Minnesota Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

Minnesota Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

This long range plan describes Minnesota's goals for multimodal transportation through 2036. Based on the family of plans under the umbrella of Minnesota GO, the state's vision for transportation, the long range plan presents a unified approach to transportation management. Throughout the development of the long range plan, Minnesota DOT relies on a series of national, state and local partners as well as public engagement. It closes with recommended policies, strategies, and a detailed work plan.

LRTP Performance Measures:
  • Fatality and Serious Injury
  • Pavement and Bridge Condition
  • Emissions
  • Transit Asset Management
  • Transit Ridership Performance
  • Job Accessibility
  • Agency Operations and Jobs
  • Aviation
  • Public Survey

Resource Types: Plan

Publication Year:

External Link

Related Sites
TPM Portal