TAM – Integrating the culture change of TAM into organizations

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AASHTO Representative TBD


TAM - Integrating the culture change of TAM into organizations


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i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency's TAM strategy. How to build the bench?
ii. look at agencies where AM is integrated in the business processes as examples. Policies, documents, etc. org structure
iii. how to plan for management to come?

Urgency and Potential Benefits

The greatest challenge we have is changing the culture, which is something we don't do very well as engineers and planners. Is there a way to outline the process to change the culture of the organizations with regards to implementing TAM. Talk to states that have done it— what worked and didn't work? States that need culture changed are least likely to read a report on this.

Implementation Considerations

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AASHTO Representative TBD


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