District of Columbia DOT TAMP 2022

District of Columbia DOT TAMP 2022

This 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) provides updates to the Transportation Asset Management Plan certified by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in August 2019. This 2022 TAMP includes NHS pavements and bridges, DDOT‐maintained non‐NHS pavements (i.e., local roads and federal‐aid roads), non‐NHS bridges (including pedestrian bridges), tunnels, alleys, and sidewalks. While DDOT has attempted to develop a comprehensive TAMP including other assets, the analysis in this TAMP has been limited to assets which have sufficient data and information. As such, additional assets beyond the NHS pavement and bridges are not to be considered part of the TAMP recertification process.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Resource Allocation, Risk Management

District DOT

Publication Year:


Related Sites
TAM Portal