Managing Pavements and Monitoring Performance: Best Practices in Australia, Europe, and New Zealand

Managing Pavements and Monitoring Performance: Best Practices in Australia, Europe, and New Zealand

U.S. transportation agencies have seen the gap between available resources and investment needs widen while demand on infrastructure and pressure to preserve asset conditions have increased. The Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program sponsored a scanning study of Australia, Europe, and New Zealand to learn how international agencies have improved pavement management while facing decreased revenues, deteriorating conditions, and increased demand for transportation services. The scan team found that in the agencies it studied, pavement management is integrated into an asset management culture that supports agency business processes and long-term financial responsibilities. The team also observed that agencies help officials be better stewards of transportation assets and that they focus on outcomes and operate as service providers. Team recommendations for U.S. implementation include developing guidelines for asset management plans and long-term financial plans as the foundation for sound investment, improving accountability through the use of program assessments, and introducing the service-oriented approach observed in the international agencies.

Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Research Report
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication


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