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OM – Guidance on Measuring Organizational Efficiency at State Departments of Transportation
RM – Performance and Risk-Based Approaches to Manage Curb Space
RM – Application of Enterprise Risk Models to Prepare State DOTs for Future Uncertainties
EM – Improving Analysis of Demand for Non-Auto Travel
OM – What do Organizations Look Like, How to Holistically Look at Process/People/Data
OM – The Human Side of Organizational Management
EM – Access to Opportunity (would likely want further discussion on this one to see if there is an idea ready to be written up)
EM – Implementing Effective Community Resilience Performance Management
EM – Economic and social impacts of projects
EM – Better understanding of non-auto travel demands (combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate)
EM – Incorporating Equity into Programming Decisions at Departments of Transportation
ERM – Using AI, LLM, and Massive Data Sets to Understand How Travelers Use Assets During an Event
ERM – Implications of EV, CAV on Existing Infrastructure and Relationship to Roadway Assets Designed to Manage Risks and Safety
ERM – Categorization Scheme for Risk Management Strategies
CC – Create a Performance Management “Blue Book”
CC – Ways to Measure Organizational Efficiency
OM – Capturing Knowledge
CC – Attracting New Workforce to TPM, TAM, RM, etc.
OM – Changing Work Environment: How to Best Utilize New Employees, Understand Changing Employee Lifecycle
CC – Calculating Impact of Performance Decisions (PBPP)
OM – Changing Technologies and Impact on the Organization
TAM – Integrating the culture change of TAM into organizations
TAM – Guide to considering resilience and extreme weather in life-cycle planning and risk management analysis
TAM – Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience
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Literature Search Summary
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Please provide research objectives for the project.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
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Person Submitting Statement
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EM - Improving Analysis of Demand for Non-Auto Travel
Growing concerns about equity, affordability, public health, safety, congestion reduction and environmental protection support more multimodal transportation planning and transportation demand management. Many jurisdictions have goals to improve and encourage non-auto travel. One major obstacle is the inadequacy of information on non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
In any community a significant portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes for some, most, or all their trips if those modes are convenient, comfortable, and affordable. Table 1 describes these demands and the costs imposed on users and society if those demands are not served. Communities that improve and encourage non-auto travel often experience significant increases in non-auto travel, indicating latent demands (Litman and Pan 2024).
Table 1 - Types of Non-Auto Travel Demands
In a typical community, 20-40% of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable, and affordable.
Stephen Brumbaugh (2021), Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (www.bts.gov); at https://bit.ly/3exIvnQ.
In practice, transportation planners and modelers often use incomplete data sets, such as the census commute mode share or regional travel surveys, to estimate non-auto travel demands. These surveys tend to underestimate non-auto travel demands, particularly demand for active modes (walking, bicycling and their variants) by overlooking and undercounting non-commute and off-peak trips, travel by children, recreational trips, local trips (those within a traffic analysis zone), and non-motorized links of journeys that include motorized trips. For example, a bike-transit-walk commute is usually categorized as a transit trip, and the trips between a parked vehicle and a destination are generally ignored even if they involve walking many blocks on public roads. U.S. census data indicate that only about 8% of commute trips are by non-auto modes, but more comprehensive surveys such as the National Household Travel Survey indicate that about 17% of total trips are by active modes, with higher rates in urban areas and by lower-income travelers. Because census data ignore non-commute trips, travel by children, and walking or bicycling links of journeys that include motorized trips, these modes are significantly undercounted.
For transit modes, rail and fixed-guideway modes typically have customized ridership forecasting approaches, but ridership forecasting for fixed-route bus and evolving service concepts (e.g., microtransit) can be challenging, especially for rural and small- to medium-sized agencies. Such forecasting often relies on elasticities, sketch tools, and formulas that are dated (e.g., TCRP Synthesis 66, Fixed Route Transit Forecasting and Service Planning Methods, was published in 2006) or newer tools that have not been sufficiently standardized or evaluated (e.g., projections from automatic vehicle location and automatic passenger count data, or big-data tools such as StreetLight Data and Replica).
Serving latent demands for non-auto travel can provide large benefits to the travelers who use those modes, their families and communities. Transportation agencies need better estimates of demand for such travel to incorporate into long-range and scenario plans, short-range and strategic plans, and project prioritization processes.
Develop guidance for more comprehensive analysis of non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
Develop guidance for more comprehensive analysis of non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
Growing concerns about equity, affordability, public health, safety, congestion reduction and environmental protection support more multimodal transportation planning and transportation demand management. Many jurisdictions have goals to improve and encourage non-auto travel. One major obstacle is the inadequacy of information on non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
In any community a significant portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes for some, most, or all their trips if those modes are convenient, comfortable, and affordable. Table 1 describes these demands and the costs imposed on users and society if those demands are not served. Communities that improve and encourage non-auto travel often experience significant increases in non-auto travel, indicating latent demands (Litman and Pan 2024).
Table 1 - Types of Non-Auto Travel Demands
In a typical community, 20-40% of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable, and affordable.
Stephen Brumbaugh (2021), Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (www.bts.gov); at https://bit.ly/3exIvnQ.
In practice, transportation planners and modelers often use incomplete data sets, such as the census commute mode share or regional travel surveys, to estimate non-auto travel demands. These surveys tend to underestimate non-auto travel demands, particularly demand for active modes (walking, bicycling and their variants) by overlooking and undercounting non-commute and off-peak trips, travel by children, recreational trips, local trips (those within a traffic analysis zone), and non-motorized links of journeys that include motorized trips. For example, a bike-transit-walk commute is usually categorized as a transit trip, and the trips between a parked vehicle and a destination are generally ignored even if they involve walking many blocks on public roads. U.S. census data indicate that only about 8% of commute trips are by non-auto modes, but more comprehensive surveys such as the National Household Travel Survey indicate that about 17% of total trips are by active modes, with higher rates in urban areas and by lower-income travelers. Because census data ignore non-commute trips, travel by children, and walking or bicycling links of journeys that include motorized trips, these modes are significantly undercounted.
For transit modes, rail and fixed-guideway modes typically have customized ridership forecasting approaches, but ridership forecasting for fixed-route bus and evolving service concepts (e.g., microtransit) can be challenging, especially for rural and small- to medium-sized agencies. Such forecasting often relies on elasticities, sketch tools, and formulas that are dated (e.g., TCRP Synthesis 66, Fixed Route Transit Forecasting and Service Planning Methods, was published in 2006) or newer tools that have not been sufficiently standardized or evaluated (e.g., projections from automatic vehicle location and automatic passenger count data, or big-data tools such as StreetLight Data and Replica).
Serving latent demands for non-auto travel can provide large benefits to the travelers who use those modes, their families and communities. Transportation agencies need better estimates of demand for such travel to incorporate into long-range and scenario plans, short-range and strategic plans, and project prioritization processes.
Develop guidance for more comprehensive analysis of non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
Growing concerns about equity, affordability, public health, safety, congestion reduction and environmental protection support more multimodal transportation planning and transportation demand management. Many jurisdictions have goals to improve and encourage non-auto travel. One major obstacle is the inadequacy of information on non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
In any community a significant portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes for some, most, or all their trips if those modes are convenient, comfortable, and affordable. Table 1 describes these demands and the costs imposed on users and society if those demands are not served. Communities that improve and encourage non-auto travel often experience significant increases in non-auto travel, indicating latent demands (Litman and Pan 2024).
Table 1 - Types of Non-Auto Travel Demands
In a typical community, 20-40% of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable, and affordable.
Stephen Brumbaugh (2021), Travel Patterns of American Adults with Disabilities, Bureau of Transportation Statistics (www.bts.gov); at https://bit.ly/3exIvnQ.
In practice, transportation planners and modelers often use incomplete data sets, such as the census commute mode share or regional travel surveys, to estimate non-auto travel demands. These surveys tend to underestimate non-auto travel demands, particularly demand for active modes (walking, bicycling and their variants) by overlooking and undercounting non-commute and off-peak trips, travel by children, recreational trips, local trips (those within a traffic analysis zone), and non-motorized links of journeys that include motorized trips. For example, a bike-transit-walk commute is usually categorized as a transit trip, and the trips between a parked vehicle and a destination are generally ignored even if they involve walking many blocks on public roads. U.S. census data indicate that only about 8% of commute trips are by non-auto modes, but more comprehensive surveys such as the National Household Travel Survey indicate that about 17% of total trips are by active modes, with higher rates in urban areas and by lower-income travelers. Because census data ignore non-commute trips, travel by children, and walking or bicycling links of journeys that include motorized trips, these modes are significantly undercounted.
For transit modes, rail and fixed-guideway modes typically have customized ridership forecasting approaches, but ridership forecasting for fixed-route bus and evolving service concepts (e.g., microtransit) can be challenging, especially for rural and small- to medium-sized agencies. Such forecasting often relies on elasticities, sketch tools, and formulas that are dated (e.g., TCRP Synthesis 66, Fixed Route Transit Forecasting and Service Planning Methods, was published in 2006) or newer tools that have not been sufficiently standardized or evaluated (e.g., projections from automatic vehicle location and automatic passenger count data, or big-data tools such as StreetLight Data and Replica).
Serving latent demands for non-auto travel can provide large benefits to the travelers who use those modes, their families and communities. Transportation agencies need better estimates of demand for such travel to incorporate into long-range and scenario plans, short-range and strategic plans, and project prioritization processes.
Literature Search Summary
Various publications analyze some aspects of non-auto demands, such as travel activity by children and youths, people with disabilities, low-income households, zero-car households, visitors, and people who want more physical activity and fitness. Other studies examine demands for specific modes such as walking, bicycling, bike- and car-sharing, and various types of public transit. Some studies examine latent demands for non-auto travel and the benefits of serving currently unmet demands. However, few studies consider overall non-auto travel demands by all groups, total latent demands, and total benefits of serving them, and few documents provide technical guidance for performing such analysis.
As previously described, current analyses often rely on incomplete data, such as commute mode share, which undercounts non-auto trips, and often overlooks or underestimates latent demands for non-auto travel.
Below are some examples of current literature:
Evelyn Blumenberg, Anne Brown and Andrew Schouten (2020), “Car-deficit Households: Determinants and Implications for Household Travel in the U.S.” Transportation 47, pp. 1103– 1125 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-018-9956-6).
Ralph Buehler and Andrea Hamre (2015), “The Multimodal Majority? Driving, Walking, Cycling, and Public Transportation Use Among American Adults,” Transportation 42, 1081–1101 (doi.org/10.1007/s11116-014-9556-z).
Chad Frederick, William Riggs and John Hans Gilderbloom (2017), “Commute Mode Diversity and Public Health: A Multivariate Analysis of 148 US Cities,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, pp. 1–11 (https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2017.1321705).
ITF (2021), Travel Transitions: How Transport Planners and Policy Makers Can Respond to Shifting Mobility Trends, International Transport Forum (www.itf-oecd.org); at https://bit.ly/3BGJewh.
Lawson, C.T., Muro, A. & Krans, E. Forecasting bus ridership using a “Blended Approach”. Transportation (48), 617–641 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-019-10073-z
Todd Litman (2013), “The New Transportation Planning Paradigm,” ITE Journal (www.ite.org), Vol. 83, June, pp. 20-28; at www.vtpi.org/paradigm.pdf.
María del Mar Parra López, Jan Anne Annema and Bert van Wee (2022), “The Added Value of Having Multiple Options to Travel: An Explorative Study,” Journal of Transport Geography, Vo. 98 (doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103258).
WSL (2008), Adoption of Statewide Goals to Reduce Annual Per Capita Vehicle Miles Traveled by 2050, Washington State Legislature (https://apps.leg.wa.gov); at https://bit.ly/3rdP6KH.
Fang Zhao, et al. (2013), Transportation Needs of Disadvantaged Populations: Where, When, and How?, Federal Transit Administration (www.transit.dot.gov); at https://bit.ly/3QS7Ut1.
Develop guidance for more comprehensive analysis of non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
There is an urgent need to better understand non-auto travel demands, including the ability to forecast future demands and the impacts of serving those demands. This study can provide large benefits by better aligning the planning and investment decisions of state DOTs and other transportation agencies with the needs and preferences of transportation system users. Many policy makers and planning practitioners recognize that a significant portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable, and many jurisdictions have mode shift targets, but practitioners lack the data needed to achieve these goals. Current planning practices tend to overlook and undervalue non-auto travel demands, particularly latent demands, resulting in underinvestment. Improving our understanding of non-auto travel demands can make planning and investment decisions more responsive to user and community needs.
Implementation Considerations
The research would be beneficial to state DOT professionals at any level as well as transportation organization partners and stakeholders who all have a vested interest in better understanding the demand for different modes of transportation. Implementation elements include a communications plan to ensure awareness of the research and TRB, FHWA and AASHTO presentations to share the findings. Venues include workshops, peer exchanges, and committee meetings.
There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in transportation’s contribution toward equity that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) – Christos Xenophontos, Chair
Committee on Planning
Council on Active Transportation
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Equity in Transportation (AME10)
Transportation Planning Policy and Processes (AEP10)
Transportation Planning Analysis and Application (AEP15)
Public Transportation Planning and Development (AP025) – Peter Ohlms, Chair
Bicycle Transportation (ACH20)
Pedestrians (ACH10)
Communication and Implementation Period: 6 months
AASHTO requirement for interim deliverable review:
Interim deliverable(s): The results of this research are critically important to the DOTs. As such, an interim deliverable is required to be reviewed by the applicable AASHTO Committee(s). The AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management has developed and sponsored this needs statement on behalf of member DOTs. Interim deliverables could include literature reviews, surveys, interim reports, and full draft reports.
Stakeholder engagement: As part of the interim deliverable, the project team and research panel should engage DOT stakeholders for feedback during the project. Engagement could include webinars, workshops, presentations, surveys, user testing of draft tools, and interim reports and literature reviews.
EM - Improving Analysis of Demand for Non-Auto Travel
Research Period
24 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Various publications analyze some aspects of non-auto demands, such as travel activity by children and youths, people with disabilities, low-income households, zero-car households, visitors, and people who want more physical activity and fitness. Other studies examine demands for specific modes such as walking, bicycling, bike- and car-sharing, and various types of public transit. Some studies examine latent demands for non-auto travel and the benefits of serving currently unmet demands. However, few studies consider overall non-auto travel demands by all groups, total latent demands, and total benefits of serving them, and few documents provide technical guidance for performing such analysis.
As previously described, current analyses often rely on incomplete data, such as commute mode share, which undercounts non-auto trips, and often overlooks or underestimates latent demands for non-auto travel.
Below are some examples of current literature:
Evelyn Blumenberg, Anne Brown and Andrew Schouten (2020), “Car-deficit Households: Determinants and Implications for Household Travel in the U.S.” Transportation 47, pp. 1103– 1125 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-018-9956-6).
Ralph Buehler and Andrea Hamre (2015), “The Multimodal Majority? Driving, Walking, Cycling, and Public Transportation Use Among American Adults,” Transportation 42, 1081–1101 (doi.org/10.1007/s11116-014-9556-z).
Chad Frederick, William Riggs and John Hans Gilderbloom (2017), “Commute Mode Diversity and Public Health: A Multivariate Analysis of 148 US Cities,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, pp. 1–11 (https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2017.1321705).
ITF (2021), Travel Transitions: How Transport Planners and Policy Makers Can Respond to Shifting Mobility Trends, International Transport Forum (www.itf-oecd.org); at https://bit.ly/3BGJewh.
Lawson, C.T., Muro, A. & Krans, E. Forecasting bus ridership using a “Blended Approach”. Transportation (48), 617–641 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-019-10073-z
Todd Litman (2013), “The New Transportation Planning Paradigm,” ITE Journal (www.ite.org), Vol. 83, June, pp. 20-28; at www.vtpi.org/paradigm.pdf.
María del Mar Parra López, Jan Anne Annema and Bert van Wee (2022), “The Added Value of Having Multiple Options to Travel: An Explorative Study,” Journal of Transport Geography, Vo. 98 (doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103258).
WSL (2008), Adoption of Statewide Goals to Reduce Annual Per Capita Vehicle Miles Traveled by 2050, Washington State Legislature (https://apps.leg.wa.gov); at https://bit.ly/3rdP6KH.
Fang Zhao, et al. (2013), Transportation Needs of Disadvantaged Populations: Where, When, and How?, Federal Transit Administration (www.transit.dot.gov); at https://bit.ly/3QS7Ut1.
Develop guidance for more comprehensive analysis of non-auto travel demands, including latent demands.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
There is an urgent need to better understand non-auto travel demands, including the ability to forecast future demands and the impacts of serving those demands. This study can provide large benefits by better aligning the planning and investment decisions of state DOTs and other transportation agencies with the needs and preferences of transportation system users. Many policy makers and planning practitioners recognize that a significant portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and will use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable, and many jurisdictions have mode shift targets, but practitioners lack the data needed to achieve these goals. Current planning practices tend to overlook and undervalue non-auto travel demands, particularly latent demands, resulting in underinvestment. Improving our understanding of non-auto travel demands can make planning and investment decisions more responsive to user and community needs.
Implementation Considerations
The research would be beneficial to state DOT professionals at any level as well as transportation organization partners and stakeholders who all have a vested interest in better understanding the demand for different modes of transportation. Implementation elements include a communications plan to ensure awareness of the research and TRB, FHWA and AASHTO presentations to share the findings. Venues include workshops, peer exchanges, and committee meetings.
There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in transportation’s contribution toward equity that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) – Christos Xenophontos, Chair
Committee on Planning
Council on Active Transportation
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Equity in Transportation (AME10)
Transportation Planning Policy and Processes (AEP10)
Transportation Planning Analysis and Application (AEP15)
Public Transportation Planning and Development (AP025) – Peter Ohlms, Chair
Bicycle Transportation (ACH20)
Pedestrians (ACH10)
Communication and Implementation Period: 6 months
AASHTO requirement for interim deliverable review:
Interim deliverable(s): The results of this research are critically important to the DOTs. As such, an interim deliverable is required to be reviewed by the applicable AASHTO Committee(s). The AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management has developed and sponsored this needs statement on behalf of member DOTs. Interim deliverables could include literature reviews, surveys, interim reports, and full draft reports.
Stakeholder engagement: As part of the interim deliverable, the project team and research panel should engage DOT stakeholders for feedback during the project. Engagement could include webinars, workshops, presentations, surveys, user testing of draft tools, and interim reports and literature reviews.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
OM – Guidance on Measuring Organizational Efficiency at State Departments of Transportation
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) play a critical role in the management, maintenance, and development of each state’s transportation systems. Agencies are responsible for allocating billions of dollars in public funds, ensuring that transportation networks are safe, reliable, and sustainable. However, as transportation demands increase and budgets become more constrained, there is growing pressure on state DOTs to operate with maximum efficiency while maintaining high standards of service delivery.
Organizational efficiency at state DOTs is a key factor in ensuring that dollars are used effectively and that transportation projects are completed on time and within budget. Efficiency in this context refers to an agency’s ability to optimize resources—both human and financial—to deliver transportation services in a manner that reduces waste, streamlines processes, and achieves desired outcomes. Despite its importance, measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs remains a complex and multifaceted challenge.
Current efforts to assess organizational efficiency in transportation agencies are often limited by inconsistent metrics, varying definitions of efficiency, and a lack of standardized methodologies for evaluation. While many state DOTs track performance indicators related to project delivery, budget adherence, and staff productivity, these measures often fail to provide a comprehensive view of overall organizational efficiency. Traditional efficiency metrics may not fully capture the complexities of modern transportation agencies, which must balance competing priorities such as mobility, safety, infrastructure maintenance, sustainability, innovation, and equity.
This research aims to develop a standardized framework for measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs. By providing clear guidance and best practices, this research will empower transportation agencies to assess their internal processes, identify areas for improvement, and enhance their operational performance. The proposed framework will also align with broader state and federal goals, ensuring that transportation agencies can demonstrate accountability, improve project outcomes, and better manage resources.
Additionally, the research will examine how emerging technologies, such as data analytics, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital project management tools, can improve efficiency measurement and foster a culture of continuous improvement. The guidance will also address how state DOTs can incorporate efficiency measures related to sustainability and equity, which are increasingly important components of transportation planning and service delivery.
This research will provide state DOTs with the tools they need to measure and enhance organizational efficiency, resulting in more effective transportation systems that meet the needs of the public and align with long-term strategic goals.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). This framework will provide standardized metrics and methodologies to assess and improve the internal processes, resource allocation, and overall performance of state DOTs. By identifying key areas for efficiency improvements and incorporating best practices from both public and private sectors, the research aims to empower transportation agencies to optimize operations, reduce waste, and enhance accountability. Additionally, the framework will address emerging considerations such as technology integration, sustainability, and equity, ensuring that DOTs are better equipped to meet the evolving demands of modern transportation systems while maximizing public value. In addition to the framework the research should produce tools to help state DOTs measure organizational efficiency.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at State De…
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) play a critical role in the management, maintenance, and development of each state’s transportation systems. Agencies are responsible for allocating billions of dollars in public funds, ensuring that transportation networks are safe, reliable, and sustainable. However, as transportation demands increase and budgets become more constrained, there is growing pressure on state DOTs to operate with maximum efficiency while maintaining high standards of service delivery.
Organizational efficiency at state DOTs is a key factor in ensuring that dollars are used effectively and that transportation projects are completed on time and within budget. Efficiency in this context refers to an agency’s ability to optimize resources—both human and financial—to deliver transportation services in a manner that reduces waste, streamlines processes, and achieves desired outcomes. Despite its importance, measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs remains a complex and multifaceted challenge.
Current efforts to assess organizational efficiency in transportation agencies are often limited by inconsistent metrics, varying definitions of efficiency, and a lack of standardized methodologies for evaluation. While many state DOTs track performance indicators related to project delivery, budget adherence, and staff productivity, these measures often fail to provide a comprehensive view of overall organizational efficiency. Traditional efficiency metrics may not fully capture the complexities of modern transportation agencies, which must balance competing priorities such as mobility, safety, infrastructure maintenance, sustainability, innovation, and equity.
This research aims to develop a standardized framework for measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs. By providing clear guidance and best practices, this research will empower transportation agencies to assess their internal processes, identify areas for improvement, and enhance their operational performance. The proposed framework will also align with broader state and federal goals, ensuring that transportation agencies can demonstrate accountability, improve project outcomes, and better manage resources.
Additionally, the research will examine how emerging technologies, such as data analytics, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital project management tools, can improve efficiency measurement and foster a culture of continuous improvement. The guidance will also address how state DOTs can incorporate efficiency measures related to sustainability and equity, which are increasingly important components of transportation planning and service delivery.
This research will provide state DOTs with the tools they need to measure and enhance organizational efficiency, resulting in more effective transportation systems that meet the needs of the public and align with long-term strategic goals.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). This framework will provide standardized metrics and methodologies to assess and improve the internal processes, resource allocation, and overall performance of state DOTs. By identifying key areas for efficiency improvements and incorporating best practices from both public and private sectors, the research aims to empower transportation agencies to optimize operations, reduce waste, and enhance accountability. Additionally, the framework will address emerging considerations such as technology integration, sustainability, and equity, ensuring that DOTs are better equipped to meet the evolving demands of modern transportation systems while maximizing public value. In addition to the framework the research should produce tools to help state DOTs measure organizational efficiency.
OM – Guidance on Measuring Organizational Efficiency at State Departments of Transportation
This candidate currently has no champions
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $350,000
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) play a critical role in the management, maintenance, and development of each state’s transportation systems. Agencies are responsible for allocating billions of dollars in public funds, ensuring that transportation networks are safe, reliable, and sustainable. However, as transportation demands increase and budgets become more constrained, there is growing pressure on state DOTs to operate with maximum efficiency while maintaining high standards of service delivery.
Organizational efficiency at state DOTs is a key factor in ensuring that dollars are used effectively and that transportation projects are completed on time and within budget. Efficiency in this context refers to an agency’s ability to optimize resources—both human and financial—to deliver transportation services in a manner that reduces waste, streamlines processes, and achieves desired outcomes. Despite its importance, measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs remains a complex and multifaceted challenge.
Current efforts to assess organizational efficiency in transportation agencies are often limited by inconsistent metrics, varying definitions of efficiency, and a lack of standardized methodologies for evaluation. While many state DOTs track performance indicators related to project delivery, budget adherence, and staff productivity, these measures often fail to provide a comprehensive view of overall organizational efficiency. Traditional efficiency metrics may not fully capture the complexities of modern transportation agencies, which must balance competing priorities such as mobility, safety, infrastructure maintenance, sustainability, innovation, and equity.
