Timeline: Iowa DOT Performance Management Implementation

Timeline: Performance Management Implementation

This timeline, developed by Iowa DOT, presents information on the implementation of MAP-21/FAST Act performance measures and performance-based planning. The left portion of page 1 shows key dates for several rulemakings: safety (green); pavements, bridges, system performance, and freight (blue), transit asset management (purple), and transportation asset management (orange). Additional information includes dates for target setting, reporting, evaluation, and potential penalty periods if the State doesn’t meet targets or specific requirements. Note that CMAQ measures are not included, as Iowa does not have non-attainment/maintenance areas and those measures do not apply. The right portion of page 1 is broken into the same categories, and lists the required performance measures and relevant information about how States will be reviewed and what penalties may apply for not meeting targets or specific requirements, such as minimum pavement and bridge conditions.
The second page is a condensed summary of the CFR sections that deal with establishing and reporting targets and assessing a State’s progress, as well as a summary of asset management plan requirements.
If you wish to print a copy of the timeline, note that it is designed to be printed on a single double-sided 11x17 inch page.

Resource Types: Marketing/Communications, Research Report
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Target Setting

Iowa DOT

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TPM Portal