Use of Vehicle Probe and Cellular GPS Data by State Departments of Transportation (NCHRP Synthesis 561)

Use of Vehicle Probe and Cellular GPS Data by State Departments of Transportation (NCHRP Synthesis 561)

This NCHRP Synthesis report presents nineteen case examples from a range of different agencies exploring the application of vehicle probe and cellular GPS data in transportation applications. Commonly used for planning, monitoring, and real-time information, these new technologies have many barriers and benefits which are covered in this research document.

The synthesis report is divided into three sections. First is a literature review over the history, technology, and use of probe and cellular GPS data. In the second section, the literature results are combined with the expertise of panel members and a survey distributed to 51 DOTs. The final section contains the findings of follow-up interviews with selected agencies and documents specific case studies.

Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets, ITS
Resource Types: Case Study/Practice Example, Research Report
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology


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Project Number:
NCHRP Synthesis 561

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