This research aims to develop a standardized framework for measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs. By providing clear guidance and best practices, this research will empower transportation agencies to assess their internal processes, identify areas for improvement, and enhance their operational performance. The proposed framework will also align with broader state and federal goals, ensuring that transportation agencies can demonstrate accountability, improve project outcomes, and better manage resources.
Additionally, the research will examine how emerging technologies, such as data analytics, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital project management tools, can improve efficiency measurement and foster a culture of continuous improvement. The guidance will also address how state DOTs can incorporate efficiency measures related to sustainability and equity, which are increasingly important components of transportation planning and service delivery.
This research will provide state DOTs with the tools they need to measure and enhance organizational efficiency, resulting in more effective transportation systems that meet the needs of the public and align with long-term strategic goals.
Literature Search Summary
The measurement of organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) is a growing area of interest. There has not been significant research in transportation agency organizational efficiency. The following presents resources that are broadly applicable to any organization and resources that are related to transportation.
Guidance and Resources – Not Specific to Transportation
“The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed” by Michael L. George, John Maxey, David Rowlands, and Mark Price (2004)
A widely-used guide that provides an overview of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, offering tools that can improve efficiency and reduce waste in government agencies and other organizations.
“Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation” by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones (2003)
This book introduces Lean principles and illustrates how organizations, including public sector entities, can streamline operations and increase efficiency.
"The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement" by Eliyahu M. Goldratt (2004)
A seminal work in the field of organizational efficiency, focusing on the theory of constraints and how organizations can identify and overcome bottlenecks in their operations.
“Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: An Integrated Approach” by Theodore H. Poister (2014)
This book provides detailed strategies for developing performance measurement systems and aligning them with organizational goals in public and nonprofit settings.
“Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action” by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton (1996)
Introduces the Balanced Scorecard, a popular framework for measuring organizational performance that goes beyond traditional financial metrics to include customer, internal processes, and learning and growth perspectives.
“Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results” by Bernard Marr (2016)
Offers real-world examples of how organizations, including government agencies, can utilize big data to enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and make informed decisions.
“Public Performance & Management Review (Journal)” by Routledge (Ongoing)
This journal offers peer-reviewed articles on performance management, accountability, and organizational efficiency in the public sector.
“The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering” by Janet V. Denhardt and Robert B. Denhardt (2015)
A book that critiques the "New Public Management" model and promotes a more service-oriented approach to public administration, which also emphasizes efficiency in government services.
Guidance and Resources – Transportation-Related
NCHRP Report 708: A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation Agencies (2012)
Outlines various ways to measure efficiency in relation to sustainability goals, providing a foundation for the integration of sustainability metrics into broader organizational efficiency frameworks.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Performance Management Guidebook (2013)
Emphasizes the importance of linking organizational efficiency to specific performance metrics, such as project delivery times, cost adherence, and customer satisfaction. However, the guidebook also acknowledges the need for more comprehensive measures that capture internal operational efficiency beyond project outcomes.
NCHRP Report 706: Uses of Performance Measurement to Support Decision Making for State and Local Transportation Agencies (2012)
Offers detailed insights into how performance metrics, including financial and operational data, can be used to gauge organizational efficiency. This report highlights best practices from leading state DOTs but also points out inconsistencies in metric application and reporting across agencies.
Lean Deployment in State Transportation Agencies: A Synthesis of Practices (NCHRP Synthesis 533, 2020)
Documents the application of lean principles in state DOTs, including case studies from departments such as the Ohio DOT and Arizona DOT, which have implemented lean initiatives to reduce bottlenecks, improve project delivery times, and increase productivity.
FHWA’s Office of Innovative Program Delivery
Published several reports on process improvement strategies, such as Value Engineering and Process Mapping, which help DOTs streamline operations and achieve cost savings. These techniques are often associated with greater organizational efficiency, though they are typically applied in specific project areas rather than as part of a broader agency-wide efficiency framework.
TRB Research Circular E-C227: Advancing Performance Management in Transportation (2017)
Highlights how state DOTs have faced difficulties in aligning organizational efficiency with broader state and federal goals, particularly in the context of constrained budgets and competing priorities.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). This framework will provide standardized metrics and methodologies to assess and improve the internal processes, resource allocation, and overall performance of state DOTs. By identifying key areas for efficiency improvements and incorporating best practices from both public and private sectors, the research aims to empower transportation agencies to optimize operations, reduce waste, and enhance accountability. Additionally, the framework will address emerging considerations such as technology integration, sustainability, and equity, ensuring that DOTs are better equipped to meet the evolving demands of modern transportation systems while maximizing public value. In addition to the framework the research should produce tools to help state DOTs measure organizational efficiency.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are facing unprecedented challenges, including aging infrastructure, budget constraints, increasing public demand for accountability, and the growing need to incorporate sustainability and equity into their operations. With limited resources, it is essential that state DOTs operate with maximum efficiency to ensure public funds are used effectively and that transportation projects are completed on time and within budget. Despite the importance of organizational efficiency, many state DOTs lack a standardized framework for measuring internal performance, leading to inconsistent practices and missed opportunities for improvement. As the complexity of transportation networks increases, compounded by the demands of advanced technology, climate adaptation, and equity, there is an urgent need for a robust and adaptable framework to guide DOTs in optimizing their operations.
Potential Benefits:
The development of a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs will offer numerous benefits, including:
Optimized Resource Allocation: By identifying areas of inefficiency, DOTs can better allocate their human, financial, and technological resources, leading to cost savings and more streamlined operations.
Improved Project Delivery: A standardized efficiency measurement system will enable DOTs to improve project management processes, reducing delays and ensuring transportation projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
Enhanced Accountability and Transparency: Implementing clear, measurable efficiency metrics will enable DOTs to demonstrate improved performance and accountability to the public, stakeholders, and funding agencies.
Alignment with Strategic Goals: The framework will allow DOTs to align their operational efficiency with broader state and federal priorities, such as sustainability, equity, and resilience, ensuring that they meet modern transportation challenges.
Technology Integration: By incorporating data analytics and automation into the efficiency framework, state DOTs will be better equipped to leverage emerging technologies for real-time decision-making and performance monitoring.
Long-Term Sustainability and Equity: With sustainability and equity becoming core concerns in transportation planning, the framework will include measures to ensure that efficiency gains also promote environmental sustainability and equitable access to transportation services.
By addressing these urgent needs, this research will provide state DOTs with the tools to enhance operational efficiency, ensure effective use of public resources, and adapt to the evolving demands of transportation systems in the 21st century.
OM – Guidance on Measuring Organizational Efficiency at State Departments of Transportation
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
The measurement of organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) is a growing area of interest. There has not been significant research in transportation agency organizational efficiency. The following presents resources that are broadly applicable to any organization and resources that are related to transportation.
Guidance and Resources – Not Specific to Transportation
“The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed” by Michael L. George, John Maxey, David Rowlands, and Mark Price (2004)
A widely-used guide that provides an overview of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, offering tools that can improve efficiency and reduce waste in government agencies and other organizations.
“Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation” by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones (2003)
This book introduces Lean principles and illustrates how organizations, including public sector entities, can streamline operations and increase efficiency.
"The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement" by Eliyahu M. Goldratt (2004)
A seminal work in the field of organizational efficiency, focusing on the theory of constraints and how organizations can identify and overcome bottlenecks in their operations.
“Managing and Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: An Integrated Approach” by Theodore H. Poister (2014)
This book provides detailed strategies for developing performance measurement systems and aligning them with organizational goals in public and nonprofit settings.
“Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action” by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton (1996)
Introduces the Balanced Scorecard, a popular framework for measuring organizational performance that goes beyond traditional financial metrics to include customer, internal processes, and learning and growth perspectives.
“Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results” by Bernard Marr (2016)
Offers real-world examples of how organizations, including government agencies, can utilize big data to enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and make informed decisions.
“Public Performance & Management Review (Journal)” by Routledge (Ongoing)
This journal offers peer-reviewed articles on performance management, accountability, and organizational efficiency in the public sector.
“The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering” by Janet V. Denhardt and Robert B. Denhardt (2015)
A book that critiques the "New Public Management" model and promotes a more service-oriented approach to public administration, which also emphasizes efficiency in government services.
Guidance and Resources – Transportation-Related
NCHRP Report 708: A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation Agencies (2012)
Outlines various ways to measure efficiency in relation to sustainability goals, providing a foundation for the integration of sustainability metrics into broader organizational efficiency frameworks.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Performance Management Guidebook (2013)
Emphasizes the importance of linking organizational efficiency to specific performance metrics, such as project delivery times, cost adherence, and customer satisfaction. However, the guidebook also acknowledges the need for more comprehensive measures that capture internal operational efficiency beyond project outcomes.
NCHRP Report 706: Uses of Performance Measurement to Support Decision Making for State and Local Transportation Agencies (2012)
Offers detailed insights into how performance metrics, including financial and operational data, can be used to gauge organizational efficiency. This report highlights best practices from leading state DOTs but also points out inconsistencies in metric application and reporting across agencies.
Lean Deployment in State Transportation Agencies: A Synthesis of Practices (NCHRP Synthesis 533, 2020)
Documents the application of lean principles in state DOTs, including case studies from departments such as the Ohio DOT and Arizona DOT, which have implemented lean initiatives to reduce bottlenecks, improve project delivery times, and increase productivity.
FHWA’s Office of Innovative Program Delivery
Published several reports on process improvement strategies, such as Value Engineering and Process Mapping, which help DOTs streamline operations and achieve cost savings. These techniques are often associated with greater organizational efficiency, though they are typically applied in specific project areas rather than as part of a broader agency-wide efficiency framework.
TRB Research Circular E-C227: Advancing Performance Management in Transportation (2017)
Highlights how state DOTs have faced difficulties in aligning organizational efficiency with broader state and federal goals, particularly in the context of constrained budgets and competing priorities.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). This framework will provide standardized metrics and methodologies to assess and improve the internal processes, resource allocation, and overall performance of state DOTs. By identifying key areas for efficiency improvements and incorporating best practices from both public and private sectors, the research aims to empower transportation agencies to optimize operations, reduce waste, and enhance accountability. Additionally, the framework will address emerging considerations such as technology integration, sustainability, and equity, ensuring that DOTs are better equipped to meet the evolving demands of modern transportation systems while maximizing public value. In addition to the framework the research should produce tools to help state DOTs measure organizational efficiency.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) are facing unprecedented challenges, including aging infrastructure, budget constraints, increasing public demand for accountability, and the growing need to incorporate sustainability and equity into their operations. With limited resources, it is essential that state DOTs operate with maximum efficiency to ensure public funds are used effectively and that transportation projects are completed on time and within budget. Despite the importance of organizational efficiency, many state DOTs lack a standardized framework for measuring internal performance, leading to inconsistent practices and missed opportunities for improvement. As the complexity of transportation networks increases, compounded by the demands of advanced technology, climate adaptation, and equity, there is an urgent need for a robust and adaptable framework to guide DOTs in optimizing their operations.
Potential Benefits:
The development of a comprehensive framework for measuring organizational efficiency at state DOTs will offer numerous benefits, including:
Optimized Resource Allocation: By identifying areas of inefficiency, DOTs can better allocate their human, financial, and technological resources, leading to cost savings and more streamlined operations.
Improved Project Delivery: A standardized efficiency measurement system will enable DOTs to improve project management processes, reducing delays and ensuring transportation projects are completed on schedule and within budget.
Enhanced Accountability and Transparency: Implementing clear, measurable efficiency metrics will enable DOTs to demonstrate improved performance and accountability to the public, stakeholders, and funding agencies.
Alignment with Strategic Goals: The framework will allow DOTs to align their operational efficiency with broader state and federal priorities, such as sustainability, equity, and resilience, ensuring that they meet modern transportation challenges.
Technology Integration: By incorporating data analytics and automation into the efficiency framework, state DOTs will be better equipped to leverage emerging technologies for real-time decision-making and performance monitoring.
Long-Term Sustainability and Equity: With sustainability and equity becoming core concerns in transportation planning, the framework will include measures to ensure that efficiency gains also promote environmental sustainability and equitable access to transportation services.
By addressing these urgent needs, this research will provide state DOTs with the tools to enhance operational efficiency, ensure effective use of public resources, and adapt to the evolving demands of transportation systems in the 21st century.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
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Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
RM - Application of Enterprise Risk Models to Prepare State DOTs for Future Uncertainties
Past surveys of state transportation agencies have revealed that the risk register is the most popular tool for prioritizing risks. However, risk registers, and other tools such as heat maps, do not enable an economic analysis of alternative adaptation strategies that might decrease the likelihood or consequence of future risk events. The Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration (PHMSA) has asserted that quantitative models provide greater insights into risk and greater support for decision making, but transportation agencies have been reluctant to adopt quantitative models and probabilistic modeling to assess potential consequences associated with risk events. Common barriers include the perceived complexity of the analysis, the lack of trained personnel, and the lack of reliable data.
To help eliminate these barriers, guidance is needed to demonstrate the use of mixed-method research model and quantitative modeling techniques and data in planning investments leading to a more resilient transportation system. Several models that potentially apply including qualitative models, relative assessment/index models, quantitative system and probabilistic models. This project description emerged in part from the roadmap developed under NCHRP Project 23-09, which focuses on developing the scoping study and roadmap to develop an all-hazards risk and resilience model for highway assets.
This research will develop guidance and an enterprise risk model framework-driven process for transportation agency leadership to decide the best course of action in addressing short and long-term enterprise-level risks. This will lead to improvements in the practice of enterprise risk management through right-sizing investments in a wide array of risk mitigation strategies to avoid much higher costs tomorrow. Efforts include:
Investigate both quantitative and mixed-method research models for estimating vulnerability, likelihood, and both direct/indirect consequences associated with a variety of risks.
Document the costs to, and assemble a representative catalog of data and information to support the most promising models.
Develop a methodology for evaluating the potential impacts of risk events and the benefits associated with possible mitigation strategies.
Demonstrate how the methodology can be applied to multiple planning topic spaces, such as emerging technologies, resilience, equity, and workforce, over a short and long-term investment planning cycle.
Develop draft problem statement developments for post-research funding mechanisms such as NCHRP 20-123, NCHRP 20-44 and promote the findings through CEO workshops.
This research will develop guidance and an enterprise risk model framework-driven process for transportation agency leader…
Past surveys of state transportation agencies have revealed that the risk register is the most popular tool for prioritizing risks. However, risk registers, and other tools such as heat maps, do not enable an economic analysis of alternative adaptation strategies that might decrease the likelihood or consequence of future risk events. The Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration (PHMSA) has asserted that quantitative models provide greater insights into risk and greater support for decision making, but transportation agencies have been reluctant to adopt quantitative models and probabilistic modeling to assess potential consequences associated with risk events. Common barriers include the perceived complexity of the analysis, the lack of trained personnel, and the lack of reliable data.
To help eliminate these barriers, guidance is needed to demonstrate the use of mixed-method research model and quantitative modeling techniques and data in planning investments leading to a more resilient transportation system. Several models that potentially apply including qualitative models, relative assessment/index models, quantitative system and probabilistic models. This project description emerged in part from the roadmap developed under NCHRP Project 23-09, which focuses on developing the scoping study and roadmap to develop an all-hazards risk and resilience model for highway assets.
This research will develop guidance and an enterprise risk model framework-driven process for transportation agency leadership to decide the best course of action in addressing short and long-term enterprise-level risks. This will lead to improvements in the practice of enterprise risk management through right-sizing investments in a wide array of risk mitigation strategies to avoid much higher costs tomorrow. Efforts include:
Investigate both quantitative and mixed-method research models for estimating vulnerability, likelihood, and both direct/indirect consequences associated with a variety of risks.
Document the costs to, and assemble a representative catalog of data and information to support the most promising models.
Develop a methodology for evaluating the potential impacts of risk events and the benefits associated with possible mitigation strategies.
Demonstrate how the methodology can be applied to multiple planning topic spaces, such as emerging technologies, resilience, equity, and workforce, over a short and long-term investment planning cycle.
Develop draft problem statement developments for post-research funding mechanisms such as NCHRP 20-123, NCHRP 20-44 and promote the findings through CEO workshops.
RM - Application of Enterprise Risk Models to Prepare State DOTs for Future Uncertainties
This candidate currently has no champions
Estimated Timeframe: 30 months Funding: $500,000
Past surveys of state transportation agencies have revealed that the risk register is the most popular tool for prioritizing risks. However, risk registers, and other tools such as heat maps, do not enable an economic analysis of alternative adaptation strategies that might decrease the likelihood or consequence of future risk events. The Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration (PHMSA) has asserted that quantitative models provide greater insights into risk and greater support for decision making, but transportation agencies have been reluctant to adopt quantitative models and probabilistic modeling to assess potential consequences associated with risk events. Common barriers include the perceived complexity of the analysis, the lack of trained personnel, and the lack of reliable data.
To help eliminate these barriers, guidance is needed to demonstrate the use of mixed-method research model and quantitative modeling techniques and data in planning investments leading to a more resilient transportation system. Several models that potentially apply including qualitative models, relative assessment/index models, quantitative system and probabilistic models. This project description emerged in part from the roadmap developed under NCHRP Project 23-09, which focuses on developing the scoping study and roadmap to develop an all-hazards risk and resilience model for highway assets.
Literature Search Summary
In addition to NCHRP Project 23-09, other relevant research in this area includes:
A Guide for Program-Level Risk Management Performance Metrics (NCHRP 23-35 pending), National Cooperative Highway Research Board, Project has not been awarded.
Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning (NCHRP 08-129), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2022.
Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk and Asset Management Practices (NCHRP 08-115), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2021.
Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management (NCHRP 08-118), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2021.
Development of a Risk Management Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap (NCHRP 20-123(04)),National Cooperative Highway Research Board, 2021.
Consistency Review of Methodologies for Quantitative Risk Assessment, U.S. Department of Transportation, October 26, 2020.
Implementing NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System Performance, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2018.
Managing Risk Across the Enterprise (NCHRP 08-93), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2016.
A Systematic Approach to Safety – Using Risk to Drive Action, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2014.
Guide to Integrated Risk Management, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 2014.
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative, The National Academies Press, 2012.
Assessing Criticality in Transportation Adaptation Planning, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2011.
Executive Strategies for Risk Management by State Departments of Transportation (NCHRP 20-24(74)), National Cooperative Research Board, 2011
Victorian Government Risk Management Framework, Secretary Department of Treasury and Finance, 2011.
All Hazards Risk and Resilience, Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Using the RAMCAP Approach, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovative Technologies Institute, 2009
Guidebook on Risk Analysis Tools and Management Practices to Control Transportation Project Costs (NCHRP 08-60), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2009.
Port Risk Management and Insurance Guidebook, U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, 1998.
This research will develop guidance and an enterprise risk model framework-driven process for transportation agency leadership to decide the best course of action in addressing short and long-term enterprise-level risks. This will lead to improvements in the practice of enterprise risk management through right-sizing investments in a wide array of risk mitigation strategies to avoid much higher costs tomorrow. Efforts include:
Investigate both quantitative and mixed-method research models for estimating vulnerability, likelihood, and both direct/indirect consequences associated with a variety of risks.
Document the costs to, and assemble a representative catalog of data and information to support the most promising models.
Develop a methodology for evaluating the potential impacts of risk events and the benefits associated with possible mitigation strategies.
Demonstrate how the methodology can be applied to multiple planning topic spaces, such as emerging technologies, resilience, equity, and workforce, over a short and long-term investment planning cycle.
Develop draft problem statement developments for post-research funding mechanisms such as NCHRP 20-123, NCHRP 20-44 and promote the findings through CEO workshops.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
As transportation agencies face wildfires, flooding, and other forms of destruction to the transportation system with more regularity and intensity, there is an increased urgency for methodologies that support modeling future uncertainties and evaluating when risks reach the point that investments in mitigation strategies are warranted to offset the potential for huge economic and social impacts. The guidance developed through this research will lead to the ability for transportation agencies to better analyze potential risks, as actuaries do regularly to support the insurance industry. The results will lead to a more resilient transportation system with fewer disruptions.
Implementation Considerations
Communication and Implementation Funding: $150,000 to offer CEO workshops and peer exchanges to support implementation.
Communication and Implementation Period: 18 months following completion of the research.
RM - Application of Enterprise Risk Models to Prepare State DOTs for Future Uncertainties
Research Period
30 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
In addition to NCHRP Project 23-09, other relevant research in this area includes:
A Guide for Program-Level Risk Management Performance Metrics (NCHRP 23-35 pending), National Cooperative Highway Research Board, Project has not been awarded.
Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning (NCHRP 08-129), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2022.
Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk and Asset Management Practices (NCHRP 08-115), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2021.
Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management (NCHRP 08-118), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2021.
Development of a Risk Management Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap (NCHRP 20-123(04)),National Cooperative Highway Research Board, 2021.
Consistency Review of Methodologies for Quantitative Risk Assessment, U.S. Department of Transportation, October 26, 2020.
Implementing NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System Performance, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2018.
Managing Risk Across the Enterprise (NCHRP 08-93), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2016.
A Systematic Approach to Safety – Using Risk to Drive Action, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2014.
Guide to Integrated Risk Management, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, 2014.
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative, The National Academies Press, 2012.
Assessing Criticality in Transportation Adaptation Planning, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2011.
Executive Strategies for Risk Management by State Departments of Transportation (NCHRP 20-24(74)), National Cooperative Research Board, 2011
Victorian Government Risk Management Framework, Secretary Department of Treasury and Finance, 2011.
All Hazards Risk and Resilience, Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Using the RAMCAP Approach, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Innovative Technologies Institute, 2009
Guidebook on Risk Analysis Tools and Management Practices to Control Transportation Project Costs (NCHRP 08-60), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2009.
Port Risk Management and Insurance Guidebook, U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Ports and Domestic Shipping, 1998.
This research will develop guidance and an enterprise risk model framework-driven process for transportation agency leadership to decide the best course of action in addressing short and long-term enterprise-level risks. This will lead to improvements in the practice of enterprise risk management through right-sizing investments in a wide array of risk mitigation strategies to avoid much higher costs tomorrow. Efforts include:
Investigate both quantitative and mixed-method research models for estimating vulnerability, likelihood, and both direct/indirect consequences associated with a variety of risks.
Document the costs to, and assemble a representative catalog of data and information to support the most promising models.
Develop a methodology for evaluating the potential impacts of risk events and the benefits associated with possible mitigation strategies.
Demonstrate how the methodology can be applied to multiple planning topic spaces, such as emerging technologies, resilience, equity, and workforce, over a short and long-term investment planning cycle.
Develop draft problem statement developments for post-research funding mechanisms such as NCHRP 20-123, NCHRP 20-44 and promote the findings through CEO workshops.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
As transportation agencies face wildfires, flooding, and other forms of destruction to the transportation system with more regularity and intensity, there is an increased urgency for methodologies that support modeling future uncertainties and evaluating when risks reach the point that investments in mitigation strategies are warranted to offset the potential for huge economic and social impacts. The guidance developed through this research will lead to the ability for transportation agencies to better analyze potential risks, as actuaries do regularly to support the insurance industry. The results will lead to a more resilient transportation system with fewer disruptions.
Implementation Considerations
Communication and Implementation Funding: $150,000 to offer CEO workshops and peer exchanges to support implementation.
Communication and Implementation Period: 18 months following completion of the research.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
RM - Performance and Risk-Based Approaches to Manage Curb Space
Performance and risk-based approaches for managing curb space when considering adding curbside charging stations are needed by Departments of Transportation and local agencies. Challenges such as mobility resiliency, trip and fall hazards, vandalism, climate resilience, asset life-cycle planning, and comprehensive levels of service are not well understood as the nature of shared curb space is changing. New expectations for increasing transportation options such as pickup/drop-off areas as a tradeoff to parking, bike corrals and electric bike sharing stations, and the potential need to add curbside public EV charging stations add complexity to decisions transportation planners, engineers, and maintenance staff have to make to respond to travel needs.
Curb Management efficiently manages curb space for loading/unloading, ride-hailing and deliveries, and reduces double-parking and illegal stopping. Benefits include improved traffic flow and reduced congestion around busy areas like transit hubs or commercial zones. The use of MaaS and MoD, both affected by curb management, promotes integrating multiple modes of transportation (e.g., public transit, car/bike/scooter sharing, and ride-hailing) which reduces the use of single-occupancy vehicles which, in turn, reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), directly mitigating congestion. A performance and risk-based approach to curb management could provide the transportation industry with a good practices and effective methodologies to determine how states manage curb usage.
