Benchmarking and Comparative Measurement for Effective Performance Management by Transportation Agencies (NCHRP Report 902)

Resource Set: Benchmarking and Comparative Measurement for Effective Performance Management by Transportation Agencies (NCHRP Report 902)

This resource set contains the report, the benchmarking tool, and a presentation related to performance benchmarking for state DOTs.

Management Processes:
Performance Reporting & Communication

| Tool

This web-based tool provides state DOTs with resources to aid in benchmarking among one another. Agencies can compare across many different criteria and characteristics.

Publication Date: February 2019

Publisher: TRB

| Research Report

This report presents guidance and examples for selection of peer groups to ensure that benchmarking is effectively applied to enhance transportation system performance. The report includes practical guidance on how transportation agencies can undertake benchmarking to improve system performance management practices and highlights applications of the guidance in two specific components of system performance, for active (that is, non-motorized) transportation and environmental impact.

Publication Date: February 2019

Publisher: TRB

| Presentation

Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement

This presentation from the 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management summarizes "Results from NCHRP Project 20-118: effective performance management by transportation agencies— benchmarking and comparative measurement." It details the approach and provides public link to the tool used. 

Publication Date: July 2018

Publisher: TRB