2022 California TAMP – Draft for Public Comment
This 2022 California TAMP is a Draft for Public Comment. The California TAMP describes the vision for how good asset management will help to deliver broad transportation goals and fundamental objectives supported by information on current asset conditions, the desired conditions in the future, and the likely conditions given future funding scenarios.The TAMP is also a key requirement of California law and of Federal regulations. California law (Senate Bill 486) requires Caltrans to develop an asset management plan for the State Highway System, as determined by the California Transportation Commission. Federal regulations (23 CFR 515) require an asset management plan for pavements and bridges on the National Highway System, including those owned by Caltrans and other federal, state and local agencies. This document is intended to meet both sets of requirements.
Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Drainage, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Capabilities: Communication
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Reporting & Communication, Risk Management