EM – Better understanding of non-auto travel demands (combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate)

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Margie Ray

Virginia DOT

[email protected]

Kelly Travelbee

Michigan DOT

[email protected]

EM - Better Understanding of Non-Auto Travel Demands


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i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable.

(combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate. from symposium 1:

Research that combines the following two ideas:
Better understanding of non-auto travel demands. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable. This will require more detailed and targeted travel surveys, and case studies which measure the travel changes that result from non-auto improvements and incentives.
Omissions and biases in the planning process. A number of studies indicate that current planning tends to overinvest in automobile facilities and underinvest in non-auto improvements, TDM programs and Smart Growth development policies compared with what is fair and efficient. Some of these reflect the previous-describe omissions and others result from funding biases that make it much easier for public agencies to invest in highways and mandate off-street parking than to improve other modes. We need research that identifies these biases and provides a roadmap for more efficient and equitable transportation planning.)

Urgency and Potential Benefits

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Implementation Considerations

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Margie Ray

Virginia DOT

[email protected]

Kelly Travelbee

Michigan DOT

[email protected]

Others Supporting Problem Statement

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Potential Panel Members

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