Wisconsin DOT TAMP 2019

Wisconsin DOT TAMP 2019

The Wisconsin TAMP describes the rigorous, data-based, asset management processes which oversee Wisconsin's State Trunk Highway (STH) system, including the state's portion of the National Highway System. The TAMP prioritizes safety and condition maintenance in each of the metrics and strategies described.

The TAMP outlines the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's (WisDOT’s) pursuit over the next ten years (to 2029) to keep the National Highway System safe, efficient and in a state of good repair. The robust asset management principles detailed in the TAMP meet federal requirements 23 USC Section 119 and 23 CFR Part 515.

The TAMP was based on the Governor’s proposed 2019-2021 budget, using revenue assumptions available to WisDOT at the time of the TAMP submittal.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication, Resource Allocation, Risk Management

Wisconsin DOT

Publication Year:


Related Sites
TAM Portal