The objective of this research is to develop performance and risk-based approaches to curb management. The research will provide guidance and good practices to better enable DOTs in managing performance and threats added with transportation features like electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Mobility on Demand (MOD) as they compete for the same curb space as more traditional physical transportation elements such as pedestrian and vehicle parking/loading usage. The research will include the identification of good practices, necessary data to support performance and risk-based decision making, and a framework for developing performance and risk-based approaches to managing shared curb space.
The objective of this research is to develop performance and risk-based approaches to curb management. The research will …
Performance and risk-based approaches for managing curb space when considering adding curbside charging stations are needed by Departments of Transportation and local agencies. Challenges such as mobility resiliency, trip and fall hazards, vandalism, climate resilience, asset life-cycle planning, and comprehensive levels of service are not well understood as the nature of shared curb space is changing. New expectations for increasing transportation options such as pickup/drop-off areas as a tradeoff to parking, bike corrals and electric bike sharing stations, and the potential need to add curbside public EV charging stations add complexity to decisions transportation planners, engineers, and maintenance staff have to make to respond to travel needs.
Curb Management efficiently manages curb space for loading/unloading, ride-hailing and deliveries, and reduces double-parking and illegal stopping. Benefits include improved traffic flow and reduced congestion around busy areas like transit hubs or commercial zones. The use of MaaS and MoD, both affected by curb management, promotes integrating multiple modes of transportation (e.g., public transit, car/bike/scooter sharing, and ride-hailing) which reduces the use of single-occupancy vehicles which, in turn, reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), directly mitigating congestion. A performance and risk-based approach to curb management could provide the transportation industry with a good practices and effective methodologies to determine how states manage curb usage.
The objective of this research is to develop performance and risk-based approaches to curb management. The research will provide guidance and good practices to better enable DOTs in managing performance and threats added with transportation features like electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Mobility on Demand (MOD) as they compete for the same curb space as more traditional physical transportation elements such as pedestrian and vehicle parking/loading usage. The research will include the identification of good practices, necessary data to support performance and risk-based decision making, and a framework for developing performance and risk-based approaches to managing shared curb space.
RM - Performance and Risk-Based Approaches to Manage Curb Space
This candidate currently has no champions
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $0
Performance and risk-based approaches for managing curb space when considering adding curbside charging stations are needed by Departments of Transportation and local agencies. Challenges such as mobility resiliency, trip and fall hazards, vandalism, climate resilience, asset life-cycle planning, and comprehensive levels of service are not well understood as the nature of shared curb space is changing. New expectations for increasing transportation options such as pickup/drop-off areas as a tradeoff to parking, bike corrals and electric bike sharing stations, and the potential need to add curbside public EV charging stations add complexity to decisions transportation planners, engineers, and maintenance staff have to make to respond to travel needs.
Curb Management efficiently manages curb space for loading/unloading, ride-hailing and deliveries, and reduces double-parking and illegal stopping. Benefits include improved traffic flow and reduced congestion around busy areas like transit hubs or commercial zones. The use of MaaS and MoD, both affected by curb management, promotes integrating multiple modes of transportation (e.g., public transit, car/bike/scooter sharing, and ride-hailing) which reduces the use of single-occupancy vehicles which, in turn, reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), directly mitigating congestion. A performance and risk-based approach to curb management could provide the transportation industry with a good practices and effective methodologies to determine how states manage curb usage.
Literature Search Summary
NCHRP Report 1090 Risks Related to Emerging and Disruptive Technologies: A Guide covers risks related to increased competition for curb space amongst modes such as MOD, MaaS and the desire to proliferate an EV charging network. 1090 highlights that pickup/drop-off and modal options – including bicycles and scooters – potentially compete for the same space as curbside charging capabilities. The report did not identify specific approaches or good practices for how to manage risks to the curb space when considering adding curbside charging stations. The report provides isolated high-level mitigation strategies for individual areas, but does not look at the risks and trade-offs from a wholistic curb management perspective or the interaction of these uses. The curb management was a small subset of this research and can serve as a starting point for the proposed research.
NCHRP Synthesis 597 Micromobility Policies, Permits and Practices Reviewed implementation of micromobility and quantified associated risks to other users in the curb space, could serve as a useful starting point for risk assessment on this curb use
NCHRP 340 Web only Doc. Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report (2022). Provides current standards and best practices in curb management including the CurbLR open data spec and Curb Data Specification (CDS) as well as a framework for understanding the goals of curb management. It discusses the trade-offs of EV chargers and other emerging technologies. Some of the largest risks are discussed as considerations but no framework or guidance is provided on how to incorporate risk in the decisions. This document should be a foundation of the proposed research.
NCHRP Report 1066 Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management and the appendices web only doc 366. Provides techniques for risk assessment of transportation assets, no discussion of “the curb” but some of the techniques and considerations for other assets could be applied.
Consensus Study Report The Role of Transit, Shared Modes, and Public Policy in the New Mobility Landscape (2021). Extensive discussion of the types of risk associated with a variety of emerging curb uses, no framework for assessment.
ITE Curbside Management Practitioners Guide – Provides many good considerations for how curb uses and design, minimal consideration of risk or emerging technology
TCRP report 95 Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook, Third Edition: Chapter 18, Parking Management and Supply provides quantitative data on how people react to changes in parking supply these techniques could be expanded to consider dynamic curb use and the addition of charging infrastructure.
“Management of the curb space allocation in urban transportation system” Yu and Bayram; 2021; International Transaction in Operations Research; https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12941. Developed dynamic vs fixed curb allocation optimization models based on max profit and min delay objectives. Could build on this framework with a min risk objective.
“Curbside Parking Monitoring With Roadside LiDAR” Chen, Xu, Liu; 2023; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231193410. Provides new method for short term deployment and curb monitoring could be a valuable technique during this research.
“Testing Curbside Management Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Ride sourcing Services on Traffic” Ranjbari, Machado-Leon Goodchild; 2020; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120957314. Looked at 2 curb management strategies for their impact on passenger satisfaction, travel speeds and traffic safety.
“Demystifying Urban Curbside Freight Management: Strategic Incremental Approach from Washington, D.C.” Dey, Perez, Dock; 2019; TRR https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119863773. Focused on pricing strategies and freight operations at the curb.
“Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits” Castrellon, Sanchez-Diaz, Kalahasthi; 2022; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221115086. Looks at factors necessary and algorithms for dynamic parking duration policies, these would be type of policy that needs to be evaluated for the risk as compared to other curb management strategies.
“Optimal Curbside Pricing for Managing Ride-Hailing Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs” Liu, Ma, Qian; 2022; SSRN; Liu, Jiachao and Ma, Wei and Qian, Sean, Optimal Curbside Pricing for Managing Ride-Hailing Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4068718 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4068718 They modeled travelers make joint choices of modes (driving or ride-hailing) for different curb pricing strategies. This technique could be modeled to include additional mode and uses for Mobility as a services and EV charging options as well.
“Approximate Optimum Curbside Utilisation for Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) and Parking Demands Using Reinforcement Learning” Ye, Feng, Qiu, Stettler, Angeloudis; 2022; IEEE; DOI: 10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9922036. Looks at optimization between Pick up drop off and long-term parking.
Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right of Way. This paper provides guidance on dynamic curbside management including the development of performance measures (and potential conflicting goals) for curb use, considerations for data collection and management, potential tools, and considerations of technological advancements including autonomous and electric vehicles.
Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report | The National Academies Press
Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure Enablers: Curbs and Curbside Management covers design, maintenance, and management approaches for curbs and adjacent infrastructure for passenger pick up and drop off. While this paper discusses curbside infrastructure and alternate mobility methods, the impact and interactivity of EV charging infrastructure is not discussed.
EPR2024005: Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure Enablers: Curbs and Curbside Management - Research Report (sae.org)
Estimating and Mitigating the Congestion Effect of Curbside Pick-ups and Drop-offs: A Causal Inference Approach focuses primarily on the effect of PUDOs on curbside utilization and a rerouting method which could be referenced with regard to mobility resilience. This paper addresses aspects of curbside usage, but does not take a wholistic view of curbside performance.
Estimating and Mitigating the Congestion Effect of Curbside Pick-ups and Drop-Offs: A Causal Inference Approach | Transportation Science (informs.org)
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices focuses on identifying existing EV charging station practices and recommends approaches for implementing and maintaining infrastructure for providing charging to individuals without private off-street parking. This paper does not address the risks of curbside charging to other aspects of the curbside.
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices (driveelectric.gov)
Designing a Prototype of a Mobile Charging Robot for Charging of Electric Vehicles discusses the process of designing a mobile charging robot and potential applications. This provides a potential alternative to fixed charging infrastructure, but would not likely be a viable solution in the short term.
2024-01-2990: Designing a Prototype of a Mobile Charging Robot for Charging of Electric Vehicles - Technical Paper (sae.org)
Curbside Management, 2023 Executive Briefing. This document provides a general approach to curbside management that includes consideration of EV charging, passenger pickup/drop-off, and other curbside services. However, the approach does not explicitly provide guidance with respect to risks posed by each potential service: 2023 Executive Briefing Curbside Management (dot.gov)
Managing the Curb: Understanding the Impacts of On-Demand Mobility on Public Transit, Micromobility, and Pedestrians: https://transweb.sjsu.edu/sites/default/files/1904-Shaheen-Curbspace-Management-Shared-Mobility-Pedestrians.pdf. Examines the needs and management of curb space. This paper highlights concerns over the impact, equity and access, and safety concerns associated with the growing demand for curb space. Some of the concerns highlighted include congestion and competition among users, access to curb space, and the need for clear and safe allocations for pedestrians and cyclists to minimize conflicts. The paper also suggests strategies and provides frameworks to manage curb space, including designated areas, dynamic pricing, and community involvement when planning. The paper also provides performance metrics for the management of curb space such as number of accidents, number of accessible vehicles or devices, among many others. The paper does include high level risks, and performance metrics for curb management, but does not go provide enough detail for states to understand implementation or integration within management decisions.
The objective of this research is to develop performance and risk-based approaches to curb management. The research will provide guidance and good practices to better enable DOTs in managing performance and threats added with transportation features like electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Mobility on Demand (MOD) as they compete for the same curb space as more traditional physical transportation elements such as pedestrian and vehicle parking/loading usage. The research will include the identification of good practices, necessary data to support performance and risk-based decision making, and a framework for developing performance and risk-based approaches to managing shared curb space.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
There are numerous ongoing funding opportunities that states are actively implementing that demonstrate that implementation is occurring faster than approaches to good management strategies, summarized below:
The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program allocated approximately $4.1 Billion in funding to states to strategically deploy EV charging stations and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Eligible NEVI funding include:
The acquisition, installation, and network connection of EV charging stations to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability;
Proper operation and maintenance of EV charging stations; and,
Long-term EV charging station data sharing.
Although proper operation and maintenance was a funding eligible activity, there was no guidance provided on how to do it, or what levels of acceptable service are.
The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program is allocating approximately $2.5 Billion in funding to deploy publicly accessible electric, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated corridors, and within communities, that will be accessible to all drivers. Eligible activities within the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant include:
The acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure.
Operating assistance for 5 years of operations after the installation.
Install traffic control devices located in the right-of-way to provide directional information to eligible infrastructure acquired, installed, or operated with the grant.
Projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to expand or fill gaps in access to publicly accessible electric charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure.
Fund educational and community engagement activities to develop and implement education programs through partnerships with schools, community organizations, and vehicle dealerships to support the use of zero-emission vehicles and associated infrastructure.
The program does define corridor and community eligibility, and does state that traffic control devices must follow the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). There was no guidance on the performance and risk-based approaches to curb management in relation to the installation, operation assistance, or maintenance of these devices.
FHWA just released their National Deployment Plan for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technologies “Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment” in it they discuss the current investments being made in connected infrastructure:
Invested $61.5 million in V2X technology research and deployment through the FHWA Turner Fairbank Highway Research Program over the last five years, with $12.5 million in follow-on research projects budgeted for FY24
Identified and promoted funding opportunities made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including awards to seven Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) and four Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) grants that include V2X elements. Approximately $200 million in active, grant funded projects are underway now, including earlier Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grants.
They also set the following goals:
Top 75 metro areas have 25% of signalized intersections V2X enabled by 2028
Top 75 metro areas have 50% of signalized intersections V2X enabled and V2X installed in 40% of the nation’s intersections by 2031
The top metro areas will have the largest competition for curb space and connected infrastructure will be located in the curb. Also, Cyber Security is a highly discussed risk, and given the traditional adage that “physical access is total access” and every connected device is a potential physical access point the risks to DOT and city systems needs to be considered.
One of the two primary task for States, Local Governments, Tribes, and Public Agencies in the National Deployment Plan for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technologies is to Deploy and operate secure interoperable, cybersecure infrastructure-based V2X technologies and applications. Without understanding the risks we cannot provide for security.
RM - Performance and Risk-Based Approaches to Manage Curb Space
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
NCHRP Report 1090 Risks Related to Emerging and Disruptive Technologies: A Guide covers risks related to increased competition for curb space amongst modes such as MOD, MaaS and the desire to proliferate an EV charging network. 1090 highlights that pickup/drop-off and modal options – including bicycles and scooters – potentially compete for the same space as curbside charging capabilities. The report did not identify specific approaches or good practices for how to manage risks to the curb space when considering adding curbside charging stations. The report provides isolated high-level mitigation strategies for individual areas, but does not look at the risks and trade-offs from a wholistic curb management perspective or the interaction of these uses. The curb management was a small subset of this research and can serve as a starting point for the proposed research.
NCHRP Synthesis 597 Micromobility Policies, Permits and Practices Reviewed implementation of micromobility and quantified associated risks to other users in the curb space, could serve as a useful starting point for risk assessment on this curb use
NCHRP 340 Web only Doc. Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report (2022). Provides current standards and best practices in curb management including the CurbLR open data spec and Curb Data Specification (CDS) as well as a framework for understanding the goals of curb management. It discusses the trade-offs of EV chargers and other emerging technologies. Some of the largest risks are discussed as considerations but no framework or guidance is provided on how to incorporate risk in the decisions. This document should be a foundation of the proposed research.
NCHRP Report 1066 Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset Management and the appendices web only doc 366. Provides techniques for risk assessment of transportation assets, no discussion of “the curb” but some of the techniques and considerations for other assets could be applied.
Consensus Study Report The Role of Transit, Shared Modes, and Public Policy in the New Mobility Landscape (2021). Extensive discussion of the types of risk associated with a variety of emerging curb uses, no framework for assessment.
ITE Curbside Management Practitioners Guide – Provides many good considerations for how curb uses and design, minimal consideration of risk or emerging technology
TCRP report 95 Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook, Third Edition: Chapter 18, Parking Management and Supply provides quantitative data on how people react to changes in parking supply these techniques could be expanded to consider dynamic curb use and the addition of charging infrastructure.
“Management of the curb space allocation in urban transportation system” Yu and Bayram; 2021; International Transaction in Operations Research; https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12941. Developed dynamic vs fixed curb allocation optimization models based on max profit and min delay objectives. Could build on this framework with a min risk objective.
“Curbside Parking Monitoring With Roadside LiDAR” Chen, Xu, Liu; 2023; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231193410. Provides new method for short term deployment and curb monitoring could be a valuable technique during this research.
“Testing Curbside Management Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Ride sourcing Services on Traffic” Ranjbari, Machado-Leon Goodchild; 2020; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120957314. Looked at 2 curb management strategies for their impact on passenger satisfaction, travel speeds and traffic safety.
“Demystifying Urban Curbside Freight Management: Strategic Incremental Approach from Washington, D.C.” Dey, Perez, Dock; 2019; TRR https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119863773. Focused on pricing strategies and freight operations at the curb.
“Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits” Castrellon, Sanchez-Diaz, Kalahasthi; 2022; TRR; https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221115086. Looks at factors necessary and algorithms for dynamic parking duration policies, these would be type of policy that needs to be evaluated for the risk as compared to other curb management strategies.
“Optimal Curbside Pricing for Managing Ride-Hailing Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs” Liu, Ma, Qian; 2022; SSRN; Liu, Jiachao and Ma, Wei and Qian, Sean, Optimal Curbside Pricing for Managing Ride-Hailing Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4068718 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4068718 They modeled travelers make joint choices of modes (driving or ride-hailing) for different curb pricing strategies. This technique could be modeled to include additional mode and uses for Mobility as a services and EV charging options as well.
“Approximate Optimum Curbside Utilisation for Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) and Parking Demands Using Reinforcement Learning” Ye, Feng, Qiu, Stettler, Angeloudis; 2022; IEEE; DOI: 10.1109/ITSC55140.2022.9922036. Looks at optimization between Pick up drop off and long-term parking.
Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right of Way. This paper provides guidance on dynamic curbside management including the development of performance measures (and potential conflicting goals) for curb use, considerations for data collection and management, potential tools, and considerations of technological advancements including autonomous and electric vehicles.
Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report | The National Academies Press
Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure Enablers: Curbs and Curbside Management covers design, maintenance, and management approaches for curbs and adjacent infrastructure for passenger pick up and drop off. While this paper discusses curbside infrastructure and alternate mobility methods, the impact and interactivity of EV charging infrastructure is not discussed.
EPR2024005: Automated Vehicles and Infrastructure Enablers: Curbs and Curbside Management - Research Report (sae.org)
Estimating and Mitigating the Congestion Effect of Curbside Pick-ups and Drop-offs: A Causal Inference Approach focuses primarily on the effect of PUDOs on curbside utilization and a rerouting method which could be referenced with regard to mobility resilience. This paper addresses aspects of curbside usage, but does not take a wholistic view of curbside performance.
Estimating and Mitigating the Congestion Effect of Curbside Pick-ups and Drop-Offs: A Causal Inference Approach | Transportation Science (informs.org)
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices focuses on identifying existing EV charging station practices and recommends approaches for implementing and maintaining infrastructure for providing charging to individuals without private off-street parking. This paper does not address the risks of curbside charging to other aspects of the curbside.
Community Charging: Emerging Multifamily, Curbside, and Multimodal Practices (driveelectric.gov)
Designing a Prototype of a Mobile Charging Robot for Charging of Electric Vehicles discusses the process of designing a mobile charging robot and potential applications. This provides a potential alternative to fixed charging infrastructure, but would not likely be a viable solution in the short term.
2024-01-2990: Designing a Prototype of a Mobile Charging Robot for Charging of Electric Vehicles - Technical Paper (sae.org)
Curbside Management, 2023 Executive Briefing. This document provides a general approach to curbside management that includes consideration of EV charging, passenger pickup/drop-off, and other curbside services. However, the approach does not explicitly provide guidance with respect to risks posed by each potential service: 2023 Executive Briefing Curbside Management (dot.gov)
Managing the Curb: Understanding the Impacts of On-Demand Mobility on Public Transit, Micromobility, and Pedestrians: https://transweb.sjsu.edu/sites/default/files/1904-Shaheen-Curbspace-Management-Shared-Mobility-Pedestrians.pdf. Examines the needs and management of curb space. This paper highlights concerns over the impact, equity and access, and safety concerns associated with the growing demand for curb space. Some of the concerns highlighted include congestion and competition among users, access to curb space, and the need for clear and safe allocations for pedestrians and cyclists to minimize conflicts. The paper also suggests strategies and provides frameworks to manage curb space, including designated areas, dynamic pricing, and community involvement when planning. The paper also provides performance metrics for the management of curb space such as number of accidents, number of accessible vehicles or devices, among many others. The paper does include high level risks, and performance metrics for curb management, but does not go provide enough detail for states to understand implementation or integration within management decisions.
The objective of this research is to develop performance and risk-based approaches to curb management. The research will provide guidance and good practices to better enable DOTs in managing performance and threats added with transportation features like electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Mobility on Demand (MOD) as they compete for the same curb space as more traditional physical transportation elements such as pedestrian and vehicle parking/loading usage. The research will include the identification of good practices, necessary data to support performance and risk-based decision making, and a framework for developing performance and risk-based approaches to managing shared curb space.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
There are numerous ongoing funding opportunities that states are actively implementing that demonstrate that implementation is occurring faster than approaches to good management strategies, summarized below:
The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program allocated approximately $4.1 Billion in funding to states to strategically deploy EV charging stations and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Eligible NEVI funding include:
The acquisition, installation, and network connection of EV charging stations to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability;
Proper operation and maintenance of EV charging stations; and,
Long-term EV charging station data sharing.
Although proper operation and maintenance was a funding eligible activity, there was no guidance provided on how to do it, or what levels of acceptable service are.
The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program is allocating approximately $2.5 Billion in funding to deploy publicly accessible electric, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated corridors, and within communities, that will be accessible to all drivers. Eligible activities within the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant include:
The acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure.
Operating assistance for 5 years of operations after the installation.
Install traffic control devices located in the right-of-way to provide directional information to eligible infrastructure acquired, installed, or operated with the grant.
Projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to expand or fill gaps in access to publicly accessible electric charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure.
Fund educational and community engagement activities to develop and implement education programs through partnerships with schools, community organizations, and vehicle dealerships to support the use of zero-emission vehicles and associated infrastructure.
The program does define corridor and community eligibility, and does state that traffic control devices must follow the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). There was no guidance on the performance and risk-based approaches to curb management in relation to the installation, operation assistance, or maintenance of these devices.
FHWA just released their National Deployment Plan for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technologies “Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment” in it they discuss the current investments being made in connected infrastructure:
Invested $61.5 million in V2X technology research and deployment through the FHWA Turner Fairbank Highway Research Program over the last five years, with $12.5 million in follow-on research projects budgeted for FY24
Identified and promoted funding opportunities made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including awards to seven Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) and four Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) grants that include V2X elements. Approximately $200 million in active, grant funded projects are underway now, including earlier Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grants.
They also set the following goals:
Top 75 metro areas have 25% of signalized intersections V2X enabled by 2028
Top 75 metro areas have 50% of signalized intersections V2X enabled and V2X installed in 40% of the nation’s intersections by 2031
The top metro areas will have the largest competition for curb space and connected infrastructure will be located in the curb. Also, Cyber Security is a highly discussed risk, and given the traditional adage that “physical access is total access” and every connected device is a potential physical access point the risks to DOT and city systems needs to be considered.
One of the two primary task for States, Local Governments, Tribes, and Public Agencies in the National Deployment Plan for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technologies is to Deploy and operate secure interoperable, cybersecure infrastructure-based V2X technologies and applications. Without understanding the risks we cannot provide for security.
Implementation Considerations
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TAM - Guide to considering resilience and extreme weather in life-cycle planning and risk management analysis
TAM - Guide to considering resilience and extreme weather in life-cycle planning and risk management analysis
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Research Period
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Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
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Urgency and Potential Benefits
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Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
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Others Supporting Problem Statement
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Potential Panel Members
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TAM - Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience
Transportation Asset Management (TAM) approaches have been instrumental in maintaining and improving the performance of transportation systems. Over the years, state DOTs and decision-makers have benefited from a large body of knowledge generated and disseminated by peer agencies and generated refined approaches to managing their transportation systems. However, the effects of recent changes observed in external conditions may require re-orienting the strategic goals of these TAM implementations.
Climate change is threatening the resilience of our transportation network, especially in coastal and urban areas. Rising sea levels, changes to land use, deterioration of stormwater infrastructure, and changing storm and weather patterns increase the risks associated with inundation of transportation infrastructure, bridge scours, and premature pavement failures. Rural areas can also be impacted by the lack of connectivity and relatively poor conditions of bridges in these areas.
Mobility changes in traffic patterns, the vehicle fleet, and methods to pay for the system may also have an impact on decision-making within TAM. The increasing emphasis on the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) s may result in changing loading conditions due to heavier vehicle weights and reducing the availability of funds to manage transportation infrastructure. Changing vehicle loads may accelerate deterioration of assets, not yet studied broadly within the transportation sector.
As another external condition, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in long-lasting impacts in terms of shifting travel patterns and higher demand placed on e-commerce. In some cases, services may have been reduced or eliminated requiring further assessment of how these changes in service may impact investment strategies for TAM. These changes may affect the validity of deterioration models and user cost calculation methods that are currently in use. Decision support systems for maintenance, repair, and replacement of transportation infrastructure may need major revisions in light of these changes.
In addition, consideration for the use of new methods to fund the needs of the surface transportation system through methods such as Road User Charging (RUC) or congestion pricing may influence anticipated demand for the system or distribution of travel over the same 24-hour period.
