Uses of Geospatial Applications for Transportation Performance Management
This report examines how a number of state DOTs have used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications to fulfill MAP-21 requirements as part of their TPM programs and efforts, and was developed in response to the requests of participants at an FHWA-sponsored peer exchange on the same topic, held June 30-July 2, 2015 in Spokane, WA. Researchers from the Federal Highway Administration and the Volpe Center studied how state DOTs in South Carolina, Ohio, Vermont, and Maryland used GIS tools in their organizations, and presented a number of findings across departments. The report supports geographic information system (GIS) practitioners and decision-makers by identifying examples of noteworthy practices, considering the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches in using GIS solutions for TPM and related efforts, and determining how to best use GIS to communicate the impacts of performance-based operations and planning at the State DOT level.
Resource Types: Research Report
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming