Performance Measures for State Infrastructure Preservation (NCHRP 08-36 Task 118)

Performance Measures for State Infrastructure Preservation (NCHRP 08-36 Task 118)

This Report, from NCHRP 08-36/Task 118, is on Performance Measures for State Infrastructure Preservation. It provides a roadmap with some guidance on the highest priorities for agencies to successfully apply performance-based preservation programming. The roadmap is broken into three tiers. Every transportation agency has a different level of maturity in data collection and analysis, asset management, performance management, target setting, and other activities which support performance-based preservation programming. The tiers are intended to provide guidance to those agencies with limited maturity, those with moderate maturity, and those with significant maturity in performance-based preservation programming.

Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets
Resource Types: Guide/Manual, Research Report
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Reporting & Communication, Target Setting


Publication Year:

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