Conventional approaches to managing infrastructure may fall short in accomplishing broader goals while addressing challenges imposed by such external conditions. Therefore, there is a need for a new research effort, which will aim to conduct a nationwide scan of existing and exemplary efforts in addressing mobility and climate resilience objectives, and to develop new approaches to improving existing TAM efforts to achieve better alignment with these broader objectives.
The objectives of this project are:
To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and climate resilience,
To identify challenges experienced by state DOTs in improving their performance in terms of achieving mobility and climate resilience
To develop new approaches to incorporating mobility and climate resilience considerations into transportation asset management plans (TAMPs),
To generate guidance for aligning existing asset management efforts with these new approaches.
To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and c…
Transportation Asset Management (TAM) approaches have been instrumental in maintaining and improving the performance of transportation systems. Over the years, state DOTs and decision-makers have benefited from a large body of knowledge generated and disseminated by peer agencies and generated refined approaches to managing their transportation systems. However, the effects of recent changes observed in external conditions may require re-orienting the strategic goals of these TAM implementations.
Climate change is threatening the resilience of our transportation network, especially in coastal and urban areas. Rising sea levels, changes to land use, deterioration of stormwater infrastructure, and changing storm and weather patterns increase the risks associated with inundation of transportation infrastructure, bridge scours, and premature pavement failures. Rural areas can also be impacted by the lack of connectivity and relatively poor conditions of bridges in these areas.
Mobility changes in traffic patterns, the vehicle fleet, and methods to pay for the system may also have an impact on decision-making within TAM. The increasing emphasis on the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) s may result in changing loading conditions due to heavier vehicle weights and reducing the availability of funds to manage transportation infrastructure. Changing vehicle loads may accelerate deterioration of assets, not yet studied broadly within the transportation sector.
As another external condition, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in long-lasting impacts in terms of shifting travel patterns and higher demand placed on e-commerce. In some cases, services may have been reduced or eliminated requiring further assessment of how these changes in service may impact investment strategies for TAM. These changes may affect the validity of deterioration models and user cost calculation methods that are currently in use. Decision support systems for maintenance, repair, and replacement of transportation infrastructure may need major revisions in light of these changes.
In addition, consideration for the use of new methods to fund the needs of the surface transportation system through methods such as Road User Charging (RUC) or congestion pricing may influence anticipated demand for the system or distribution of travel over the same 24-hour period.
Conventional approaches to managing infrastructure may fall short in accomplishing broader goals while addressing challenges imposed by such external conditions. Therefore, there is a need for a new research effort, which will aim to conduct a nationwide scan of existing and exemplary efforts in addressing mobility and climate resilience objectives, and to develop new approaches to improving existing TAM efforts to achieve better alignment with these broader objectives.
The objectives of this project are:
To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and climate resilience,
To identify challenges experienced by state DOTs in improving their performance in terms of achieving mobility and climate resilience
To develop new approaches to incorporating mobility and climate resilience considerations into transportation asset management plans (TAMPs),
To generate guidance for aligning existing asset management efforts with these new approaches.
TAM - Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience
Transportation Asset Management (TAM) approaches have been instrumental in maintaining and improving the performance of transportation systems. Over the years, state DOTs and decision-makers have benefited from a large body of knowledge generated and disseminated by peer agencies and generated refined approaches to managing their transportation systems. However, the effects of recent changes observed in external conditions may require re-orienting the strategic goals of these TAM implementations.
Climate change is threatening the resilience of our transportation network, especially in coastal and urban areas. Rising sea levels, changes to land use, deterioration of stormwater infrastructure, and changing storm and weather patterns increase the risks associated with inundation of transportation infrastructure, bridge scours, and premature pavement failures. Rural areas can also be impacted by the lack of connectivity and relatively poor conditions of bridges in these areas.
Mobility changes in traffic patterns, the vehicle fleet, and methods to pay for the system may also have an impact on decision-making within TAM. The increasing emphasis on the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) s may result in changing loading conditions due to heavier vehicle weights and reducing the availability of funds to manage transportation infrastructure. Changing vehicle loads may accelerate deterioration of assets, not yet studied broadly within the transportation sector.
As another external condition, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in long-lasting impacts in terms of shifting travel patterns and higher demand placed on e-commerce. In some cases, services may have been reduced or eliminated requiring further assessment of how these changes in service may impact investment strategies for TAM. These changes may affect the validity of deterioration models and user cost calculation methods that are currently in use. Decision support systems for maintenance, repair, and replacement of transportation infrastructure may need major revisions in light of these changes.
In addition, consideration for the use of new methods to fund the needs of the surface transportation system through methods such as Road User Charging (RUC) or congestion pricing may influence anticipated demand for the system or distribution of travel over the same 24-hour period.
Conventional approaches to managing infrastructure may fall short in accomplishing broader goals while addressing challenges imposed by such external conditions. Therefore, there is a need for a new research effort, which will aim to conduct a nationwide scan of existing and exemplary efforts in addressing mobility and climate resilience objectives, and to develop new approaches to improving existing TAM efforts to achieve better alignment with these broader objectives.
Literature Search Summary
NCHRP 20-83(05): Climate Change and the Highway System: Impacts and Adaptation Approaches (NCHRP Report 750, Volume 2, Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and the Highway System: Practitioner's Guide and Research Report.)
NCHRP 08-129: Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning (NCHRP Research Report 1052)
NCHRP 15-80: Design Guide and Standards for Infrastructure Resilience
NCHRP 23-26: Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts (Active Project, Start Date: 10/26/2022)
To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and climate resilience,
To identify challenges experienced by state DOTs in improving their performance in terms of achieving mobility and climate resilience
To develop new approaches to incorporating mobility and climate resilience considerations into transportation asset management plans (TAMPs),
To generate guidance for aligning existing asset management efforts with these new approaches.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Recent trends observed in the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters and extreme weather- and climate change-related issues experienced by state DOTs increased the urgency of incorporating climate resilience into TAM strategic goals. Concerns related to satisfying mobility demands and reducing user impacts further exacerbate the urgency of these issues.
This study will provide state DOTs with theoretical and practical knowledge to align their TAM efforts with the broader objectives of improving mobility and climate resilience in their regions.
Implementation Considerations
The research developed through this study will support agencies increase resilience considerations in their asset management practice. A cursory review of DOTs latest TAMPs revealed a basic incorporation of resilience considerations by agencies often noting identified threats to the system that could undermine system resilience, but lacking in tracking resilience improvements over time or methods to measure the current system resilience. This research will move toward further integrating resilience into asset management as well as decision-making.
TAM - Aligning Relationships Between Transportation Asset Management (TAM), Planning, and Programming Inclusive of Emerging Objectives of Mobility and Climate Resilience
Research Period
36 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
NCHRP 20-83(05): Climate Change and the Highway System: Impacts and Adaptation Approaches (NCHRP Report 750, Volume 2, Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and the Highway System: Practitioner's Guide and Research Report.)
NCHRP 08-129: Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation Planning (NCHRP Research Report 1052)
NCHRP 15-80: Design Guide and Standards for Infrastructure Resilience
NCHRP 23-26: Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts (Active Project, Start Date: 10/26/2022)
To identify state DOTs approach to assessing and improving mobility and climate resilience,
To identify challenges experienced by state DOTs in improving their performance in terms of achieving mobility and climate resilience
To develop new approaches to incorporating mobility and climate resilience considerations into transportation asset management plans (TAMPs),
To generate guidance for aligning existing asset management efforts with these new approaches.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Recent trends observed in the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters and extreme weather- and climate change-related issues experienced by state DOTs increased the urgency of incorporating climate resilience into TAM strategic goals. Concerns related to satisfying mobility demands and reducing user impacts further exacerbate the urgency of these issues.
This study will provide state DOTs with theoretical and practical knowledge to align their TAM efforts with the broader objectives of improving mobility and climate resilience in their regions.
Implementation Considerations
The research developed through this study will support agencies increase resilience considerations in their asset management practice. A cursory review of DOTs latest TAMPs revealed a basic incorporation of resilience considerations by agencies often noting identified threats to the system that could undermine system resilience, but lacking in tracking resilience improvements over time or methods to measure the current system resilience. This research will move toward further integrating resilience into asset management as well as decision-making.
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ERM - Using AI, LLM, and Massive Data Sets to Understand How Travelers Use Assets During an Event
i. Research objective is to understand how owners and travelers can use AI and massive data sets during events and understand the appropriate use of the datasets (reliability, risks) *TO REFINE
i. Research objective is to understand how owners and travelers can use AI and massive data sets during events and underst…
i. Research objective is to understand how owners and travelers can use AI and massive data sets during events and understand the appropriate use of the datasets (reliability, risks) *TO REFINE
i. Research objective is to understand how owners and travelers can use AI and massive data sets during events and understand the appropriate use of the datasets (reliability, risks) *TO REFINE
ERM - Using AI, LLM, and Massive Data Sets to Understand How Travelers Use Assets During an Event
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
i. Research objective is to understand how owners and travelers can use AI and massive data sets during events and understand the appropriate use of the datasets (reliability, risks) *TO REFINE
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Predictive maintenance
Possible synthesis?
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
CC - Create a Performance Management “Blue Book”
Transportation Performance Management (TPM) is a strategic approach that uses system performance data to guide decision-making and optimize the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks. As states, regions, and local governments increasingly face challenges like budget constraints, aging infrastructure, population growth, and the need for sustainability, effective performance management becomes essential in ensuring that transportation investments deliver maximum value.
In the United States, federal legislation, such as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, has established a national framework for performance-based transportation management. These mandates have encouraged state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to adopt a performance-driven approach to managing transportation assets, reducing congestion, improving safety, and advancing environmental sustainability.
The Transportation Performance Management Blue Book is proposed as a comprehensive guide that will standardize and document best practices, metrics, methodologies, and case studies to help transportation agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks. This Blue Book will serve as a critical resource for state and local transportation agencies to benchmark their performance management efforts, identify gaps, and integrate performance management into long-term planning and investment strategies.
In addition to addressing current best practices, the Blue Book will explore emerging trends such as the integration of advanced data analytics, smart technologies, and real-time data collection systems that enhance TPM. It will also examine challenges faced by transportation agencies, such as data interoperability, funding limitations, and the need for cross-agency collaboration.
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book that standardizes best practices, performance metrics, and methodologies for transportation agencies across the United States. This guide will provide actionable insights to help agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks, improve decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and align with federal requirements. By addressing challenges such as data management, funding constraints, and equity considerations, the TPM Blue Book aims to support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book that st…
Transportation Performance Management (TPM) is a strategic approach that uses system performance data to guide decision-making and optimize the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks. As states, regions, and local governments increasingly face challenges like budget constraints, aging infrastructure, population growth, and the need for sustainability, effective performance management becomes essential in ensuring that transportation investments deliver maximum value.
In the United States, federal legislation, such as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, has established a national framework for performance-based transportation management. These mandates have encouraged state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to adopt a performance-driven approach to managing transportation assets, reducing congestion, improving safety, and advancing environmental sustainability.
The Transportation Performance Management Blue Book is proposed as a comprehensive guide that will standardize and document best practices, metrics, methodologies, and case studies to help transportation agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks. This Blue Book will serve as a critical resource for state and local transportation agencies to benchmark their performance management efforts, identify gaps, and integrate performance management into long-term planning and investment strategies.
In addition to addressing current best practices, the Blue Book will explore emerging trends such as the integration of advanced data analytics, smart technologies, and real-time data collection systems that enhance TPM. It will also examine challenges faced by transportation agencies, such as data interoperability, funding limitations, and the need for cross-agency collaboration.
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book that standardizes best practices, performance metrics, and methodologies for transportation agencies across the United States. This guide will provide actionable insights to help agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks, improve decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and align with federal requirements. By addressing challenges such as data management, funding constraints, and equity considerations, the TPM Blue Book aims to support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Transportation Performance Management (TPM) is a strategic approach that uses system performance data to guide decision-making and optimize the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks. As states, regions, and local governments increasingly face challenges like budget constraints, aging infrastructure, population growth, and the need for sustainability, effective performance management becomes essential in ensuring that transportation investments deliver maximum value.
In the United States, federal legislation, such as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, has established a national framework for performance-based transportation management. These mandates have encouraged state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to adopt a performance-driven approach to managing transportation assets, reducing congestion, improving safety, and advancing environmental sustainability.
The Transportation Performance Management Blue Book is proposed as a comprehensive guide that will standardize and document best practices, metrics, methodologies, and case studies to help transportation agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks. This Blue Book will serve as a critical resource for state and local transportation agencies to benchmark their performance management efforts, identify gaps, and integrate performance management into long-term planning and investment strategies.
In addition to addressing current best practices, the Blue Book will explore emerging trends such as the integration of advanced data analytics, smart technologies, and real-time data collection systems that enhance TPM. It will also examine challenges faced by transportation agencies, such as data interoperability, funding limitations, and the need for cross-agency collaboration.
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Literature Search Summary
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Guidance, Documents, Research, and Resources:
NCHRP Report 1035: Guide to Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance Targets
Designed to help state DOTs and metropolitan planning organizations identify effective methods for setting transportation performance targets based on established national measures.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - Performance-Based Planning and Programming Guidebook (2013)
This guide provides best practices for implementing TPM and the processes used to comply with federal requirements.
A resource portal with tools and documents that support the implementation of performance-based transportation management across state DOTs.
FHWA Performance Management Guidebook (2016)
A detailed guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to design and implement a TPM system.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report 329: Adapting Transportation to Climate Change (2019)
Discusses the integration of resilience and sustainability into transportation performance metrics, particularly in the context of climate adaptation.
NCHRP Synthesis 532: Emerging Trends in Transportation Performance Management (2019)
Reviews the latest advancements in TPM, such as smart infrastructure and real-time data analytics.
National Academies Press: Improving Transportation Resilience through Performance Management (2020)
Examines how performance management frameworks can be adapted to address transportation system resilience and climate change mitigation.
Urban Institute: Equity in Transportation Performance Management (2019)
This study investigates how transportation performance measures can incorporate equity considerations, particularly in underserved communities.
World Resources Institute (WRI): Inclusive Transportation Planning and Performance Management (2020)
Provides insights on how equity-focused metrics can be integrated into transportation performance measures, especially for transit services and accessibility.
NCHRP 08-127 Emerging Issues: Impact of New Disruptive Technologies on the Performance of DOTs
Provides a guide for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation planning agencies to understand, predict, plan for, and adapt to the potential impacts of emerging disruptive technologies.
NCHRP Report 991: Guidelines for the Development and Application of Crash Modification Factors (2022)
Guidance on provide transportation professionals with the kind of quantitative information they need to make decisions on where best to invest limited safety funds.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 335: A Guide to Computation and Use of System-Level Valuation of Transportation Assets (2021)
Guidance on calculating the value of assets as an indicator of asset management needs.
Case Studies and Best Practices:
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Gray Notebook
A quarterly performance report that tracks WSDOT’s progress in key performance areas.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Smart Scale Program
An initiative that prioritizes transportation projects based on performance metrics like congestion mitigation, safety, and economic development.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) - Performance Dashboard
A digital platform that provides real-time performance data related to traffic, safety, and infrastructure conditions.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book that standardizes best practices, performance metrics, and methodologies for transportation agencies across the United States. This guide will provide actionable insights to help agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks, improve decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and align with federal requirements. By addressing challenges such as data management, funding constraints, and equity considerations, the TPM Blue Book aims to support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The need for effective Transportation Performance Management (TPM) has never been more critical. With the increasing strain on transportation systems due to aging infrastructure, growing populations, and heightened demand for sustainable solutions, transportation agencies are under pressure to make more informed, data-driven decisions. Additionally, federal mandates such as MAP-21 and the FAST Act require transportation agencies to adopt performance-based management systems, adding urgency to the implementation of TPM frameworks. However, many agencies face challenges in developing standardized metrics, managing vast datasets, and aligning performance goals with long-term strategic plans. Without a comprehensive and accessible guide to TPM, agencies risk inefficient use of resources, missed performance targets, and delays in addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Potential Benefits:
The TPM Blue Book will provide transportation agencies with a standardized, user-friendly resource to guide the implementation of performance management frameworks. Key benefits of this research include:
Improved Decision-Making: By offering clear methodologies and best practices, the Blue Book will help agencies make informed, data-driven decisions that optimize resource allocation and improve system performance.
Increased Accountability and Transparency: The Blue Book will enable agencies to establish clear performance metrics and reporting processes, fostering greater accountability to stakeholders and the public.
Enhanced Safety and Efficiency: Prioritizing safety and congestion reduction as key performance measures will lead to safer, more efficient transportation systems.
Alignment with Federal Requirements: By synthesizing federal performance management mandates into a practical guide, the Blue Book will help agencies meet compliance requirements, reducing the risk of funding penalties or missed opportunities for federal aid.
Sustainability and Equity: The Blue Book will incorporate emerging trends in sustainable transportation and performance measures that address equity, ensuring that transportation investments benefit all communities and reduce environmental impact.
By equipping agencies with the tools to implement effective TPM systems, this research will contribute to the development of more resilient, sustainable, and responsive transportation networks.
Implementation Considerations
To successfully develop and implement the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book, several key considerations need to be addressed throughout the research and dissemination phases:
Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration
Data Collection and Analysis
Customization and Adaptability
Technology Integration
Funding and Resource Allocation
Training and Capacity Building
Continuous Improvement and Updates
Equity and Sustainability Considerations
Note: More can be added to the above list.
By addressing these implementation considerations, the TPM Blue Book can be successfully developed, adopted, and utilized across diverse transportation agencies, ensuring it provides maximum value in improving transportation system performance.
Transportation Performance Management (TPM) is a strategic approach that uses system performance data to guide decision-making and optimize the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation networks. As states, regions, and local governments increasingly face challenges like budget constraints, aging infrastructure, population growth, and the need for sustainability, effective performance management becomes essential in ensuring that transportation investments deliver maximum value.
In the United States, federal legislation, such as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, has established a national framework for performance-based transportation management. These mandates have encouraged state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to adopt a performance-driven approach to managing transportation assets, reducing congestion, improving safety, and advancing environmental sustainability.
The Transportation Performance Management Blue Book is proposed as a comprehensive guide that will standardize and document best practices, metrics, methodologies, and case studies to help transportation agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks. This Blue Book will serve as a critical resource for state and local transportation agencies to benchmark their performance management efforts, identify gaps, and integrate performance management into long-term planning and investment strategies.
In addition to addressing current best practices, the Blue Book will explore emerging trends such as the integration of advanced data analytics, smart technologies, and real-time data collection systems that enhance TPM. It will also examine challenges faced by transportation agencies, such as data interoperability, funding limitations, and the need for cross-agency collaboration.
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Literature Search Summary
By creating this guide, the project aims to equip transportation agencies with a practical, user-friendly resource that will promote more consistent and effective transportation performance management nationwide. The Blue Book will ultimately support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Guidance, Documents, Research, and Resources:
NCHRP Report 1035: Guide to Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance Targets
Designed to help state DOTs and metropolitan planning organizations identify effective methods for setting transportation performance targets based on established national measures.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - Performance-Based Planning and Programming Guidebook (2013)
This guide provides best practices for implementing TPM and the processes used to comply with federal requirements.
A resource portal with tools and documents that support the implementation of performance-based transportation management across state DOTs.
FHWA Performance Management Guidebook (2016)
A detailed guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to design and implement a TPM system.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report 329: Adapting Transportation to Climate Change (2019)
Discusses the integration of resilience and sustainability into transportation performance metrics, particularly in the context of climate adaptation.
NCHRP Synthesis 532: Emerging Trends in Transportation Performance Management (2019)
Reviews the latest advancements in TPM, such as smart infrastructure and real-time data analytics.
National Academies Press: Improving Transportation Resilience through Performance Management (2020)
Examines how performance management frameworks can be adapted to address transportation system resilience and climate change mitigation.
Urban Institute: Equity in Transportation Performance Management (2019)
This study investigates how transportation performance measures can incorporate equity considerations, particularly in underserved communities.
World Resources Institute (WRI): Inclusive Transportation Planning and Performance Management (2020)
Provides insights on how equity-focused metrics can be integrated into transportation performance measures, especially for transit services and accessibility.
NCHRP 08-127 Emerging Issues: Impact of New Disruptive Technologies on the Performance of DOTs
Provides a guide for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation planning agencies to understand, predict, plan for, and adapt to the potential impacts of emerging disruptive technologies.
NCHRP Report 991: Guidelines for the Development and Application of Crash Modification Factors (2022)
Guidance on provide transportation professionals with the kind of quantitative information they need to make decisions on where best to invest limited safety funds.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 335: A Guide to Computation and Use of System-Level Valuation of Transportation Assets (2021)
Guidance on calculating the value of assets as an indicator of asset management needs.
Case Studies and Best Practices:
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Gray Notebook
A quarterly performance report that tracks WSDOT’s progress in key performance areas.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Smart Scale Program
An initiative that prioritizes transportation projects based on performance metrics like congestion mitigation, safety, and economic development.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) - Performance Dashboard
A digital platform that provides real-time performance data related to traffic, safety, and infrastructure conditions.
The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book that standardizes best practices, performance metrics, and methodologies for transportation agencies across the United States. This guide will provide actionable insights to help agencies effectively implement TPM frameworks, improve decision-making, optimize resource allocation, and align with federal requirements. By addressing challenges such as data management, funding constraints, and equity considerations, the TPM Blue Book aims to support the development of more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The need for effective Transportation Performance Management (TPM) has never been more critical. With the increasing strain on transportation systems due to aging infrastructure, growing populations, and heightened demand for sustainable solutions, transportation agencies are under pressure to make more informed, data-driven decisions. Additionally, federal mandates such as MAP-21 and the FAST Act require transportation agencies to adopt performance-based management systems, adding urgency to the implementation of TPM frameworks. However, many agencies face challenges in developing standardized metrics, managing vast datasets, and aligning performance goals with long-term strategic plans. Without a comprehensive and accessible guide to TPM, agencies risk inefficient use of resources, missed performance targets, and delays in addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Potential Benefits:
The TPM Blue Book will provide transportation agencies with a standardized, user-friendly resource to guide the implementation of performance management frameworks. Key benefits of this research include:
Improved Decision-Making: By offering clear methodologies and best practices, the Blue Book will help agencies make informed, data-driven decisions that optimize resource allocation and improve system performance.
Increased Accountability and Transparency: The Blue Book will enable agencies to establish clear performance metrics and reporting processes, fostering greater accountability to stakeholders and the public.
Enhanced Safety and Efficiency: Prioritizing safety and congestion reduction as key performance measures will lead to safer, more efficient transportation systems.
Alignment with Federal Requirements: By synthesizing federal performance management mandates into a practical guide, the Blue Book will help agencies meet compliance requirements, reducing the risk of funding penalties or missed opportunities for federal aid.
Sustainability and Equity: The Blue Book will incorporate emerging trends in sustainable transportation and performance measures that address equity, ensuring that transportation investments benefit all communities and reduce environmental impact.
By equipping agencies with the tools to implement effective TPM systems, this research will contribute to the development of more resilient, sustainable, and responsive transportation networks.
Implementation Considerations
To successfully develop and implement the Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Blue Book, several key considerations need to be addressed throughout the research and dissemination phases:
Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration
Data Collection and Analysis
Customization and Adaptability
Technology Integration
Funding and Resource Allocation
Training and Capacity Building
Continuous Improvement and Updates
Equity and Sustainability Considerations
Note: More can be added to the above list.
By addressing these implementation considerations, the TPM Blue Book can be successfully developed, adopted, and utilized across diverse transportation agencies, ensuring it provides maximum value in improving transportation system performance.
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CC - Ways to Measure Organizational Efficiency
i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 differing
iii. agency scenarios
iv. get specific metrics for organizational/agency efficiency
v. offer a toolbox that different agencies can use
vi. develop guidelines on how efficiency measures/KPIs can be used/applied
i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 dif…
i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 differing
iii. agency scenarios
iv. get specific metrics for organizational/agency efficiency
v. offer a toolbox that different agencies can use
vi. develop guidelines on how efficiency measures/KPIs can be used/applied
i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 differing
iii. agency scenarios
iv. get specific metrics for organizational/agency efficiency
v. offer a toolbox that different agencies can use
vi. develop guidelines on how efficiency measures/KPIs can be used/applied
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The Reason Foundation produces a ranked list of state agencies
Are there better ways to measure agency effectiveness such as data envelopment analysis
Come up with ways other ways to add value such as wanting to be able to find peer agencies to learn from?
