SMET – Determine the role of data to ensure equitable deployments of AVs and shared mobility within communities.

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Alex Finch

Connecticut DOT

[email protected]

SMET - Determine the role of data to ensure equitable deployments of AVs and shared mobility within communities.


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Research Period

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Create a best practices guide for using data to inform equitable deployments of AVs and shared mobility.

Literature Search Summary

Please provide a literature summary for the project.


  • Identify the best locations for AV deployment which would deliver equity for all communities
  • Understand the elements of equity surrounding AV and shared mobility deployment

Urgency and Potential Benefits

Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.

Implementation Considerations

Please provide implementation considerations for the project.


Alex Finch

Connecticut DOT

[email protected]

Others Supporting Problem Statement

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Potential Panel Members

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Person Submitting Statement

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