Wisconsin DOT TAMP 2023

Wisconsin DOT TAMP 2023

This Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), required by 23 U.S.C. 119(e)(1), outlines the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT’s) efforts to keep Wisconsin’s portion of the National Highway System (NHS) safe, efficient, resilient and in a state of good repair at minimal practicable cost. The TAMP is the result of applying robust asset management principles over an analysis period extending from 2023 through 2032. It is an operational document that focuses its analysis, options development, programs, delivery mechanisms, and reporting mechanisms on ensuring that strategic objectives are achieved over time.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Performance Based Planning & Programming, Resource Allocation, Risk Management, Strategic Direction, Target Setting

Wisconsin DOT

Publication Year:


Related Sites
TAM Portal