How much money are we actually spending to manage programs?
What is the effectiveness of the funds allocated?
Want to have state legislatures understand when they are underfunding an area and know the impact of it.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 differing
iii. agency scenarios
iv. get specific metrics for organizational/agency efficiency
v. offer a toolbox that different agencies can use
vi. develop guidelines on how efficiency measures/KPIs can be used/applied
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The Reason Foundation produces a ranked list of state agencies
Are there better ways to measure agency effectiveness such as data envelopment analysis
Come up with ways other ways to add value such as wanting to be able to find peer agencies to learn from?
How much money are we actually spending to manage programs?
What is the effectiveness of the funds allocated?
Want to have state legislatures understand when they are underfunding an area and know the impact of it.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
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ERM - Categorization Scheme for Risk Management Strategies
• When to determine if it is maintenance or engineering activity
• Lifecycle considerations
• BC/ROI considerations for maintenance vs engineering treatments
• Possible synthesis?
• When to determine if it is maintenance or engineering activity
• Lifecycle considerations
• BC/ROI con…
• When to determine if it is maintenance or engineering activity
• Lifecycle considerations
• BC/ROI considerations for maintenance vs engineering treatments
• Possible synthesis?
ERM - Categorization Scheme for Risk Management Strategies
This candidate currently has no champions
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $0
• When to determine if it is maintenance or engineering activity
• Lifecycle considerations
• BC/ROI considerations for maintenance vs engineering treatments
• Possible synthesis?
ERM - Categorization Scheme for Risk Management Strategies
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
• When to determine if it is maintenance or engineering activity
• Lifecycle considerations
• BC/ROI considerations for maintenance vs engineering treatments
• Possible synthesis?
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
OM - Changing Technologies and Impact on the Organization
c. Research Objectives:
i. Learning how organizations can optimize the use of technologies.
ii. Leveraging technological advances to organizational needs.
c. Research Objectives:
i. Learning how organizations can optimize the use of technologies.
ii. Leveraging tec…
c. Research Objectives:
i. Learning how organizations can optimize the use of technologies.
ii. Leveraging technological advances to organizational needs.
c. Research Objectives:
i. Learning how organizations can optimize the use of technologies.
ii. Leveraging technological advances to organizational needs.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Urgency: Mid to high priority over a long timeframe.
Potential Benefit: Creating an adaptable workforce, streamline/improve efficiency, technology leverages the skillsets of a workforce.
OM - Changing Technologies and Impact on the Organization
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
c. Research Objectives:
i. Learning how organizations can optimize the use of technologies.
ii. Leveraging technological advances to organizational needs.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Urgency: Mid to high priority over a long timeframe.
Potential Benefit: Creating an adaptable workforce, streamline/improve efficiency, technology leverages the skillsets of a workforce.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
AASHTO Representative TBD
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
EM - Incorporating Equity into Programming Decisions at Departments of Transportation
While many states have committed to transportation equity, a critical gap exists in understanding how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity. Currently, most programming uses an asset management lens, which assumes the existing system continues to meet evolving needs. However, newer state and federal goals reflect a holistic, bigger picture focus than asset management. Recent statewide multimodal transportation plans reflect this shift with ambitious safety, equity, and sustainability targets. Maintaining the current programming approach may hinder the ability to achieve these goals.
Recently, the federal government committed to the Justice 40 program which states that 40% of benefits from specific federal programs will go towards disadvantaged communities. This new federal initiative has increased interest from state DOTs in how to measure equity in transportation.
The objective of this research is to understand how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity and determine how to adjust current programming processes to achieve more equitable outcomes.
The following research tasks will support the main objective:
Task 1: Define program equity. Review literature and conduct targeted outreach to state DOTs to identify current definitions of equity and performance measures related to equity.
Task 2: Evaluate current system performance against equity outcome-based programming principles. Determined potential equity-based outcome measures. Use a case study to evaluate existing system performance measures compared to an equity outcome-based measure.
Task 3: Identify programming processes that advance transportation equity. Develop a list of potential improvements and propose specific additional tools, analytical methods and other information that would be needed to meet the needs of state DOT more fully.
The objective of this research is to understand how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity and…
While many states have committed to transportation equity, a critical gap exists in understanding how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity. Currently, most programming uses an asset management lens, which assumes the existing system continues to meet evolving needs. However, newer state and federal goals reflect a holistic, bigger picture focus than asset management. Recent statewide multimodal transportation plans reflect this shift with ambitious safety, equity, and sustainability targets. Maintaining the current programming approach may hinder the ability to achieve these goals.
Recently, the federal government committed to the Justice 40 program which states that 40% of benefits from specific federal programs will go towards disadvantaged communities. This new federal initiative has increased interest from state DOTs in how to measure equity in transportation.
The objective of this research is to understand how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity and determine how to adjust current programming processes to achieve more equitable outcomes.
The following research tasks will support the main objective:
Task 1: Define program equity. Review literature and conduct targeted outreach to state DOTs to identify current definitions of equity and performance measures related to equity.
Task 2: Evaluate current system performance against equity outcome-based programming principles. Determined potential equity-based outcome measures. Use a case study to evaluate existing system performance measures compared to an equity outcome-based measure.
Task 3: Identify programming processes that advance transportation equity. Develop a list of potential improvements and propose specific additional tools, analytical methods and other information that would be needed to meet the needs of state DOT more fully.
While many states have committed to transportation equity, a critical gap exists in understanding how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity. Currently, most programming uses an asset management lens, which assumes the existing system continues to meet evolving needs. However, newer state and federal goals reflect a holistic, bigger picture focus than asset management. Recent statewide multimodal transportation plans reflect this shift with ambitious safety, equity, and sustainability targets. Maintaining the current programming approach may hinder the ability to achieve these goals.
Recently, the federal government committed to the Justice 40 program which states that 40% of benefits from specific federal programs will go towards disadvantaged communities. This new federal initiative has increased interest from state DOTs in how to measure equity in transportation.
Literature Search Summary
Literature exists on equity in transportation focused on policy and project decisions, or specifically federal grant programs. Research is needed that focuses on incorporating equity into broader programming decisions at state DOTs. (Note: we can add short summaries about these in further revisions to this RNS).
Existing literature about transportation equity includes:
NCHRP 20-123(19) A Research Roadmap for Institutionalizing Transportation Equity [Active] Support for AASHTO Committees and Councils https://trid.trb.org/view/2011425
The objective of this research is to understand how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity and determine how to adjust current programming processes to achieve more equitable outcomes.
The following research tasks will support the main objective:
Task 1: Define program equity. Review literature and conduct targeted outreach to state DOTs to identify current definitions of equity and performance measures related to equity.
Task 2: Evaluate current system performance against equity outcome-based programming principles. Determined potential equity-based outcome measures. Use a case study to evaluate existing system performance measures compared to an equity outcome-based measure.
Task 3: Identify programming processes that advance transportation equity. Develop a list of potential improvements and propose specific additional tools, analytical methods and other information that would be needed to meet the needs of state DOT more fully.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Equity is increasingly a key goal for state DOTs and the federal government. In addition to the federal commitment to Justice 40, many state DOTs are coming to terms with their past actions that have caused harms in disadvantaged communities throughout the country and are seeking remedies. States and local communities have adopted commitments to transportation equity to address on-going inequities in transportation. The social unrest in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd showed the impact that entrenched inequities can have on the population. The resulting outrage fueled the desire for a greater focus on equity across the country.
State DOTs spend billions of dollars every year on transportation projects across the country. This investment has the ability to greatly benefit disadvantaged communities and reduce existing inequitable outcomes if DOTs and other transportation providers are able to evaluate and measure their program in regards to equity. Transportation access is necessary for employment and improved transportation access greatly improves job opportunities and access to other important destinations.
Implementation Considerations
The research would be beneficial to state DOT professionals at any level as well as transportation organization partners and stakeholders who all have a vested interest in improving equity in transportation and overall. Implementation elements include a communications plan to ensure awareness of the research and TRB, FHWA and AASHTO presentations to share the findings. Venues include workshops, peer exchanges, and committee meetings.
There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in transportation’s contribution toward equity that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) – Christos Xenophontos, Chair
Committee on Planning
Committee on Equity in Transportation (AME10)
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Strategic Management (AJE10)
Transportation Planning Policy and Processes (AEP10)
Transportation Planning Analysis and Application (AEP15)
Communication and Implementation Funding: $20,000
Communication and Implementation Period: 6 months
AASHTO requirement for interim deliverable review:
Interim deliverable(s): The results of this research are critically important to the DOTs. As such, an interim deliverable is required to be reviewed by the applicable AASHTO Committee(s). The AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management has developed and sponsored this needs statement on behalf of member DOTs. Interim deliverables could include literature reviews, surveys, interim reports, and full draft reports.
Stakeholder engagement: As part of the interim deliverable, the project team and research panel should engage DOT stakeholders for feedback during the project. Engagement could include webinars, workshops, presentations, surveys, user testing of draft tools, and interim reports and literature reviews.
EM - Incorporating Equity into Programming Decisions at Departments of Transportation
Research Period
24 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Literature exists on equity in transportation focused on policy and project decisions, or specifically federal grant programs. Research is needed that focuses on incorporating equity into broader programming decisions at state DOTs. (Note: we can add short summaries about these in further revisions to this RNS).
Existing literature about transportation equity includes:
NCHRP 20-123(19) A Research Roadmap for Institutionalizing Transportation Equity [Active] Support for AASHTO Committees and Councils https://trid.trb.org/view/2011425
The objective of this research is to understand how programs of projects contribute to achieving transportation equity and determine how to adjust current programming processes to achieve more equitable outcomes.
The following research tasks will support the main objective:
Task 1: Define program equity. Review literature and conduct targeted outreach to state DOTs to identify current definitions of equity and performance measures related to equity.
Task 2: Evaluate current system performance against equity outcome-based programming principles. Determined potential equity-based outcome measures. Use a case study to evaluate existing system performance measures compared to an equity outcome-based measure.
Task 3: Identify programming processes that advance transportation equity. Develop a list of potential improvements and propose specific additional tools, analytical methods and other information that would be needed to meet the needs of state DOT more fully.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Equity is increasingly a key goal for state DOTs and the federal government. In addition to the federal commitment to Justice 40, many state DOTs are coming to terms with their past actions that have caused harms in disadvantaged communities throughout the country and are seeking remedies. States and local communities have adopted commitments to transportation equity to address on-going inequities in transportation. The social unrest in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd showed the impact that entrenched inequities can have on the population. The resulting outrage fueled the desire for a greater focus on equity across the country.
State DOTs spend billions of dollars every year on transportation projects across the country. This investment has the ability to greatly benefit disadvantaged communities and reduce existing inequitable outcomes if DOTs and other transportation providers are able to evaluate and measure their program in regards to equity. Transportation access is necessary for employment and improved transportation access greatly improves job opportunities and access to other important destinations.
Implementation Considerations
The research would be beneficial to state DOT professionals at any level as well as transportation organization partners and stakeholders who all have a vested interest in improving equity in transportation and overall. Implementation elements include a communications plan to ensure awareness of the research and TRB, FHWA and AASHTO presentations to share the findings. Venues include workshops, peer exchanges, and committee meetings.
There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in transportation’s contribution toward equity that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) – Christos Xenophontos, Chair
Committee on Planning
Committee on Equity in Transportation (AME10)
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Strategic Management (AJE10)
Transportation Planning Policy and Processes (AEP10)
Transportation Planning Analysis and Application (AEP15)
Communication and Implementation Funding: $20,000
Communication and Implementation Period: 6 months
AASHTO requirement for interim deliverable review:
Interim deliverable(s): The results of this research are critically important to the DOTs. As such, an interim deliverable is required to be reviewed by the applicable AASHTO Committee(s). The AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management has developed and sponsored this needs statement on behalf of member DOTs. Interim deliverables could include literature reviews, surveys, interim reports, and full draft reports.
Stakeholder engagement: As part of the interim deliverable, the project team and research panel should engage DOT stakeholders for feedback during the project. Engagement could include webinars, workshops, presentations, surveys, user testing of draft tools, and interim reports and literature reviews.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
OM - Changing Work Environment: How to Best Utilize New Employees, Understand Changing Employee Lifecycle
i. Recommendation of strategies to address changes in workforce.
ii. Strategies on identifying issues in workforce expectations.
iii. Framework to assess organizational culture/values – Bridging gap between agency culture and new workforce hires.
iv. Comparison of public vs. private organization approaches.
from symposium 1:
How to ensure the work gets done
Understand changing demographics
Training, transition plans
Tools - best practices (broadly)
Turnover and ability to aim employees, including leadership bench strength (transitioning into leadership positions)
Scan of practice
Broadly, look at other sectors
Mindset shifts - "farm team" approach - mentoring, training, non-traditional recruitment
i. Recommendation of strategies to address changes in workforce.
ii. Strategies on identifying issues in workforce e…
i. Recommendation of strategies to address changes in workforce.
ii. Strategies on identifying issues in workforce expectations.
iii. Framework to assess organizational culture/values – Bridging gap between agency culture and new workforce hires.
iv. Comparison of public vs. private organization approaches.
from symposium 1:
How to ensure the work gets done
Understand changing demographics
Training, transition plans
Tools - best practices (broadly)
Turnover and ability to aim employees, including leadership bench strength (transitioning into leadership positions)
Scan of practice
Broadly, look at other sectors
Mindset shifts - "farm team" approach - mentoring, training, non-traditional recruitment
i. Recommendation of strategies to address changes in workforce.
ii. Strategies on identifying issues in workforce expectations.
iii. Framework to assess organizational culture/values – Bridging gap between agency culture and new workforce hires.
iv. Comparison of public vs. private organization approaches.
from symposium 1:
How to ensure the work gets done
Understand changing demographics
Training, transition plans
Tools - best practices (broadly)
Turnover and ability to aim employees, including leadership bench strength (transitioning into leadership positions)
Scan of practice
Broadly, look at other sectors
Mindset shifts - "farm team" approach - mentoring, training, non-traditional recruitment
OM - Changing Work Environment: How to Best Utilize New Employees, Understand Changing Employee Lifecycle
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
i. Recommendation of strategies to address changes in workforce.
ii. Strategies on identifying issues in workforce expectations.
iii. Framework to assess organizational culture/values – Bridging gap between agency culture and new workforce hires.
iv. Comparison of public vs. private organization approaches.
from symposium 1:
How to ensure the work gets done
Understand changing demographics
Training, transition plans
Tools - best practices (broadly)
Turnover and ability to aim employees, including leadership bench strength (transitioning into leadership positions)
Scan of practice
Broadly, look at other sectors
Mindset shifts - "farm team" approach - mentoring, training, non-traditional recruitment
Urgency and Potential Benefits
High urgency
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
AASHTO Representative TBD
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
TAM - Integrating the culture change of TAM into organizations
i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency's TAM strategy. How to build the bench?
ii. look at agencies where AM is integrated in the business processes as examples. Policies, documents, etc. org structure
iii. how to plan for management to come?
i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency'…
i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency's TAM strategy. How to build the bench?
ii. look at agencies where AM is integrated in the business processes as examples. Policies, documents, etc. org structure
iii. how to plan for management to come?
i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency's TAM strategy. How to build the bench?
ii. look at agencies where AM is integrated in the business processes as examples. Policies, documents, etc. org structure
iii. how to plan for management to come?
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The greatest challenge we have is changing the culture, which is something we don't do very well as engineers and planners. Is there a way to outline the process to change the culture of the organizations with regards to implementing TAM. Talk to states that have done it— what worked and didn't work? States that need culture changed are least likely to read a report on this.
TAM - Integrating the culture change of TAM into organizations
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
i. Genesis/imperative for this topic: There's a lot of turn-over occurring. Losing one key player can take down an agency's TAM strategy. How to build the bench?
ii. look at agencies where AM is integrated in the business processes as examples. Policies, documents, etc. org structure
iii. how to plan for management to come?
Urgency and Potential Benefits
The greatest challenge we have is changing the culture, which is something we don't do very well as engineers and planners. Is there a way to outline the process to change the culture of the organizations with regards to implementing TAM. Talk to states that have done it— what worked and didn't work? States that need culture changed are least likely to read a report on this.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
AASHTO Representative TBD
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
EM - Implementing Effective Community Resilience Performance Management
The research question seeks to answer what is an effective performance measure for transportation resilience in a community, state, or other jurisdiction? Progress toward solving these questions has been underway for several years, though failing to reach the desired outcome. The need for this research was further reinforced during the December 2022 AASHTO conference in Providence and the January 2023 TRB annual meeting, which included a handful of workshops and sessions that broached this subject. From the perspective of high-quality performance management practice, effective measures of resilience have been elusive.
While the community has established measures of resilience for specific infrastructure, organizations, or supply chains, the metrics and definitions are lacking for community mobility. This research will focus on how best to measure it, from a state-of-the-art performance management perspective, not just the easy but low-value event or activity tallies. Consider an agency or community investing in preparedness work, infrastructure hardening, or implementing a policy shift – what is the most effective, objective, outcome-based evidence for whether the jurisdiction is now more resilient than it was a year ago? While there are seeds of ideas, questions linger and have been raised by multiple agencies, PIARC, AASHTO committees, TRB committees, and surely others.
This research seeks to clarify and refine what it means to have an effective, outcome-based, high-level performance management approach to resilience. Toward this end there are three essential parts:
Confirming definitions. For example, is resilience an inverse of vulnerability? Or does it imply an inverse of sensitivity and adaptive capacity (e.g., per the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool [VAST])? If resilience is infinite, is exposure irrelevant? Consistent with the VAAF, is there consensus on the definitions for risk, criticality, consequence, and other essential terms? Through these definitions, resilience measures will be compared and contrasted with risk and related performance areas.
Community mobility, or mobility and destination access across a jurisdiction of any size, for all users and modes. This is distinct from infrastructure-focused resilience for a specific asset, e.g., a bridge. For a community subject to natural or human-caused disasters, how can they know whether they are more or less resilient? Is there a role for the broader 4R concept of Robustness – Redundancy – Resourcefulness – Rapidity?
Effective performance measures. Define performance measures for the resilience community. Agency leaders need relevant, feasible, and quantifiable evidence of improved resilience that is outcome-based and trackable over time. These metrics should measure continuous data in the form of substantive change and performance in resilience as opposed to activity metrics already in play or project-specific evaluations. Performance measures should also reflect disparate impacts to mobile communities or disadvantaged areas and populations.
In addition to developed guidance, this project will pilot the implementation of a high-quality resilience performance measure into existing performance management frameworks for up to five agencies. Not only states, but MPOs, e.g. Los Angeles and San Diego have promising initiatives already developed.
This research seeks to clarify and refine what it means to have an effective, outcome-based, high-level performance manage…
The research question seeks to answer what is an effective performance measure for transportation resilience in a community, state, or other jurisdiction? Progress toward solving these questions has been underway for several years, though failing to reach the desired outcome. The need for this research was further reinforced during the December 2022 AASHTO conference in Providence and the January 2023 TRB annual meeting, which included a handful of workshops and sessions that broached this subject. From the perspective of high-quality performance management practice, effective measures of resilience have been elusive.
While the community has established measures of resilience for specific infrastructure, organizations, or supply chains, the metrics and definitions are lacking for community mobility. This research will focus on how best to measure it, from a state-of-the-art performance management perspective, not just the easy but low-value event or activity tallies. Consider an agency or community investing in preparedness work, infrastructure hardening, or implementing a policy shift – what is the most effective, objective, outcome-based evidence for whether the jurisdiction is now more resilient than it was a year ago? While there are seeds of ideas, questions linger and have been raised by multiple agencies, PIARC, AASHTO committees, TRB committees, and surely others.
This research seeks to clarify and refine what it means to have an effective, outcome-based, high-level performance management approach to resilience. Toward this end there are three essential parts:
Confirming definitions. For example, is resilience an inverse of vulnerability? Or does it imply an inverse of sensitivity and adaptive capacity (e.g., per the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool [VAST])? If resilience is infinite, is exposure irrelevant? Consistent with the VAAF, is there consensus on the definitions for risk, criticality, consequence, and other essential terms? Through these definitions, resilience measures will be compared and contrasted with risk and related performance areas.
Community mobility, or mobility and destination access across a jurisdiction of any size, for all users and modes. This is distinct from infrastructure-focused resilience for a specific asset, e.g., a bridge. For a community subject to natural or human-caused disasters, how can they know whether they are more or less resilient? Is there a role for the broader 4R concept of Robustness – Redundancy – Resourcefulness – Rapidity?
Effective performance measures. Define performance measures for the resilience community. Agency leaders need relevant, feasible, and quantifiable evidence of improved resilience that is outcome-based and trackable over time. These metrics should measure continuous data in the form of substantive change and performance in resilience as opposed to activity metrics already in play or project-specific evaluations. Performance measures should also reflect disparate impacts to mobile communities or disadvantaged areas and populations.
In addition to developed guidance, this project will pilot the implementation of a high-quality resilience performance measure into existing performance management frameworks for up to five agencies. Not only states, but MPOs, e.g. Los Angeles and San Diego have promising initiatives already developed.
The research question seeks to answer what is an effective performance measure for transportation resilience in a community, state, or other jurisdiction? Progress toward solving these questions has been underway for several years, though failing to reach the desired outcome. The need for this research was further reinforced during the December 2022 AASHTO conference in Providence and the January 2023 TRB annual meeting, which included a handful of workshops and sessions that broached this subject. From the perspective of high-quality performance management practice, effective measures of resilience have been elusive.
While the community has established measures of resilience for specific infrastructure, organizations, or supply chains, the metrics and definitions are lacking for community mobility. This research will focus on how best to measure it, from a state-of-the-art performance management perspective, not just the easy but low-value event or activity tallies. Consider an agency or community investing in preparedness work, infrastructure hardening, or implementing a policy shift – what is the most effective, objective, outcome-based evidence for whether the jurisdiction is now more resilient than it was a year ago? While there are seeds of ideas, questions linger and have been raised by multiple agencies, PIARC, AASHTO committees, TRB committees, and surely others.
Literature Search Summary
While there are several published resources referring to resilience performance, there remains a gap in effective performance measurement that this proposed research seeks to close.
Disaster Resilience Framework Workshop, 2015, San Diego. The workshop notes (unpublished) includes a section about Community Resilience Metrics.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework (VAAF), 2017, FHWA HOP (link). An important go-to guide for anybody working on transportation resilience.
Integrating Resilience into the Transportation Planning Process, White Paper on Literature Review Findings, 2018, FHWA HOP (link). A good resource for background and context, including a history of Federal rules on resilience. This document correctly places performance measure formulation after goals but before solutions.
Investing in Transportation Resilience: A Framework for Informed Choices, 2021, NAS/TRB (link). This also included a Committee on Transportation Resilience Metrics. The document includes some relevant points but is generally of limited value for performance management given its focus on project-specific evaluations and benefit-cost analysis.
Mainstreaming System Resilience Concepts into Transportation Agencies: A Guide, 2021, NAS/TRB (link). Follows on a 2018 resilience summit in Denver. A wealth of information about resilience, but measurement appears limited to project-specific risk reduction.
Developing Transportation System Climate Resilience Performance Measures, 2022, Minnesota DOT (link). A survey showed most states do not have resilience performance measures. Those that do are not outcome-based.
A Perspective on Quantifying Resilience: Combining Community and Infrastructure Capitals, 2023, Gerges et al (link).
Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts, 2022-2024, NCHRP 23-26, underway (link). Potentially valuable for this proposed research, but measures are not defined until after solutions and appear to focus only on monitoring project effects.
Transportation Asset Risk and Resilience, 2023-2026, NCHRP 23-32, pending/underway (link). A relatively large effort to generate new guidance, which may or may not include performance.
There are many laws, rules, references, and guidance documents going back many years, and right up to the current PROTECT Program guidance. The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (2020), H.R.1865, calls on the “Secretary of Transportation to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a study through the Transportation Research Board on effective ways to measure the resilience of transportation systems and services to natural disasters, natural hazards, and other potential disruptions.”
Be wary of two tangents in literature: those focused solely on infrastructure and others about operational/organizational resilience, which are mostly unhelpful and distracting. Apart from published guidance, this research project will include a scan of select agencies to gather more evidence and examples, including efforts to integrate transportation resilience with broader initiatives like communication and energy infrastructure.
