Rhode Island DOT TAMP 2019

Rhode Island DOT TAMP 2019

The Rhode Island DOT TAMP fulfills and exceeds the minimum statutory requirements laid out in MAP-21, providing detailed information about all of the assets owned, operated, and maintained by Rhode Island DOT. While the required assessments of NHS pavement and bridge assets are included at the forefront of the document, Rhode Island DOT evaluated all of its assets in an effort to establish a comprehensive asset management strategy that prioritizes efficient data use and effective communication across divisions to pursue, achieve, and maintain a state of good repair for all Rhode Island DOT assets across the state. The TAMP provides performance gap analyses, investment strategies, and future plans to serve as a blueprint for progress over the next several years and to provide a foundation upon which Rhode Island DOT can continue to build, grow, and improve.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Drainage, Highway Assets, Other Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication, Resource Allocation, Risk Management

Rhode Island DOT

Publication Year:


Related Sites
TAM Portal