CPBM TAM Subcommittee TAM Strategic Action Plan

AASHTO CPBM TAM Subcommittee – TAM Strategic Action Plan

This TAM Strategic Action Plan establishes a common agenda for advancing TAM knowledge and practice for the American Association of Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Performance- Based Management (CPBM) Subcommittee on Asset Management, in coordination with the Subcommittee’s partners and stakeholders.

A 2019 TAM Strategic Planning Workshop, held on October 17-18, 2019 in Irvine, California, provided the foundation for the AASHTO CPBM TAM Subcommittee – TAM Strategic Action Plan. With over 45 attendees representing more than 35 organizations, the discussions brought together many voices and perspectives to identify, define, and prioritize the specific opportunities for TAM advancements that will deliver real value to transportation agencies.

A full research report is available at: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/Onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-123-01FinalReport.pdf.

Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets
Resource Types: Flyer/Handout, Plan
Capabilities: Organization & People
Management Processes: Strategic Direction


Publication Year:

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Related Sites
TPM Portal
TAM Portal
ERM Portal