This research seeks to clarify and refine what it means to have an effective, outcome-based, high-level performance management approach to resilience. Toward this end there are three essential parts:
Confirming definitions. For example, is resilience an inverse of vulnerability? Or does it imply an inverse of sensitivity and adaptive capacity (e.g., per the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool [VAST])? If resilience is infinite, is exposure irrelevant? Consistent with the VAAF, is there consensus on the definitions for risk, criticality, consequence, and other essential terms? Through these definitions, resilience measures will be compared and contrasted with risk and related performance areas.
Community mobility, or mobility and destination access across a jurisdiction of any size, for all users and modes. This is distinct from infrastructure-focused resilience for a specific asset, e.g., a bridge. For a community subject to natural or human-caused disasters, how can they know whether they are more or less resilient? Is there a role for the broader 4R concept of Robustness – Redundancy – Resourcefulness – Rapidity?
Effective performance measures. Define performance measures for the resilience community. Agency leaders need relevant, feasible, and quantifiable evidence of improved resilience that is outcome-based and trackable over time. These metrics should measure continuous data in the form of substantive change and performance in resilience as opposed to activity metrics already in play or project-specific evaluations. Performance measures should also reflect disparate impacts to mobile communities or disadvantaged areas and populations.
In addition to developed guidance, this project will pilot the implementation of a high-quality resilience performance measure into existing performance management frameworks for up to five agencies. Not only states, but MPOs, e.g. Los Angeles and San Diego have promising initiatives already developed.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Transportation resilience continues to grow in importance and this gap in practice needs to be addressed. Beyond natural hazards, this work should address increasing system demand (e.g., growing or shifting populations), technology and mobility advancement risks (e.g., new or changing modes), and institutional issues such as risk appetites and scarce resources.
This is proposed as an implementation project for NCHRPs 23-26 Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts, planned to be completed by the end of 2024. It may also be done in parallel with the new 23-35 Developing New Performance Metrics for Risk Management.
Implementation Considerations
This research would primarily be used by transportation agencies and others responsible for implementing resilience performance measures and management systems and build on some of the research conducted on other projects. Recently completed NCHRP Project 23-09 established a framework and research roadmap for assessing risk to agency assets and the traveling public from extreme weather, climate change, and other threats and hazards. Follow-on NCHRP Project 23-32 Asset Risk & Resilience will develop the technical resource in three phases, including planning, execution, and final product development. As described above, this research should be conducted along a parallel and complementary timeline. Critical implementation elements include a communication plan to ensure awareness of the research products and TRB, FHWA, and AASHTO webinars to share the findings. As this work emphasizes resilience measures that are outcome-based and trackable over time, implementing organizations that are expected to monitor performance over time may benefit from collaboration.
A subsequent phase of this research funded through NCHRP 20-44 may be helpful to disseminate the research findings more broadly and develop case studies showing the use of the research guidance. There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in resiliency that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) Task Force on Emerging Performance Measures - Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT and Kelly Travelbee, Michigan DOT, Co-Chairs
CPBM Subcommittee on Risk Management
Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience (CTSSR)
Committee on Planning
Highways and Streets Council
Subcommittee on Asset Management
Strategic Management (AJE10) - Steve Woelfel, Massachusetts DOT, Chair
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Asset Management (AJE30)
Risk Management (ATO40)
Critical Infrastructure Protection (AMR10)
Extreme Weather and Climate Change Adaptation (AMR50)
Transportation Planning Policy and Process (AEP10)
EM - Implementing Effective Community Resilience Performance Management
Research Period
24 months
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
While there are several published resources referring to resilience performance, there remains a gap in effective performance measurement that this proposed research seeks to close.
Disaster Resilience Framework Workshop, 2015, San Diego. The workshop notes (unpublished) includes a section about Community Resilience Metrics.
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework (VAAF), 2017, FHWA HOP (link). An important go-to guide for anybody working on transportation resilience.
Integrating Resilience into the Transportation Planning Process, White Paper on Literature Review Findings, 2018, FHWA HOP (link). A good resource for background and context, including a history of Federal rules on resilience. This document correctly places performance measure formulation after goals but before solutions.
Investing in Transportation Resilience: A Framework for Informed Choices, 2021, NAS/TRB (link). This also included a Committee on Transportation Resilience Metrics. The document includes some relevant points but is generally of limited value for performance management given its focus on project-specific evaluations and benefit-cost analysis.
Mainstreaming System Resilience Concepts into Transportation Agencies: A Guide, 2021, NAS/TRB (link). Follows on a 2018 resilience summit in Denver. A wealth of information about resilience, but measurement appears limited to project-specific risk reduction.
Developing Transportation System Climate Resilience Performance Measures, 2022, Minnesota DOT (link). A survey showed most states do not have resilience performance measures. Those that do are not outcome-based.
A Perspective on Quantifying Resilience: Combining Community and Infrastructure Capitals, 2023, Gerges et al (link).
Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts, 2022-2024, NCHRP 23-26, underway (link). Potentially valuable for this proposed research, but measures are not defined until after solutions and appear to focus only on monitoring project effects.
Transportation Asset Risk and Resilience, 2023-2026, NCHRP 23-32, pending/underway (link). A relatively large effort to generate new guidance, which may or may not include performance.
There are many laws, rules, references, and guidance documents going back many years, and right up to the current PROTECT Program guidance. The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (2020), H.R.1865, calls on the “Secretary of Transportation to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a study through the Transportation Research Board on effective ways to measure the resilience of transportation systems and services to natural disasters, natural hazards, and other potential disruptions.”
Be wary of two tangents in literature: those focused solely on infrastructure and others about operational/organizational resilience, which are mostly unhelpful and distracting. Apart from published guidance, this research project will include a scan of select agencies to gather more evidence and examples, including efforts to integrate transportation resilience with broader initiatives like communication and energy infrastructure.
This research seeks to clarify and refine what it means to have an effective, outcome-based, high-level performance management approach to resilience. Toward this end there are three essential parts:
Confirming definitions. For example, is resilience an inverse of vulnerability? Or does it imply an inverse of sensitivity and adaptive capacity (e.g., per the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool [VAST])? If resilience is infinite, is exposure irrelevant? Consistent with the VAAF, is there consensus on the definitions for risk, criticality, consequence, and other essential terms? Through these definitions, resilience measures will be compared and contrasted with risk and related performance areas.
Community mobility, or mobility and destination access across a jurisdiction of any size, for all users and modes. This is distinct from infrastructure-focused resilience for a specific asset, e.g., a bridge. For a community subject to natural or human-caused disasters, how can they know whether they are more or less resilient? Is there a role for the broader 4R concept of Robustness – Redundancy – Resourcefulness – Rapidity?
Effective performance measures. Define performance measures for the resilience community. Agency leaders need relevant, feasible, and quantifiable evidence of improved resilience that is outcome-based and trackable over time. These metrics should measure continuous data in the form of substantive change and performance in resilience as opposed to activity metrics already in play or project-specific evaluations. Performance measures should also reflect disparate impacts to mobile communities or disadvantaged areas and populations.
In addition to developed guidance, this project will pilot the implementation of a high-quality resilience performance measure into existing performance management frameworks for up to five agencies. Not only states, but MPOs, e.g. Los Angeles and San Diego have promising initiatives already developed.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Transportation resilience continues to grow in importance and this gap in practice needs to be addressed. Beyond natural hazards, this work should address increasing system demand (e.g., growing or shifting populations), technology and mobility advancement risks (e.g., new or changing modes), and institutional issues such as risk appetites and scarce resources.
This is proposed as an implementation project for NCHRPs 23-26 Measuring Impacts and Performance of State DOT Resilience Efforts, planned to be completed by the end of 2024. It may also be done in parallel with the new 23-35 Developing New Performance Metrics for Risk Management.
Implementation Considerations
This research would primarily be used by transportation agencies and others responsible for implementing resilience performance measures and management systems and build on some of the research conducted on other projects. Recently completed NCHRP Project 23-09 established a framework and research roadmap for assessing risk to agency assets and the traveling public from extreme weather, climate change, and other threats and hazards. Follow-on NCHRP Project 23-32 Asset Risk & Resilience will develop the technical resource in three phases, including planning, execution, and final product development. As described above, this research should be conducted along a parallel and complementary timeline. Critical implementation elements include a communication plan to ensure awareness of the research products and TRB, FHWA, and AASHTO webinars to share the findings. As this work emphasizes resilience measures that are outcome-based and trackable over time, implementing organizations that are expected to monitor performance over time may benefit from collaboration.
A subsequent phase of this research funded through NCHRP 20-44 may be helpful to disseminate the research findings more broadly and develop case studies showing the use of the research guidance. There are several other AASHTO and TRB committees interested in resiliency that would likely support this project, including:
Committee on Performance Based Management (CPBM) Task Force on Emerging Performance Measures - Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT and Kelly Travelbee, Michigan DOT, Co-Chairs
CPBM Subcommittee on Risk Management
Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience (CTSSR)
Committee on Planning
Highways and Streets Council
Subcommittee on Asset Management
Strategic Management (AJE10) - Steve Woelfel, Massachusetts DOT, Chair
Performance Management (AJE20) - Michael Grant, Chair
Asset Management (AJE30)
Risk Management (ATO40)
Critical Infrastructure Protection (AMR10)
Extreme Weather and Climate Change Adaptation (AMR50)
Transportation Planning Policy and Process (AEP10)
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
EM - Better Understanding of Non-Auto Travel Demands
i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable.
(combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate. from symposium 1:
Research that combines the following two ideas:
Better understanding of non-auto travel demands. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable. This will require more detailed and targeted travel surveys, and case studies which measure the travel changes that result from non-auto improvements and incentives.
Omissions and biases in the planning process. A number of studies indicate that current planning tends to overinvest in automobile facilities and underinvest in non-auto improvements, TDM programs and Smart Growth development policies compared with what is fair and efficient. Some of these reflect the previous-describe omissions and others result from funding biases that make it much easier for public agencies to invest in highways and mandate off-street parking than to improve other modes. We need research that identifies these biases and provides a roadmap for more efficient and equitable transportation planning.)
i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenien…
i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable.
(combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate. from symposium 1:
Research that combines the following two ideas:
Better understanding of non-auto travel demands. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable. This will require more detailed and targeted travel surveys, and case studies which measure the travel changes that result from non-auto improvements and incentives.
Omissions and biases in the planning process. A number of studies indicate that current planning tends to overinvest in automobile facilities and underinvest in non-auto improvements, TDM programs and Smart Growth development policies compared with what is fair and efficient. Some of these reflect the previous-describe omissions and others result from funding biases that make it much easier for public agencies to invest in highways and mandate off-street parking than to improve other modes. We need research that identifies these biases and provides a roadmap for more efficient and equitable transportation planning.)
i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable.
(combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate. from symposium 1:
Research that combines the following two ideas:
Better understanding of non-auto travel demands. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable. This will require more detailed and targeted travel surveys, and case studies which measure the travel changes that result from non-auto improvements and incentives.
Omissions and biases in the planning process. A number of studies indicate that current planning tends to overinvest in automobile facilities and underinvest in non-auto improvements, TDM programs and Smart Growth development policies compared with what is fair and efficient. Some of these reflect the previous-describe omissions and others result from funding biases that make it much easier for public agencies to invest in highways and mandate off-street parking than to improve other modes. We need research that identifies these biases and provides a roadmap for more efficient and equitable transportation planning.)
EM - Better Understanding of Non-Auto Travel Demands
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
i. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable.
(combined with elements of the omissions and biases in the planning process idea as appropriate. from symposium 1:
Research that combines the following two ideas:
Better understanding of non-auto travel demands. What portion of travelers cannot, should not, or prefer not to drive and would use non-auto modes if they are convenient, comfortable and affordable. This will require more detailed and targeted travel surveys, and case studies which measure the travel changes that result from non-auto improvements and incentives.
Omissions and biases in the planning process. A number of studies indicate that current planning tends to overinvest in automobile facilities and underinvest in non-auto improvements, TDM programs and Smart Growth development policies compared with what is fair and efficient. Some of these reflect the previous-describe omissions and others result from funding biases that make it much easier for public agencies to invest in highways and mandate off-street parking than to improve other modes. We need research that identifies these biases and provides a roadmap for more efficient and equitable transportation planning.)
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
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OM - Capturing Knowledge
• Knowledge capture of retirees and other employees
• Best practices, case studies, tools (downloadable), experts
• Practical assistance that can quickly be understood and applied (simple)
• Identifying core business functions (knowledge interviews of outgoing employees, e.g.)
• Beyond procedural documentation
• Knowledge capture of retirees and other employees
• Best practices, case studies, tools (downloadable), expert…
• Knowledge capture of retirees and other employees
• Best practices, case studies, tools (downloadable), experts
• Practical assistance that can quickly be understood and applied (simple)
• Identifying core business functions (knowledge interviews of outgoing employees, e.g.)
• Beyond procedural documentation
• Knowledge capture of retirees and other employees
• Best practices, case studies, tools (downloadable), experts
• Practical assistance that can quickly be understood and applied (simple)
• Identifying core business functions (knowledge interviews of outgoing employees, e.g.)
• Beyond procedural documentation
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
• Knowledge capture of retirees and other employees
• Best practices, case studies, tools (downloadable), experts
• Practical assistance that can quickly be understood and applied (simple)
• Identifying core business functions (knowledge interviews of outgoing employees, e.g.)
• Beyond procedural documentation
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
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Potential Panel Members
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Person Submitting Statement
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OM - What do Organizations Look Like, How to Holistically Look at Process/People/Data
• Not just the pieces, but the overall functions
• Learn from things like Baldridge, other management systems
OM - What do Organizations Look Like, How to Holistically Look at Process/People/Data
Please provide a funding amount.
Research Period
Please provide a research period.
Please provide a brief description of the project.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
• Not just the pieces, but the overall functions
• Learn from things like Baldridge, other management systems
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
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Potential Panel Members
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Person Submitting Statement
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Infrastructure Needs for Autonomous Vehicles
The objectives of this research are to quantify the expected abilities of autonomous vehicles, to establish an expected timeline of integration within the greater transportation networks, and to examine what infrastructure changes are most beneficial for autonomous vehicles.
The capacities of autonomous vehicles are not yet quantified. The research should:
• Determine what types of roads are suitable for such vehicles.
• Examine safety for both drivers/passengers, and other users of the roadways, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
• Explore limitations, such as fog or extreme conditions.
• Establish a timeline for adoption. Since the technology is expected to change rapidly, current capabilities will change.
The infrastructure requirements for autonomous vehicles are greatly dependent on the capabilities of the vehicles. Nevertheless, certain changes can be expected to improve the safety and usefulness of the vehicles, such as:
• Repainting roadways to help the vehicles operate.
• Installing RFID that could communicate with the vehicles directly.
• Determining what challenges would face a mixed-stream road of autonomous vehicles and vehicles under driver operation.
Research into this area requires surveying all the major players involved in the development and implementation of autonomous vehicles.
• Survey of industry on current and future plans and timeline to implementation, as well as quantifying the current and future capacities of their vehicles.
• Survey DOTs to determine capabilities and gaps in the existing infrastructure.
• Survey of industry on what changes to the road networks would have the greatest impact of ease of implementation and safety of autonomous vehicles.
After the surveys are completed, a conference with the players would validate the findings of the surveys, and generate a report as well as an executive summary.
The objectives of this research are to quantify the expected abilities of autonomous vehicles, to establish an expected ti…
The objectives of this research are to quantify the expected abilities of autonomous vehicles, to establish an expected timeline of integration within the greater transportation networks, and to examine what infrastructure changes are most beneficial for autonomous vehicles.
The capacities of autonomous vehicles are not yet quantified. The research should:
• Determine what types of roads are suitable for such vehicles.
• Examine safety for both drivers/passengers, and other users of the roadways, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
• Explore limitations, such as fog or extreme conditions.
• Establish a timeline for adoption. Since the technology is expected to change rapidly, current capabilities will change.
The infrastructure requirements for autonomous vehicles are greatly dependent on the capabilities of the vehicles. Nevertheless, certain changes can be expected to improve the safety and usefulness of the vehicles, such as:
• Repainting roadways to help the vehicles operate.
• Installing RFID that could communicate with the vehicles directly.
• Determining what challenges would face a mixed-stream road of autonomous vehicles and vehicles under driver operation.
The objectives of this research are to quantify the expected abilities of autonomous vehicles, to establish an expected timeline of integration within the greater transportation networks, and to examine what infrastructure changes are most beneficial for autonomous vehicles.
The capacities of autonomous vehicles are not yet quantified. The research should:
• Determine what types of roads are suitable for such vehicles.
• Examine safety for both drivers/passengers, and other users of the roadways, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
• Explore limitations, such as fog or extreme conditions.
• Establish a timeline for adoption. Since the technology is expected to change rapidly, current capabilities will change.
The infrastructure requirements for autonomous vehicles are greatly dependent on the capabilities of the vehicles. Nevertheless, certain changes can be expected to improve the safety and usefulness of the vehicles, such as:
• Repainting roadways to help the vehicles operate.
• Installing RFID that could communicate with the vehicles directly.
• Determining what challenges would face a mixed-stream road of autonomous vehicles and vehicles under driver operation.
Autonomous vehicles, colloquially referred to as self-driving cars, have a large potential to impact transportation networks in the near future. Semi-autonomous vehicles with various degrees of autonomy are already a reality. The industry is still a relatively nascent one, and therefore several large questions still exist. The expected capabilities and limitations of these vehicles are not yet established, nor is a timeline for implementation. The capacities and speed of implementation of autonomous vehicles are also greatly affected by the infrastructure on which they operate.
Literature Search Summary
Please provide a literature summary for the project.
The objectives of this research are to quantify the expected abilities of autonomous vehicles, to establish an expected timeline of integration within the greater transportation networks, and to examine what infrastructure changes are most beneficial for autonomous vehicles.
The capacities of autonomous vehicles are not yet quantified. The research should:
• Determine what types of roads are suitable for such vehicles.
• Examine safety for both drivers/passengers, and other users of the roadways, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
• Explore limitations, such as fog or extreme conditions.
• Establish a timeline for adoption. Since the technology is expected to change rapidly, current capabilities will change.
The infrastructure requirements for autonomous vehicles are greatly dependent on the capabilities of the vehicles. Nevertheless, certain changes can be expected to improve the safety and usefulness of the vehicles, such as:
• Repainting roadways to help the vehicles operate.
• Installing RFID that could communicate with the vehicles directly.
• Determining what challenges would face a mixed-stream road of autonomous vehicles and vehicles under driver operation.
Urgency and Potential Benefits
Please describe the urgency and potential benefits of the project.
Implementation Considerations
Please provide implementation considerations for the project.
Please add at least one champion.
Others Supporting Problem Statement
Please add at least one supporting organization.
Potential Panel Members
Please add at least one potential panel member.
Person Submitting Statement
Please add information about the person submitting the statement.
Ready to submit this statement? Generate a PDF for submittal here.
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There are a number of Research Problem Statements currently being considered for approval in the TAM Portal Research Management System. We’d love your input to help us choose the Statements that should move on to the next approval step.
You can review the set of Problem Statements currently under consideration here: https://www.tam-portal.com/rms-milestone-1/. Click the Comments link on a Problem Statement to leave your feedback.
The objective of this research is to advance the practice of incorporating GHG emissions evaluation into transportation de…
The objective of this research is to advance the practice of incorporating GHG emissions evaluation into transportation decision-making and performance management. This will be accomplished by identifying and building upon the state of practice at state DOTs for considering transportation-related GHG emissions during planning, project prioritization, and performance management. State DOTs have access to certain tools that allow for estimation and evaluation of transportation emissions, but additional tools and methods are needed to inform decision-making and align with state and federal GHG emission-reduction goals.
Evaluating the Effects of Transportation Investments on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $300000
State departments of transportation (DOTs) have access to a growing number of tools that may allow them to evaluate the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, research is needed to understand how such tools can best be incorporated into transportation decision-making processes and what additional tools may be necessary. Existing tools for transportation GHG strategy analysis have not been developed with transportation programming and project prioritization in mind. The available tools are either designed for strategic level evaluation of policies or project-level evaluation using data more detailed than is typically available during planning and programming. Other common tools for transportation evaluation, including statewide and regional travel demand models and emission factor models such as Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator MOVES, are limited in their ability to evaluate GHG reduction strategies, and typically require substantial modification and/or combination with other tools and methods.
The objective of this research is to advance the practice of incorporating GHG emissions evaluation into transportation decision-making and performance management. This will be accomplished by identifying and building upon the state of practice at state DOTs for considering transportation-related GHG emissions during planning, project prioritization, and performance management. State DOTs have access to certain tools that allow for estimation and evaluation of transportation emissions, but additional tools and methods are needed to inform decision-making and align with state and federal GHG emission-reduction goals.
The objective of this research is to explore the need to develop new curriculum and/or accreditation programs for workforc…
The objective of this research is to explore the need to develop new curriculum and/or accreditation programs for workforce development in TAM. The project is structured along four tasks. First, the project will identify the competencies and skills transportation asset managers need to successfully develop and implement TAM. Second, a comprehensive review of existing programs offered by universities and nonacademic organizations will be conducted. Third, a gap analysis will be performed to identify gaps between currently available offerings and the desired competencies. Finally, the study will summarize these gaps and recommend needs for the development of new curriculum and/or accreditation programs for workforce development in TAM.
Scoping Study to Identify Curriculum Development Needs for Workforce Development in Transportation Asset Management (CY2023)
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $250000
Aging transportation infrastructure, increasing travel demands, budget limitations, and new regulations continue to challenge transportation asset management (TAM) professionals. TAM professionals are expected to possess technical knowledge and communication skills to lead their agency implementation efforts. These knowledge areas and skills include, but are not limited to, data collection, filtering, and analysis; visualization; multi-criteria decision-making; optimization; communication; and leadership. Unfortunately, academic programs offered by universities are falling short of providing TAM professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills in their formative years. Asset management is a multidisciplinary field that involves aspects of multiple disciplines. Because of its multidisciplinary nature, asset management does not necessarily fit into traditional university programs that are often structured in domain-specific disciplines. Due to the limited offerings at educational institutions, a substantial number of transportation professionals are ill-prepared to take on the responsibilities of a TAM professional and struggle with acquiring these skills on the job while balancing the demands from their daily duties. Nonacademic organizations have developed educational and professional development opportunities in asset management to address this demand, but these offerings are often not targeted to applications in transportation and can be viewed as expensive, time-consuming alternatives that only offer partial solutions to specific gaps in knowledge.
The objective of this research is to explore the need to develop new curriculum and/or accreditation programs for workforce development in TAM. The project is structured along four tasks. First, the project will identify the competencies and skills transportation asset managers need to successfully develop and implement TAM. Second, a comprehensive review of existing programs offered by universities and nonacademic organizations will be conducted. Third, a gap analysis will be performed to identify gaps between currently available offerings and the desired competencies. Finally, the study will summarize these gaps and recommend needs for the development of new curriculum and/or accreditation programs for workforce development in TAM.
To further understand, create, and measure the public value of transportation services and contributions to community and …
To further understand, create, and measure the public value of transportation services and contributions to community and societal goals, this research has two objectives:
1. Identify non-transportation public agencies that proficiently capture and measure public value data and are using it for policy decision-making.
2. Using transportation agencies identified in previous research and non-transportation public agencies identified in Objective 1, review and synthesize public value creation programs, frameworks, and practices in areas that are scalable and applicable by other transportation agencies. The areas represent the dimensions of public value described in Faulkner and Kaufman’s Avoiding Theoretical Stagnation: A Systematic Review and Framework for Measuring Public Value.
A Guide to Assess, Measure, and Communicate the Public Value of Transportation
Estimated Timeframe: Funding: $300000
Unlike a business providing shareholder value through a monetary exchange of products and services to individual clients or customers for individual consumption, the public sector operates from a monetary public entrustment to provide goods and services for collective consumption. This public investment obligates the public sector to understand the values and aspirations of the served community and be efficient and effective in managing their resources and create public value.
In 1995, Mark Moore developed a public value strategic triangle: (1) legitimacy and support, (2) operational capacity, and (3) public value. “Public value” describes the value of contribution to served communities and broader society. For transportation, infrastructure and services provide benefit to system users and adds value to the public sphere. It represents agency-public consensus of principles and benefits and pertains to the content of service and how it is delivered. When instituted as an organizing principle, public value creation guides administrative policy and management decisions with an aim to increase the value of societal and community benefit. Transportation administrators define and solve problems from a value perspective when deploying public assets. Evaluating management decisions through a public value lens promotes better understanding and achieving both traditional outcomes and value-based performance expectations.
World Road Association (PIARC) research published in Measuring Customer Experience and Public Value Creation for Transport Administrators (2023) focused on understanding how transportation administrations measure efficiency and effectiveness of customer experience and public valuation creation with emphasis on the customer experience component. There remains a need to further develop a framework for the creation and measurement of the public value that considers and emphasizes societal contribution in decision-making. The PIARC research was limited to the evaluation of existing work by transportation administrations and agencies. There are non-transportation public sectors with mature frameworks for creating and measuring public value that transportation administrations can learn from, adapt, and adopt as practice.
To further understand, create, and measure the public value of transportation services and contributions to community and societal goals, this research has two objectives:
1. Identify non-transportation public agencies that proficiently capture and measure public value data and are using it for policy decision-making.
2. Using transportation agencies identified in previous research and non-transportation public agencies identified in Objective 1, review and synthesize public value creation programs, frameworks, and practices in areas that are scalable and applicable by other transportation agencies. The areas represent the dimensions of public value described in Faulkner and Kaufman’s Avoiding Theoretical Stagnation: A Systematic Review and Framework for Measuring Public Value.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to help state DOTs identify and implement nontraditional measures rel…
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to help state DOTs identify and implement nontraditional measures related to transportation performance with tactical strategies or methods for data collection and analysis. Nontraditional measures may include accessibility, equity, health, or resilience.
Performance Measures for Community-Centered Transportation Outcomes: A Guide
Estimated Timeframe: 24 months Funding: $400000
Transportation and its infrastructure are not ends in themselves but means for providing mobility and accessibility to important destinations. State departments of transportation (DOTs) and other infrastructure owner-operators (IOOs) work to grow, manage, or maintain networks to facilitate mobility, travel choice, and access and to build public value. This work considers broader societal goals and improves the quality of life for individuals and communities alike. There is a growing demand that DOTs consider transportation outcome performance in a wider range of dimensions. Many DOTs continue evolving toward community-centered transportation by adopting more comprehensive and outcome-oriented goals for accessibility, equity, public health, and resilience. This requires identifying measures that more effectively capture the outcomes of the systems and services delivered by state DOTs and other IOOs.
There is a foundation of strong infrastructure- and auto-oriented performance measures, such as travel time reliability, pavement quality, or bridge health. These measures have been promulgated into federal regulation, and reporting cycles have been established for DOTs. However, measuring less conventional outcomes closely tied to diverse societal goals is an emerging practice. Research is needed to develop emerging measures into mature practices for consideration by DOTs and other IOOs around the nation and to improve measurement, integration, and incorporation of important policy goals into investment decision-making.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to help state DOTs identify and implement nontraditional measures related to transportation performance with tactical strategies or methods for data collection and analysis. Nontraditional measures may include accessibility, equity, health, or resilience.
Proposed Research Activities
The sequencing of tasks and deliverables (such as technical memorandums or summary reports) shall be structured for delivery in quarterly progress report submissions. There will be three project phases, with an interim report and updated research plan due after Phases I and II. A virtual interim meeting should follow the submission of the first interim report, with an in-person meeting following the second. The research agency shall not proceed to future phases without NCHRP approval of the interim reports and updated research plans. An estimation of time for each element of Phases I and II is presented below. However, the proposer may resequence the timeline according to their best thinking.
A clear and concise engagement strategy to achieve the research objective shall be developed and presented in the proposal under the header “Engagement Strategy.” Engagement should occur for four purposes: (1) identifying nontraditional measures, (2) developing case examples, (3) conducting pilots, and (4) conducting a virtual workshop to review the draft measures and methods with a broad spectrum of participants and DOT practitioners before developing final deliverables. The Phase II virtual workshop must be held no more than 3 days before the in-person second interim meeting.
Provided the intersectional nature of the nontraditional measures’ relationship to factors and influences outside DOT control, the proposer should be creative and inclusive in devising how to bring together participants from diverse geographies, demographics (including ages, communities of color, abilities, or socioeconomic achievement), and areas of expertise outside transportation, e.g., partner agencies, academia, or community-based organizations. Proposers may consider using focus groups, peer exchanges, or other methods as appropriate in the first two phases. The NCHRP discourages using survey questionnaires for this project. This engagement strategy will be considered under the second evaluation criterion described in Special Note F.
Notes and Considerations
The first project phase comprises developing or approving cornerstone elements of the research plan. This phase is estimated to be accomplished in two project quarters. The first project quarter shall include the delivery of (1) the Amplified Research Plan, (2) a kickoff meeting with summary notes, (3) a review of literature and practice identifying academic and gray literature, and (4) a detailed memorandum identifying how to operationalize the engagement strategy as proposed. The review of literature and practice should serve as a point of departure. Where knowledge or practice gaps exist, the research team shall consider them in the next project quarter.
The second project quarter shall focus on identifying nontraditional measures for investigation in Phase II. The research team shall identify the intersections between traditional and emerging desired outcomes for DOTs. At a minimum, the research team shall focus on accessibility, equity, health, and resilience. However, it is envisioned that the research team will also consider the aspirational goals in the vision framework identified for NCHRP Research Results Digest 404: Collective and Individual Actions to Envision and Realize the Next Era of America’s Transportation Infrastructure: Phase I (found here: https://doi.org/10.17226/27263).
To complete the second project quarter, the research team shall deliver the first interim report and updated Phase II research plan with a virtual interim meeting. The updated research plan shall include DOTs proposed for pilots described in Phase II. One month shall be reserved for review and NCHRP approval.
In the first part of this phase, the research team shall fully develop the nontraditional measures approved in the Phase II research plan by identifying the methods required to implement them. To develop measures and methods for piloting, the research team needs to explore all the dimensions that would make a measure useful to DOTs to achieve their desired outcomes. At a high level, it is initially envisioned that (1) data, (2) a range of influences, and (3) analytical considerations be explored.
1. For data, existing quantitative and qualitative sources and their availability are frequent issues for DOTs. Collection methods for existing or new data need to be detailed; however, proxy data may provide resource-sensitive alternatives if appropriate. Finally, biases need to be flagged for DOTs to understand, either in the data source itself or in practitioners’ use of the data.
2. A range of influences impact the development of measures, methods, and their implementation. One source of factors may be external and outside DOT control, such as latent demand, land use, or non-work-trip purposes. Another source of factors could be how the findings are presented to inform decision-makers (user stories, data stories, or visualizations). Additionally, change agents or leaders (internal to DOTs or external with the help of partners) may be required to make good use of the information gained from the measures and methods. It is essential to identify who they might be and what role they could play in this process. Finally, feedback loops can help assess if the selected measures are having the desired impact or if adjustments are needed.
3. Analytical considerations for using the measures and methods could impact resources such as staff assignments or software or tool acquisition. Additionally, the specific steps to undertake must be identified.
The measures and methods shall be detailed in a quarterly progress report for an initial round of refinement. Following the panel review, the research team shall execute the pilots with volunteer DOTs. From the pilots, the research team shall observe and report on the stakeholders, opportunities, challenges, barriers, and other findings to further refine the measures and methods. Additionally, the pilot findings will inform the development of educational and training materials in Phase III.
In the final project quarter of Phase II, the research team shall refine the measures and deliver the second interim report and updated Phase III research plan. The second interim report shall include a predraft guide. It is initially envisioned that the guide will include resources, case examples, a data catalog, and analytical methods for state DOTs to use when implementing the methods to measure and analyze nontraditional performance outcomes. The updated Phase III research plan should include additional details on the format and contents of other final deliverables. An in-person interim meeting will be held shortly after the virtual workshop described in the desired engagement strategy. One month shall be reserved for review and NCHRP approval.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to create program-level risk management performance metrics tailored …
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to create program-level risk management performance metrics tailored for state departments of transportation (DOTs), accompanied by example performance measures, case studies, and toolkits to drive data-driven decision-making throughout multimodal transportation systems.
A Guide for Program-Level Risk Management Performance Metrics
Estimated Timeframe: 24 months Funding: $400000
Risk within transportation agencies encompasses uncertainties that present opportunities and threats to an agency's mission. Effective risk management relies on quantifying the impacts of these uncertainties. However, current performance measures, like asset condition and safety, might not fully capture the potential for value creation and risk reduction achievable through effective management of these uncertainties.
Several research projects on risk management have been conducted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the NCHRP. However, this body of knowledge primarily concentrates on enterprise risk management itself rather than on quantifying the benefits of risk management.
Research is needed to bridge the gap and develop a framework for program-level risk management performance metrics (e.g., federally funded programs, grant programs, or state or locally funded transportation programs), thereby better quantifying the efficacy of risk management practices. Additionally, the needed research must enhance the data-driven decision-making process and integrate risk management into the daily operations of multimodal transportation agencies.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to create program-level risk management performance metrics tailored for state departments of transportation (DOTs), accompanied by example performance measures, case studies, and toolkits to drive data-driven decision-making throughout multimodal transportation systems.
Proposed Research Activities
PHASE I - Preliminary Research
Task 1a. Conduct a comprehensive literature review on risk management practices in transportation agencies and the performance metrics for risk management being used in the transportation industry. The review shall include published and unpublished research conducted through the NCHRP; the FHWA; other national, state, and local agencies; and international organizations; as well as federal regulations and standards such as Title 23 CFR 515 (Asset Management Plans), ISO 31000 (Risk Management), and AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management Guide (2016) to identify foundational elements for establishing robust risk management metrics.
Task 1b. Collect pertinent information by engaging with a broad spectrum of stakeholders through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather insights on existing risk management practices, perceived gaps, and areas for improvement in current metrics. All surveys must be reviewed and approved by the NCHRP before distribution. A roster of potential candidates shall also be provided along with the survey.
Task 2. Synthesize the results of Tasks 1a and 1b to identify the knowledge gaps related to the project objective. These gaps shall be addressed in the final product or the recommended future research as budget permits.
Task 3. Create a preliminary framework to guide the development of program-level performance metrics in risk management. At a minimum, this task shall analyze the following aspects:
- Risk management criteria for different performance metrics;
- Risk management practices for varying maturity levels of agencies;
- Opportunities (e.g., process improvement, innovations, resilience) and threats (e.g., network threats, project delivery uncertainties, and organizational risks) encountered by different agencies and their multimodal assets;
- Metrics utilizing the current and forecasted data; and
- Toolkits for applying these performance metrics.
The proposed framework will inform the development of performance metrics, enabling agencies to measure the efficacy of risk management strategies against a broad spectrum of potential impacts, including asset integrity, safety, operational efficiency, and environmental and economic factors.
Task 4. Develop an annotated outline for the guide, which will include at least five case studies to encompass the diverse areas of risk identified in Task 3. The annotated outline is intended to provide the foundation, context, and framework for the draft guide development.
Task 5. Prepare Interim Report No. 1 that documents Tasks 1 through 4 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research.
PHASE II – Performance Metrics and Guide Development
Task 6. Develop program-level performance metrics tailored for risk management based on the Phase I approved Interim Report No.1.
Task 7. Execute case studies as identified in Task 4 to evaluate and validate the metrics developed in Task 6.
Task 8. Revise the proposed annotated outline for the guide based on the findings from Tasks 6 and 7 and provide a sample chapter, which will be selected by the NCHRP and shall be publication-ready.
Task 9. Develop a draft guide that includes the framework, case studies, a brochure or executive-level document, and toolkits on the application of the performance metrics. The draft guide shall also include implementation guidance to promote the adoption of program-level performance metrics for risk management and drive improved decision-making throughout the multimodal transportation system. The draft guide shall be submitted to the NCHRP 6 months before the contract end date.
Task 10. Present the research findings to appropriate AASHTO technical committees for comments and propose any revisions to NCHRP. The research team shall anticipate making two presentations during the research to the AASHTO Committee on Performance-Based Management and the Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience.
Task 11. Refine the guide based on feedback, ensuring the final deliverables are practical, actionable, and aligned with the varying complexities of risk management within multimodal transportation agencies.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist transportation agencies with integrating risk management, p…
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist transportation agencies with integrating risk management, performance management, and process improvements. The practical guide must:
1. Feature a decision framework applicable to integration of the three disciplines in enterprise-level, program-level, and project-level decision-making;
2. Identify the relationship of the three disciplines, including common purposes or areas of focus that could be integrated to inform decision-making and practice;
3. Present the business case for linking these disciplines, including but not limited to meeting federal and state mandates;
4. Define the obstacles and opportunities to integrating the disciplines; and
5. Determine the best communication tools to support application of the framework by transportation agencies.
Integrating Performance Management, Risk Management, and Process Improvement: A Guide
Estimated Timeframe: 30 months Funding: $400000
In recent years, transportation agencies have developed knowledge and skills in the application of three disciplines: performance management, risk management, and process improvement. The high-level definitions of these three disciplines are as follows:
- Performance management is the practice of using measurements to track progress toward established goals. The dissemination of reporting and insights supports evidence-based decision-making and provides transparency to stakeholders.
- Risk management is a methodology that looks at uncertainties on all levels, including activity, project, program, and strategic risks. Risk management aims to identify, assess, and respond to potential pitfalls that affect transportation systems, operations, and objectives.
- Process improvement involves the business practice of defining, analyzing, and improving processes, products, and services to optimize performance and improve the experience for the end users.
While these disciplines are heavily researched and applied individually, little research has taken place regarding the relationship between the three efforts and the benefits and challenges of integrating them. Generally, the steps of each discipline are established and treated separately within the specific system, which may limit efficiency, create redundancies, and disrupt plans due to mixed messages. Integrating the functions and relationships among the disciplines could provide efficiencies across agencies and align agency decisions and practices more readily to overarching goals and objectives. Research is needed to reveal the potential benefits and opportunities for integrating risk management, performance management, and process improvements by transportation agencies, including identifying the practices, methods, and data requirements of doing so. This research will be particularly useful to transportation agency executives, managers, and practitioners seeking to proactively integrate risk management, performance management, and process improvements to meet agency goals and objectives.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist transportation agencies with integrating risk management, performance management, and process improvements. The practical guide must:
1. Feature a decision framework applicable to integration of the three disciplines in enterprise-level, program-level, and project-level decision-making;
2. Identify the relationship of the three disciplines, including common purposes or areas of focus that could be integrated to inform decision-making and practice;
3. Present the business case for linking these disciplines, including but not limited to meeting federal and state mandates;
4. Define the obstacles and opportunities to integrating the disciplines; and
5. Determine the best communication tools to support application of the framework by transportation agencies.
Proposed Research Activities
The research plan should (1) include a kick-off teleconference with the research team and NCHRP to review the amplified research plan; (2) address the manner in which the proposer intends to satisfy the project objective; (3) be divided logically into detailed tasks that are necessary to fulfill the research objective, including appropriate milestones and interim deliverables; (4) include one in-person meeting (convened by NCHRP) to review the interim report and other deliverables; (5) include a final teleconference to review draft final deliverables; and (6) incorporate opportunities for the project panel to review, comment, and approve milestone deliverables.
Phase I
Task 1. Conduct a comprehensive literature review from transportation and related industries in the public and private sectors within the United States and internationally. The literature review should at a minimum accomplish the following:
- Characterize the risk management, performance management, and process improvement disciplines and their purposes in transportation;
- Identify the use of language and terminology within each discipline, including language differences that could cause confusion;
- Identify the relationships between and common ground among the three disciplines;
- Identify experience with the integration of risk, performance, and process improvements both within and outside the transportation industry, including examples of the data and methods that are being used; and
- Identify the benefits and costs of discipline integration.
Task 2. Plan, execute, and document practitioner outreach to specifically identify whether and where the integration of risk management, performance management, and process improvement is being performed; which agency functions are involved; how success is defined and measured; how the integration performs; and what gaps exist in knowledge and practical methods for integrating the disciplines.
Task 3. Prepare a state-of-practice technical memorandum for panel review using the data and information collected in Tasks 1 and 2, specifically identifying the following:
- The extent to which transportation agencies are seeking to integrate risk management, performance management, and process improvements;
- The strategies, data, and methods that have been successfully used to integrate the disciplines;
- The types of decisions affected by integrating the disciplines;
- The lessons learned from the integration;
- The gaps in knowledge and practice with respect to integrating the three disciplines; and
- The obstacles and opportunities for implementation by transportation agencies.
Task 4. Prepare an annotated outline of the guide to be shared with the panel during the interim meeting as specified in Task 5.
Task 5. Prepare an interim report and a proposed Phase II work plan that details the research process, data collected, and data analysis conducted in Tasks 1-4, specifying gaps in knowledge or practical methods that should be researched during Phase II. The Phase II work plan shall include tasks to address these gaps and fulfill the requirement for validation of the proposed framework in practice as provided in Task 7. This report and the Task 4 deliverables will be presented at an in-person interim meeting to be convened by NCHRP in Washington, D.C. The research team shall revise any of the deliverables from Tasks 4 and 5 as agreed to with the panel during the interim meeting.
Phase II
Task 6. Implement the approved Phase II work plan to gather and assess additional data, and/or revise the outlines of the practical guide and framework.
Task 7. Plan, execute, and document a method of testing or validating the draft guide and integration framework in a practical setting.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide and a prototype tool to help state DOTs assess and manage risks, incl…
The objective of this research is to develop a guide and a prototype tool to help state DOTs assess and manage risks, including the impact of climate change, in roadway infrastructure maintenance practices.
Incorporating Risk Management into Roadway Infrastructure Maintenance Practices
Estimated Timeframe: 30 Months Funding: $500000
To fulfill the requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), state departments of transportation (DOTs) started to establish enterprise risk management (ERM) programs and develop risk-based asset management plans. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Directive 5520 encourages state DOTs to develop risk-based, cost-effective strategies to minimize the impacts of climate change. Environmental stressors, such as changes in the frequency and magnitude of extreme events, are changing the lifecycle of transportation assets, e.g., reducing service life, shortening replacement cycles, and increasing maintenance costs. Federal mandates and policies also require state DOTs to inventory their assets and establish a program to maintain these roadway components (including pavements, drainage structures, and bridges) at minimum performance levels.
Many state DOTs struggle to consistently meet these requirements, which exposes them to additional risks. Maintenance personnel offer valuable insight on the processes associated with achieving performance goals, but they require instructions on how to incorporate risk models into inspection, maintenance, and repair and replacement cycles so that scheduled and routine maintenance continue to mitigate the risk from asset deterioration.
Research is needed to help agencies better assess and manage risks, including the impact of climate change, in roadway infrastructure maintenance practices.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide and a prototype tool to help state DOTs assess and manage risks, including the impact of climate change, in roadway infrastructure maintenance practices.
Proposed Research Activities
PHASE I: Planning
Task 1. Review, document, and synthesize existing studies on methods and tools used for risk assessment and management in roadway infrastructure maintenance practices, including aspects of climate change.
Task 2. Conduct a state DOT survey to determine the state of the practice for the methods and tools used for risk assessment and management and how they are integrated into asset management and maintenance practices (at enterprise level, program level, and project level). The survey questions and list of potential respondents need to be reviewed and approved by the NCHRP.
Task 3. Conduct in-depth interviews with selected state DOTs to determine the methods for quantifying risks caused by climate change and extreme weather events and to identify the impact of climate change on maintenance/preservation actions, associated risk mitigation requirements, and effectiveness and cost of the actions. Interview questions and candidate state DOTs need to be reviewed and approved by the NCHRP.
Task 4. Analyze and synthesize the results of the survey and interview conducted in Tasks 2 and 3. Identify the knowledge/data gaps between acceptable national practices and state DOT maintenance practices related to the research objective.
Task 5. Prepare a draft annotated outline for the guide. The annotated outline will serve as the basis for developing the guide in Phase II. The annotated outline is intended to provide the foundation, context, and framework for the guide and include key technical topics and associated issues, major concepts, current trends, current practices, examples highlighting lessons learned, and checklists of issues to consider.
Task 6. Propose basic requirements and functionalities of the prototype tool (no web-based tools requiring maintenance will be allowed). Identify at least two volunteer states to conduct pilot projects to test the developed guide and prototype tool in Phase II.
Task 7. Prepare an interim report documenting the results of Tasks 1 through 6 and provide an updated work plan for the remainder of the research. The updated work plan must describe the method and rationale for the work proposed for Phase II to achieve the objective of the project.
PHASE II: Execution
Task 8. Develop a mock-up of the prototype tool. This prototype tool is intended to help practitioners develop their local practices and policies based on the framework suggested in the annotated outline. The prototype tool must be able to perform trade-off analyses for optimizing resources and prioritizing work to manage risks involved in infrastructure maintenance practices. The mock-up prototype tool needs to be reviewed and approved by the NCHRP.
Task 9. Execute the work plan in the approved interim report in Task 7. The draft guide and prototype tool need to be reviewed and accepted by the NCHRP.
Task 10. Work with the volunteer states to conduct pilot projects to test the developed guide and prototype tool. Feedback from the pilot states will be discussed and addressed to finalize the deliverables.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist state departments of transportation in decision-making and …
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist state departments of transportation in decision-making and implementation as they relate to emerging and established technologies used to capture and update changes to transportation assets.
Using Emerging and Established Technologies for Asset Management: A Guide
Estimated Timeframe: 30 months Funding: $500000
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (Fast Act) jump-started many agencies’ efforts to attain an inventory and assess the condition of their infrastructure assets and transportation data to meet federal regulations. The benefits of asset management are well documented in publications such as the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management (TAM) Guide. In addition to meeting federal regulations, state and local transportation agencies have a responsibility to manage their assets in the most efficient way to maximize asset service life.
Emerging and current technologies, including field data collection tools and artificial intelligence, hold the promise of transforming data collection for transportation asset management (TAM). While these technologies have drastically improved the accessibility of, affordability of, and ability to collect high volumes of asset inventory data, it is still a challenge to turn data into actionable information that improves asset management life-cycle and decision-making processes.
Research is needed to understand how to leverage emerging technologies to capture, process, and manage asset inventory and condition data.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide to assist state departments of transportation in decision-making and implementation as they relate to emerging and established technologies used to capture and update changes to transportation assets.
Proposed Research Activities
PHASE I—Planning and Initial Outreach
Task 1. Conduct a comprehensive review of the most relevant literature and related resources. The review shall include published and unpublished documentation and research conducted through the NCHRP; the Federal Highway Administration; and other national, state, and local agencies.
Task 2. Identify current state of practice, including the level of maturity or implementation in the use of emerging technologies related to (1) integrating and connecting TAM information systems; (2) asset data collection and processing; (3) asset data sharing, reporting, and visualization; and (4) data governance (e.g., data currency, retention, accuracy) and management. This could be performed through online surveys or interviews. Survey or interview questions shall be reviewed and approved by NCHRP before distribution.
Task 3. Synthesize the results of Tasks 1 and 2 to identify knowledge and information gaps related to the research objective. These gaps should be addressed in the final products or the recommended future research, as the budget permits.
Task 4. Propose the research plan, to be executed in Phase II, to achieve the research objective. At a minimum, the research plan shall include
Developing a guide that incorporates the following:
- Pertinent asset classes and data elements (attributes) and related emerging data collection strategies and technologies (e.g., mobile data collection, mobile lidar, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, nanotechnology, microelectronics, sonar data, remote sensing and imaging, crowdsource data, embedded sensors, ground penetrating radar, and other data collection and processing and integrating technologies);
- Recommendations for data collection, accuracy, reliability, and frequency;
- A list of use cases based on ways to optimize asset management practices;
- Strategies for data accessibility, governance, and retention;
- A matrix method that aligns emerging and established technologies and asset classes to support asset data and interoperability;
- Identification of additional opportunities to use collected data beyond asset management applications;
- A decision-making framework to describe the level of complexity and support implementing advanced data collection strategies using emerging and established technologies; and
- Discussion of changing workforce roles, responsibilities, and competencies for the above strategies.
- Developing an actionable plan for obtaining practitioners’ feedback on the draft guide, particularly related to the matrix methods and the decision-making framework. This could include a workshop (in-person, virtual, or hybrid); and
- Developing a communication plan for outreach (e.g., presentations, graphics, and press releases).
Task 5. Develop a draft outline of the guide.
Task 6. Prepare Interim Report No. 1, which documents Tasks 1 through 5 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research no later than 6 months after the contract award. The updated plan must describe the process and rationale for the work proposed for Phases II through III.
PHASE II—Execution
Task 7. Execute the research plan according to the approved Interim Report No 1.
Task 8. Develop the draft guide.
Task 9. Prepare Interim Report No. 2, which documents Tasks 7 and 8 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research. The updated work plan must describe the process and rationale for the work proposed for Phase III.
