Michigan DOT TAMP 2018

Michigan DOT TAMP 2018

The focus of the Initial TAMP, consistent with federal guidance, is on the Interstate and the National Highway Systems (NHS), and the national performance measures for pavements and bridges. Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges, while important from a national perspective, are just a subset of the total transportation infrastructure in Michigan. The focus of this plan is just on those assets initially required by the federal government, Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges.

This Initial TAMP describes the asset management processes by which MDOT makes its program and project decisions. It also includes inventory and condition information, a description of investment strategies, and financial and performance gap analyses based on four investment strategies outlined in federal guidance:
• Achieve the national goals: No more than 5 percent poor Interstate pavements; no more than 10 percent poor bridges.
• Preserve the condition of the pavement and bridge assets: Maintain current condition for Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges.
• Achieve and sustain a desired State of Good Repair (SOGR): SOGR aspirational goals for Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges based on MDOT’s current goals for these systems.
• Constrained Investment: Investment of the funds reasonably expected to be available for Interstate and NHS pavement and bridges.

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Plan
Management Processes: Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Resource Allocation, Risk Management, Strategic Direction

Publication Year:


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TAM Portal