Asset Management and Safety Peer Exchange – Beyond Pavement and Bridges: Transportation Asset Management with a Focus on Safety

Asset Management and Safety Peer Exchange - Beyond Pavement and Bridges: Transportation Asset Management with a Focus on Safety

"This report summarizes the proceedings of the Asset Management and Safety Peer Exchange hosted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The peer exchange was held in Cheyenne, WY on August 2, 2011.
The peer exchange addressed various aspects of asset management and safety – How can one improve safety performance through better asset management? What are effective ways to manage safety assets? How do agencies plan, prioritize, and budget safety asset needs? Managers from state DOTs and FHWA gathered to dialogue on best practices, challenges, and sharing of experiences."

Capabilities: Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Resource Allocation, Risk Management

Federal Highway Administration

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