Developing a Robust Education, Training and Workforce Development Program for TPM and TAM
Research Period
15 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Better define the needs for education, training and workforce development related to transportation asset management and transportation performance management. Develop resources as needed for the following sub-areas:
Education—Writing curriculum for undergraduate and graduate courses
Training—For DOT and MPO staff in-depth career training, NHI, etc.
Workforce Development—e.g., TC3
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
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Person Submitting Statement
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No more than 15 months to complete the scoping study.
Additional time needed to establish the project with NCHRP.
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