North Dakota DOT TAMP 2022
This document is NDDOT’s federally required Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), developed under the requirements of 23 CFR 515. This TAMP addresses two asset classes, pavements and highway bridges. It further describes the transportation system managed by the NDDOT, the method of managing transportation assets throughout their life cycles, the financial constraints in managing the system, and the processes for managing risk related to the transportation system and services. While federal regulations only require the TAMP to cover the National Highway System (NHS) pavements and bridges, NDDOT has chosen to manage all of its pavements and bridges using the asset management principles documented in this TAMP. The TAMP is developed and managed by NDDOT’s Division of Planning and Asset Management and is updated every four years.
Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Risk Management, Target Setting