Transportation Matters: Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan 2040
The Colorado 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan includes goals and objectives to enhance safety, mobility, maintenance and economic vitality in the State's transportation system, reflecting public stakeholder input. Factors considered are: the character of Colorado’s multi-modal transportation system, transportation system needs, expected revenue, current funding gap, and overall investment strategies. The Colorado document integrates information from 15 Regional Transportation Plans, and transit, bike/ped, aviation, freight, asset management, operations, and safety plans.
Recorded in the Executive Summary of Colorado's 2040 plan. The complete plan document is currently not accessible.
LRTP Performance Measures:
- Fatality and Serious Injury
- Pavement and Bridge Condition
- Transit Asset Management
- Transit Ridership Performance
- Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Freight and Intermodal
- Aviation
Resource Types: Plan