ADA Compliance at Transportation Agencies
Transportation agencies nationwide must comply with provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To assess ADA compliance, agencies need to develop a comprehensive inventory of pedestrian facilities, identify non-compliant locations, and develop a program for remedial repairs in order to bring facilities into compliance. The purpose of NCHRP Project 20- 07, Task 249, Asset Management Approaches to ADA Compliance, was to gather information and develop a synthesis of practices, including best practices, on the various approaches transportation agencies use to address ADA compliance issues. The synthesis covered three main topics: asset data inventory, asset condition assessment, and programming of asset improvements. To make the project manageable, the focus was on pedestrian infrastructure on the public right-of-way, including elements such as sidewalks, curb ramps, pedestrian crossings, and obstructions. The analysis did not include buildings, facilities, or transit infrastructure. The synthesis also included the compilation of an extensive listing of asset inventory and condition data elements. The listing is intended as a preliminary menu that agencies could use as a foundation for the development of inventory programs that meet individual agency needs.
Resource Types: Research Report
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication