New National Guidance for Highway Asset Management in the United Kingdom
Over the last decade the majority of the 250 highway authorities in the United Kingdom have developed highway asset management plans. The CSS Framework Guidance on Highway Asset Management (HAM) published in 2004 provided a real stimulus to help Local Highway Authorities (LHAs) get started. The recently published report by the English Government’s Audit Commission ‘Going the Distance’, further emphasized the economic benefits of applying comprehensive asset management to road infrastructure but also identified there was a very mixed economy in the take up the LHAs in adopting a comprehensive approach to applying HAM. The English Government’s Highway Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) was established in 2011. A total of £6 million of funds have been allocated to develop a comprehensive and long term efficiency program aimed at supporting English LHAs up to 2018. Over the coming years, HMEP will provide practical and adaptable efficiency solutions. Recognizing the importance of raising the bar in HAM in the UK, HMEP is supporting asset management projects: 1) new documentation for Highway Infrastructure Asset Management (HAM); 2) a toolkit for HAM life cycling planning; 3) standard deterioration model; and 4) guidance on the most cost-effective approach to maintaining drainage assets. All the products are currently under development and are scheduled to be completed in Autumn 2012.
Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Drainage, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Article