2045 Puerto Rico Long Range Multimodal Transportation Plan

2045 Puerto Rico Long Range Multimodal Transportation Plan

This plan takes a deep-dive into the current situation of the transportation system, with specialized studies investigating the lasting impact of Hurricane Maria. Then it outlines the territory's goals: system performance, environmentally sustainable development, mobility and access for people and goods, and economic vitality. Following that, it describes the planning process including public involvement and model development, and it presents the funding needs and sources. The central plan includes analysis of several scenarios. It concludes with policy guidelines for different segments of the transportation system.

LRTP Performance Measures:
  • Delay and Congestion
  • Distance and Time (veh-miles, veh-hrs, travel time)
  • Transit Asset Management
  • Transit Ridership Performance
  • Job Accessibility

Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming

Publication Year:

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Related Sites
TPM Portal