Developing TAMP Financial Plans – Final Guidance

Developing TAMP Financial Plans: Final Guidance

This document explains how State DOTs can develop financial planning processes to support development of their 10-year transportation asset management plans (TAMPs). The FHWA defines a TAMP financial plan as “a long- term plan spanning 10 years or longer, presenting a State DOT’s estimates of projected available financial resources and predicted expenditures in major asset categories that can be used to achieve State DOT targets for asset condition during the plan period, and highlighting how resources are expected to be allocated based on asset strategies, needs, shortfalls, and agency policies.”1 The TAMP financial plan describes the financial environment in which the agency expects to operate on an annual basis over the full time period covered by the TAMP.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Guide/Manual
Management Processes: Resource Allocation


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TAM Portal