Performance-Measure Based Asset Management Tool for Rural Freight Mobility in the Pacific Northwest
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) establishes national objectives to increase productivity and economic efficiency of the nation's freight infrastructure. The recent passage of MAP-21 has placed an emphasis on integrating asset and performance management tools to help transportation agencies better manage the critical transportation infrastructure. Infrastructure performance management expands the more traditional definition of Asset Management to include measurement and reporting of how those assets achieve their targeted operational objectives. While congestion and bottlenecks in urbanized areas readily, and deservedly, catch the attention of policy makers, many miles of multimodal transportation occur prior to freight trips arriving in (or accrue after leaving) urban areas. These miles and the ability to efficiently navigate them directly impact the productivity of the region's diverse transportation system. This project identifies and seeks to remedy performance measure gaps and freight mobility issues as they relate to identifying the appropriate infrastructure capacity to meet demand for both domestic and international economic competitiveness.
Resource Types: Research Report
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Target Setting