)


The objective of this synthesis is to identify best practices from State DOTs of how to improve processes through required performance-based planning and programming document development and implementation through exploring:
• How State DOTs and MPOs are linking and including asset management decisions in their traditional planning processes;
• How agency’s integrate asset management project identification and prioritization into required planning processes;
• Gap analyses of where State DOTs and MPOs identify a need for more guidance on how to connect required performance-based documents to programming decisions;
• What management systems are in use to help agencies implement risk-based asset management with performance objectives and targets.
• Examples of where MPOs work in partnership with State DOTs to mobilize National Highway System partner owners (local agencies) to plan/program to performance targets.

Urgency and Potential Benefits

Benefits of this research include improved coordination between state DOTs, MPOs, and local transportation agencies through the development of performance-based planning and programming documents and implementation of PBPP project prioritization. Benefits may include improved sharing of data, efficient use of existing systems and identification of needed systems, and risk-based asset management of the system.

Implementation Considerations

Please provide implementation considerations for the project.


Anna Batista

High Street Consulting Group

240.252.5111 x106

Meredith Hill

Maryland SHA

[email protected]

Jeff Neal


[email protected]

Adi Smadi

The University of Kansas

[email protected]


Others Supporting Problem Statement

Please add at least one supporting organization.

Potential Panel Members

Please add at least one potential panel member.

Person Submitting Statement

Jeff Neal
North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
[email protected]
: 817.608.2345


Question whether this topic should wait until the results of NCHRP Project 08-113 Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk, and Asset Management Practices are released. They are covering similar topics, though the current research statement seems to be more focused on the federal TAMP/ TPM while 08-113 is about AM/ Perf Mgmt more generally


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