Nevada DOT TAMP 2022
In addition to satisfying a federal requirement, this TAMP serves as an important communication and accountability tool that will guide NDOT’s investments in pavement, bridge, and ITS preservation over 10 years. The TAMP summarizes the pavement, bridge, and ITS assets that NDOT maintains, providing information about the asset inventory and condition. In addition, the document describes the performance metrics that are used to monitor the performance of these assets. Using life cycle planning, the TAMP illustrates the cost-effectiveness of timely preservation activities and the costly consequences if these activities are deferred. In addition to costs, the TAMP considers the potential risks that NDOT faces while managing assets that continue to age and deteriorate in an unpredictable environment.
Infrastructure Assets: Highway Assets
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming, Resource Allocation, Risk Management