One Nevada Transportation Plan

One Nevada Transportation Plan

The Nevada long range plan establishes a framework for making informed decisions around transportation investment for Nevada's metropolitan planning organizations, regional transportation commissions, local governments, modal transportation providers, and NDOT. It supports six goal areas which include enhancing safety, preserving infrastructure, optimizing mobility, transforming economies, fostering sustainability, and connecting communities. This plan was first published in 2018 and received minor updates in 2020 to reflect the wishes of the new administration.

LRTP Performance Measures:
  • Fatality and Serious Injury
  • Pavement and Bridge Condition
  • Reliability
  • Delay and Congestion
  • non-SOV
  • Distance and Time (veh-miles, veh-hrs, travel time)
  • Construction and Project Management

Resource Types: Plan

Publication Year:

External Link

Related Sites
TPM Portal