6th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, November 1-3, 2005, Kansas City, Missouri

6th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, November 1-3, 2005, Kansas City, Missouri

The theme of the 6th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management was Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization. Sessions were tailored to the varied needs of the participants, with presentations oriented for individuals just getting started in asset management, for individuals who have had some experience with the concepts but want to learn more, and for experienced users who want to enhance their current capabilities. In addition, several sessions were organized to address the special needs of large, complex organizations, small organizations, and transit and rail issues. Other sessions covered asset management applications in varied transportation agencies, establishing and using performance measures, analytical issues in asset management, data collection for asset management, and best practices in transportation asset management. This circular summarizes the contents of the conference sessions and presentations. The moderator for each session prepared a summary of his or her session as well as summaries of the individual topics included in the session. The intent of this circular is to provide a record and reference of the conference topics so that future deliberations and conferences can build on these efforts.

Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Presentation
Capabilities: Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology

Transportation Research Board

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Transportation Research E-Circular Issue Number: E-C093

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