State DOT CEO Leadership Forum- Spring/Summer 2009 Pilot Study of State Driven Performance Based Management Reporting
In June 2000, TRB sponsored a workshop for state DOT CEOs to provide a forum for peer-to-peer discussion of experience in managing internal and external change. Transportation Research Circular 501, Strategic Management Research Needs for State Departments of Transportation (December 2000), documented the activity. Many CEOs who attended the workshop subsequently commented on the positive experience they had, being able to learn about national trends and exchange ideas with their peers on changes affecting and being initiated in their organizations. Consequently, other NCHRP projects have enabled similar exchanges in more recent years: a second workshop in May, 2003 (NCHRP Project 20-24(29)), a research riew on CEO Engagement Options initiated in 2004, and the State DOT Leadership Forum—2006 (NCHRP Project 20-24(51)).
The 2009 forum built on several recent NCHRP projects in the 20-24 series that have developed guiding principles for establishing comparative performance measures and case-study examples of willing DOTs working together to establish such measures in key strategic management areas relevant to many DOTs. These measures are used for identifying best management practices and lessons learned that may then be shared among all agencies. In 2007, AASHTO’s Performance Based Highway Program Task Force presented to the Congressionally-mandated National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission examples of performance management to indicate how state DOTs can refine current performance-based management approaches to support an effective nationwide program in preparation for the next transportation funding reauthorization. Performance-based program management was the topic focus of the 2009 DOT CEO Management Forum.
The objective of this research project was to plan, organize, and hold a DOT CEO Management Forum in 2009. The forum followed the model represented by earlier forums, entailing an initial review of literature, current research, and recent state DOT experience on performance-based program management and a survey DOT CEO’s on the major issues and concerns surrounding this topic and its relationship to legislative program and policy development and management, particularly as applicable to federal-aid programs. A white paper was prepared to inform and stimulate discussion among forum participants, focused particularly on practical experience with performance-based program management and issues agencies face in adopting this approach. The forum was held at the University of Minnesota in Spring 2009.
Resource Types: Research Report
Capabilities: Communication, Organization & People
Management Processes: Strategic Direction