PHASE III—Final Products
Task 10. Revise the guide after consideration of the panel’s review comments.
Task 11. Obtain practitioners’ feedback on the draft guide, particularly related to the matrix methods and the framework, and update the draft guide accordingly.
The object of this research is to develop an easy-to-use guide for evaluating the effectiveness of transportation visualiz…
The object of this research is to develop an easy-to-use guide for evaluating the effectiveness of transportation visualizations that state DOTs can use to improve communication and decision-making. With this guide, state DOTs will have the tools to hone their message, manage the data overload that occurs in visualizations and impact travel behavior with effective visual data increasing safety, security and mobility.
The suggested tasks for this research are:
1) Research the essential components of what makes a visualization effective. Build off NCHRP 226 and 20-24(93)B(02). Evaluate the visualization techniques and practices documented in NCHRP Synthesis 52-16.
2) Create a guidebook that clearly communicates how to approach a new visualization and guide its creation.
3) Evaluate how to gain feedback on the effectiveness of a visualization in communicating information and influencing behavior, and also facilitates decision making. This could build off practices currently used for public service announcements (PSA).
4) Identify or develop noteworthy practices for evaluating the effectiveness of a visualization.
5) Create a Guidebook that provides state DOTs with options for evaluating the effectiveness of a visualization.
6) Integrate the two elements – creation and evaluation – into a guide that demonstrates the feedback loop of continuous improvement enabled by joining these two functions.
7) Establish an online case study website that showcases exceptional and innovative visualizations. This could include a category for the use of emerging data and emerging analytic capacity so state DOTs could maintain currency in innovative practices. The website would be updated by the TRB AED80 Visualization in Transportation Committee yearly by acknowledging award winning entries.
Guide for Creating Effective Transportation Visualizations
Estimated Timeframe: 24 months Funding: $375000
A visualization can be “effective” in several ways: providing information, informing policy and decision making, and influencing behavior. There is little guidance on how to systematically evaluate a visualization’s effectiveness by either of these measures. This problem affects both transportation professionals and the traveling public – including movers of freight.
Even with clear visualizations providing insight – sophisticated “nuggets of truth” from vast amounts of information and solutions to vexing problems, there may be viewers who do not comprehend or respond. Developing a means to evaluate the effectiveness of visualizations deployed internally and externally would significantly enhance their value.
This research addresses this problem by: evaluating the effectiveness of noteworthy practices currently being pioneered by state DOTs that were documented, but not assessed, in previous NCHRP projects; addressing the new tools that have proliferated, such as Tableau, R, Infogram; and ultimately developing an easy-to-use guide to creating effective visualizations.
The object of this research is to develop an easy-to-use guide for evaluating the effectiveness of transportation visualizations that state DOTs can use to improve communication and decision-making. With this guide, state DOTs will have the tools to hone their message, manage the data overload that occurs in visualizations and impact travel behavior with effective visual data increasing safety, security and mobility.
The suggested tasks for this research are:
1) Research the essential components of what makes a visualization effective. Build off NCHRP 226 and 20-24(93)B(02). Evaluate the visualization techniques and practices documented in NCHRP Synthesis 52-16.
2) Create a guidebook that clearly communicates how to approach a new visualization and guide its creation.
3) Evaluate how to gain feedback on the effectiveness of a visualization in communicating information and influencing behavior, and also facilitates decision making. This could build off practices currently used for public service announcements (PSA).
4) Identify or develop noteworthy practices for evaluating the effectiveness of a visualization.
5) Create a Guidebook that provides state DOTs with options for evaluating the effectiveness of a visualization.
6) Integrate the two elements – creation and evaluation – into a guide that demonstrates the feedback loop of continuous improvement enabled by joining these two functions.
7) Establish an online case study website that showcases exceptional and innovative visualizations. This could include a category for the use of emerging data and emerging analytic capacity so state DOTs could maintain currency in innovative practices. The website would be updated by the TRB AED80 Visualization in Transportation Committee yearly by acknowledging award winning entries.
Proposed Research Activities
Effective data visualization has the power to dramatically improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. Previous research demonstrates that state DOTs have invested considerable time and expertise in developing visualizations for performance measures and need to communicate results effectively.
This guide would build on and evolve prior work by developing clear guidance on how to create effective visualizations and how to evaluate their effectiveness. It will enable states to focus and capitalize upon the investment, time and expertise they are currently deploying. It will provide a roadmap to the states who are in the early development of their visualization efforts and will provide an opportunity for well-established programs to expand their efforts by evaluating the effectiveness of their visualizations.
Addressing the creation and evaluation of effective visualizations together creates a feedback loop that enables and promotes continuous improvement.
Notes and Considerations
Transportation planners and practitioners responsible for analyzing and communicating data through visualization have a great need for this research. This guide has a built-in audience of the users of both previous research efforts and the Transportation Asset Management (TAM) portal. Additionally, the guide would lend itself to promotion through the committees of the TRB data section, particularly AED80; and the AASHTO Committee structure, particularly CDMA (Data), COP (Planning), CPBM (Performance), and TAM (Asset management).
The objective of this research is to prepare an authoritative analysis and assessment of the national performance manageme…
The objective of this research is to prepare an authoritative analysis and assessment of the national performance management data and, based upon the analysis and assessment, to provide recommendations on future capacity building activities and possible new performance measures. There are three sub-objectives focused on:
Analysis of the national performance management data for the three performance measurement areas (safety, assets, and system performance) will be conducted to better understand trends, target setting approaches, and target achievement by state DOTs; and
Assessment of the performance management data that provides a comprehensive and compelling story on the results of the performance management provisions.
Identification of future capacity building needs and performance measures.
Analysis and Assessment of the National Performance Management Data
Estimated Timeframe: 18 months Funding: $550000
MAP-21 and the FAST Act laid the groundwork for a comprehensive national-level performance management framework. The first four-year reporting period began on January 1, 2018 and ends on December 31, 2021 and will result in the first complete set of consistent national-level performance management data. This will result in a unique opportunity to conduct the first analysis and assessment of this unique data set as well as combined with other data sets to tell a more complete and consistent state DOT performance management story.
The objective of this research is to prepare an authoritative analysis and assessment of the national performance management data and, based upon the analysis and assessment, to provide recommendations on future capacity building activities and possible new performance measures. There are three sub-objectives focused on:
Analysis of the national performance management data for the three performance measurement areas (safety, assets, and system performance) will be conducted to better understand trends, target setting approaches, and target achievement by state DOTs; and
Assessment of the performance management data that provides a comprehensive and compelling story on the results of the performance management provisions.
Identification of future capacity building needs and performance measures.
Proposed Research Activities
The results of this research are important and significant. This will be the first time that researchers will be able to use a complete set of the national-level performance management data to conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the performance management program. This will research will serve as an authoritative and independent assessment of the data that can be used to tell the story of the state DOT and be used to inform transportation policy decisions in the future.
The objective of this research is to produce guidance on how DOTs can improve the use of DEI and other related indicators …
The objective of this research is to produce guidance on how DOTs can improve the use of DEI and other related indicators in TAM investment decision making processes.
Tasks will include:
• Compile DEI and other related indicators for use in TAM decision-making
• Develop a framework for applying DEI and other related indicators in TAM decision-making processes, including:
• Analysis activities to forecast impact
• Scenario planning including identifying alternate investment options with an equity lens
• Investment tradeoff decision-making
• Community engagement activities including increasing the involvement of underserved communities.
• Develop additional quantitative and qualitative performance measures for asset management and planning that consider DEI and other factors in transportation investment decisions
• Produce a summary of challenges, inherent inequities, and obstacles in asset management and planning activities in order to help transportation add value to underserved communities
• Develop guidance for transportation agencies to use the DEI and other related indicators to balance competing strategic objectives related to asset performance, safety, mobility, and DEI.
Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Transportation Asset Management
Estimated Timeframe: 24 months Funding: $500000
Investments in roadways have historically been focused on safety, mobility, and system preservation considerations. As our understanding of the impacts of roadway decisions mature, other factors such as socio-economic impact, sustainability, accountability, transparency, integrity, and innovation are increasing in importance by State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). Recently, strategic initiatives related to DEI are growing in importance and need to be considered in transportation investment planning. Advancing the understanding of DEI and other related indicators can help DOTs improve the impact of TAM investment decisions, especially to underserved communities.
The objective of this research is to produce guidance on how DOTs can improve the use of DEI and other related indicators in TAM investment decision making processes.
Tasks will include:
• Compile DEI and other related indicators for use in TAM decision-making
• Develop a framework for applying DEI and other related indicators in TAM decision-making processes, including:
• Analysis activities to forecast impact
• Scenario planning including identifying alternate investment options with an equity lens
• Investment tradeoff decision-making
• Community engagement activities including increasing the involvement of underserved communities.
• Develop additional quantitative and qualitative performance measures for asset management and planning that consider DEI and other factors in transportation investment decisions
• Produce a summary of challenges, inherent inequities, and obstacles in asset management and planning activities in order to help transportation add value to underserved communities
• Develop guidance for transportation agencies to use the DEI and other related indicators to balance competing strategic objectives related to asset performance, safety, mobility, and DEI.
Notes and Considerations
• Transportation agency chief engineers, planning directors, asset managers, and transportation performance management leads will use the research products to improve their decision impact.
• The research will provide guidance on specific application and/or calculable modifications to existing tools and methods that transportation agencies can follow to make the changes needed for research implementation.
• The AASHTO Committee on Performance-Based Planning, the AASHTO TAM Portal, TRB Standing Committee on Transportation Asset Management (AJE30), TRB Standing Committee on Performance Management (AJE20) will support the research implementation.
• TRB presentations and webinars are will be required for research implementation.
• Workshops, peer exchanges, pilot testing, verification and validation of research results are possible implementation actions.
Note: Title formerly "Socio-Economic Indicators in TAM Processes"
See: FHWA TAM Expert Task Group summary of this topic and potential R&I-sponsored research effort addressing equity
Note: Some TAM processes do include related socio-economic indicators, including NPV, ROI, IRR, FYRR and also social indicators such as population influenced, percentage of tax revenue utilized, revenue sources and the implied equity considerations (including racial and social equity). It is suggested to examine the indicators utilized in different states, and whether the socio-economic indicators are part of the decision making process.
Transportation owners and operators are responsible for the transportation system and the delivery of a range of services …
Transportation owners and operators are responsible for the transportation system and the delivery of a range of services and functions through the management of that system. There are inherent risks involved with the management of these systems, notwithstanding aging infrastructure, and fiscally constrained resources. Many agencies are moving toward performance-based resource allocation while simultaneously recognizing risks that may undermine their strategic goals. As these risks affect every component of a highway system to a greater or lesser extent, accurately accounting for and addressing these risks within a highway agency’s enterprise-wide management program is the goal which currently lacks analysis tools.
Investing in risk and resilience strategies and enhanced recovery to reduce or eliminate the impact of external events is also paramount to ensure a thriving, viable transportation system. Risk management requires the identification and assessment of potential threats and hazards, asset vulnerabilities from applicable threats, an evaluation of potential mitigation actions to reduce risk, a clear and easy to implement process to prioritize mitigation activities, and investment that aligns with agency strategic and performance goals. Asset management and more recently performance management, has been an ongoing focus of many research efforts. However, guidance for analytical risk assessment methods to support risk-based asset management processes is lagging. Risk assessment processes, methods, and tools are needed to integrate risk management into asset and performance management systems. In addition, an understanding of the relationship between risks and system resilience is lacking.
Basics needed:
• Adopted definitions
• Standard framework for quantitative risk based on expected financial losses to agency and traveling public
• Establishment of performance metrics for risk and resilience
• Suggested risk tolerance and resilience performance targets that agencies can customize
• Methods to incorporate climate projections into decision making
• Methods to analyze both deterministic and probabilistic input data (500-yr flood versus climate scenarios)
Future research can expand threats analyzed; assets analyzed; climate projections; life cycle cost; remaining life consideration of assets; environmental impacts, etc.
Transportation Asset Risk and Resilience
Estimated Timeframe: 36 months Funding: $3500000
The US experienced 308 weather and climate related disasters since 1980 exceeding $2.085 trillion in physical losses and the loss of 14,492 lives. Between 1980-2020 the average number of billion- dollar events per year was 7.1, that number ballooned to 16.2 billion-dollar events per year on average between 2016-2020 (adjusted for Consumer Price Index). The most billion- dollar weather and climate related disasters occurred in 2020, with 22 billion-dollar events totaling $246.7 billion in losses and 553 deaths. As of September 2021, the current year is looking to break the record set in 2020 having experienced 18 billion-dollar events to date (Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters: Overview | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) (noaa.gov) ). In addition, the recently published TRB Consensus Study on Resilience Metrics notes that 6 of the world’s 10 most costly natural disasters in 2020 occurred in the United States (TRB Resilience Metrics Consensus Study, 2021). With this level of impact on the nation’s infrastructure, transportation agencies need consistent methods to support decision making to address stressors such as extreme weather and climate change in planning, design, maintenance, and operations.
The TRB Resilience Metrics Consensus Study 2021 calls for the establishment of standard methods of analysis to support benefit-cost assessment to allow agencies to understand the “buy-down” of risk from capital and maintenance investments. In addition, the study calls on Congress to consider requiring that all federal funding candidate projects that involve long-lived assets requirement undergo well defined resilience assessments that account for changing risks of natural hazards and environmental conditions stemming from climate change. The proposed project will allow AASHTO and TRB to develop industry adopted standard methods of quantitative analysis in lieu of federally developed methods.
Proposed Program of Projects
A concerted level of commitment from AASHTO and TRB is needed to develop a single manual to serve as the “go-to” for quantitative analysis of financial risk to agency assets and the traveling public from extreme weather and climate change. Like the Highway Capacity Manual and the Highway Safety Manual, a single resource is needed to ensure consistent methods of analysis between projects and agencies, and to ensure adoption of robust quantitative methods to support benefit-cost analysis and decision making. A single manual will allow state, MPO, federal agencies to compare project investments on a level playing field – same models, same assumptions, same thresholds of performance. A single manual will also support the instruction of how to address extreme weather and climate change in planning and engineering curriculum at Universities ensuring future Transportation Professionals are equipped with the skills needed to support the adoption of such methods into practice. Finally, a single manual will allow the incorporation of extreme weather and climate change considerations in Professional Engineering examinations to further institutionalize these concepts in future design and decision making.
This program will establish a series of individual research projects to support the development of a Highway Resilience Manual born out of NCHRP 23-09, Scoping Study to Develop the Basis for a Highway Standard to Conduct an All-Hazards Risk and Resilience Analysis and NCHRP 20-123(04) Development of a Risk Management Strategic Plan and Research Roadmap. Similar to other NCHRP research programs such as NCHRP 20-102, Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation Agencies, this is a long-term research program that will result in an industry “standard” for all-hazards risk and resilience analysis for use in design, maintenance, and planning decision-making. In addition, the program of projects will address required data sources and work to field test the Highway Risk and Resilience Manual with a range of agencies as described in the following three phased approach and in the draft Research Roadmap:
Phase I: Development of Highway Risk and Resilience Manual. An anticipated 3-year phase consisting of multiple projects and costing approximately $3,500,000. Year 1 estimated to cost $1,500,000 with years 2 and 3 estimated at $1,000,000 each. There would be multiple projects under this phase including five projects identified through NCHRP 23-09:
Establish quantitative assessment methodology for top priority threats and assets (e.g., culverts and flooding)
Develop historical data capture process quantitative analysis methods
Establish performance metrics and thresholds for resilience and risk tolerance; provide guidance on reducing risk and improving resilience
Phase II: Implementation of Highway Risk and Resilience Manual. A 2-year, $2,000,000 program that would implement/apply the Highway Risk and Resilience Manual to 8-10 transportation agencies. A few potential projects in Phase II are outlined here:
Create internal and external agency communication and collaboration practices to incorporate Highway Risk and Resilience Manual in decision making
Develop capacity building plan to identify institutional and educational needs to incorporate Highway Risk and Resilience Manual into practice
Pilot test Highway Risk and Resilience Manual
Identify institutional organizational and procedural (IOP) changes and implementation strategies for the successful adoption of Highway Risk and Resilience Manual
Phase III: Development of Tools and Resources to Support the Highway Risk and Resilience Manual. A 2-year $1,500,000 effort to create automated, geospatial models that transportation agencies could use to implement the Highway Risk and Resilience Manual across networks or the transportation system.
Develop stand alone, open source computer script that can work within a GIS environment to automate Highway Risk and Resilience Manual calculations across multiple assets and threats in a geo-spatial setting
Develop spreadsheet-based tools to automate Highway Risk and Resilience Manual calculations across multiple assets and threats in a spreadsheet application
Selecting Performance Metrics for Evaluating Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation o Incorporating Risk Management into Maintenance Practice
Developing New Performance Metrics for Risk Management
Assessing the Impact of Common Risks on Federal Reporting Metrics
Transportation owners and operators are responsible for the transportation system and the delivery of a range of services and functions through the management of that system. There are inherent risks involved with the management of these systems, notwithstanding aging infrastructure, and fiscally constrained resources. Many agencies are moving toward performance-based resource allocation while simultaneously recognizing risks that may undermine their strategic goals. As these risks affect every component of a highway system to a greater or lesser extent, accurately accounting for and addressing these risks within a highway agency’s enterprise-wide management program is the goal which currently lacks analysis tools.
Investing in risk and resilience strategies and enhanced recovery to reduce or eliminate the impact of external events is also paramount to ensure a thriving, viable transportation system. Risk management requires the identification and assessment of potential threats and hazards, asset vulnerabilities from applicable threats, an evaluation of potential mitigation actions to reduce risk, a clear and easy to implement process to prioritize mitigation activities, and investment that aligns with agency strategic and performance goals. Asset management and more recently performance management, has been an ongoing focus of many research efforts. However, guidance for analytical risk assessment methods to support risk-based asset management processes is lagging. Risk assessment processes, methods, and tools are needed to integrate risk management into asset and performance management systems. In addition, an understanding of the relationship between risks and system resilience is lacking.
Basics needed:
• Adopted definitions
• Standard framework for quantitative risk based on expected financial losses to agency and traveling public
• Establishment of performance metrics for risk and resilience
• Suggested risk tolerance and resilience performance targets that agencies can customize
• Methods to incorporate climate projections into decision making
• Methods to analyze both deterministic and probabilistic input data (500-yr flood versus climate scenarios)
Future research can expand threats analyzed; assets analyzed; climate projections; life cycle cost; remaining life consideration of assets; environmental impacts, etc.
Based on these changing conditions, the objective of this research is to investigate the needs and benefits from incorpora…
Based on these changing conditions, the objective of this research is to investigate the needs and benefits from incorporating TSMO assets in TAMPs. The study will develop a guide for state DOTs to facilitate the inclusion of TSMO in TAMP without disrupting the established and on-going planning process.
Guide to the Integration of Transportation Systems Management and Operations into Transportation Asset Management
Since the early adoptions of transportation asset management (TAM) practices, and performance rule-making association with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, state agencies have been encouraged to add assets beyond pavements and bridges in their risk-based transportation asset management plans (TAMPs). With rapidly growing advancements and uses of technology in transportation system and management operations (TSMO), new assets are becoming widespread critical components of the network such as communications and security technology, sensors, cameras, and other intelligent transportation system (ITS) infrastructure technologies.
TAMPs cross multiple functions (e.g., planning, engineering, maintenance, operation, finance and procurement) entailing the management and inclusion of all the components required to achieve the TAMP goal, which is maintaining and improving physical assets with a focus on engineering and economic analysis based upon quality information. Typically, transportation agencies focus on the benefits of deploying new technologies when installed and implemented in the exploration stage. However, moving forward to an exploitation phase, agencies need to start considering the long-term management of these technologies to maintain their good operational state.
In addition to managing the condition of TSMO assets, TAM decisions to other assets will have an impact on the operations of the network, such as traffic flows, that depend on traffic management and operations. The timing of the traffic management installation could span from the 20 minutes necessary to “make safe” a pothole in a live travel lane, to the multi-year management of lanes through a construction zone. Delivery of the TAMP is therefore dependent on safe, planned, and dependable access to the transportation infrastructure. Several agencies have realized the need to link TAM and TSMO from the early stages of developing their TAMP; however, establishing the connection was challenging and hard to achieve in most cases. Currently, Ohio DOT is in the process of connecting TSMO and TAM as reported in their TAMP. Additionally, Caltrans has been including their transportation management system (TMS) technology assets into the TAMP.
Based on these changing conditions, the objective of this research is to investigate the needs and benefits from incorporating TSMO assets in TAMPs. The study will develop a guide for state DOTs to facilitate the inclusion of TSMO in TAMP without disrupting the established and on-going planning process.
The objectives of this research are to develop guidance promoting the use of performance-based management strategies in ma…
The objectives of this research are to develop guidance promoting the use of performance-based management strategies in maintenance and to present the resulting information in a format that is easily accessible to the maintenance community.
Guidebook on Using Performance-Based Management Approaches for Maintenance
Estimated Timeframe: 24 months Funding: $500000
The objectives of this research are to develop guidance promoting the use of performance-based management strategies in maintenance and to present the resulting information in a format that is easily accessible to the maintenance community.
With the original project being completed in early 2020, the project panel has focused on both implementation of TAM Guide…
With the original project being completed in early 2020, the project panel has focused on both implementation of TAM Guide III and determining additional needs to make the TAM Guide III better based on the original literature research and review. An extensive literature search was conducted as a part of the original NCHRP project phase one work and the results generally incorporated and addressed in the new TAM Guide III; however, because of funding limitations, not all of the desired changes, updates, and enhancements could be addressed. Based on those limitations, the objective of this research is to provide further enhancements and content to the TAM Guide III.
Over the past two decades, asset management practice in transportation asset management (TAM) has been progressing with guidance produced from NCHRP Project 20-24(11), Asset Management Guidance for Transportation Agencies, initiated in 1999 and completed in 2002; NCHRP Project 08-69, Supplement to the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: Volume 2—A Focus on Implementation (TAM Guide II), initiated in 2008 and completed in 2010; and the current project NCHRP Project 08-109(01), Updating the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide—A Focus on Implementation (TAM Guide III). TAM is an area of great importance to state departments of transportation (DOT) and other transportation agencies. As defined in the transportation legislation Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), TAM is a “strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, and improving physical assets… that will achieve and sustain a desired state of good repair over the life cycle of the assets at minimum practicable cost.” In recent years interest in TAM has intensified in part due to the asset and performance management requirements introduced in MAP-21.
NCHRP Project 08-109, resulting in TAM Guide III, has developed an updated and new version of the existing AASHTO TAM Guide II using a new framework for asset management that has been adapted from the one developed by the UK-based Institute of Asset Management. This project was initiated to improve the existing guide’s effectiveness and thereby advance the practices of public-agency TAM. The research has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase focused on assessing the effectiveness of the current guide and developing a strategy for improving the guide’s effectiveness and presenting the guide in a form well suited to future updating. The second phase focused on developing the new print version of the TAM Guide III, as well as producing a TAM Guide III Digital Guide that will be added to AASHTO’s TAM Portal (http://tam.transportation.org).
Updates to the Digital Edition of the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide
Timeframe: 18 months Project Funding: $450000
Over the past two decades, asset management practice in transportation asset management (TAM) has been progressing with guidance produced from NCHRP Project 20-24(11), Asset Management Guidance for Transportation Agencies, initiated in 1999 and completed in 2002; NCHRP Project 08-69, Supplement to the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: Volume 2—A Focus on Implementation (TAM Guide II), initiated in 2008 and completed in 2010; and the current project NCHRP Project 08-109(01), Updating the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide—A Focus on Implementation (TAM Guide III). TAM is an area of great importance to state departments of transportation (DOT) and other transportation agencies. As defined in the transportation legislation Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), TAM is a “strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, and improving physical assets… that will achieve and sustain a desired state of good repair over the life cycle of the assets at minimum practicable cost.” In recent years interest in TAM has intensified in part due to the asset and performance management requirements introduced in MAP-21.
NCHRP Project 08-109, resulting in TAM Guide III, has developed an updated and new version of the existing AASHTO TAM Guide II using a new framework for asset management that has been adapted from the one developed by the UK-based Institute of Asset Management. This project was initiated to improve the existing guide’s effectiveness and thereby advance the practices of public-agency TAM. The research has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase focused on assessing the effectiveness of the current guide and developing a strategy for improving the guide’s effectiveness and presenting the guide in a form well suited to future updating. The second phase focused on developing the new print version of the TAM Guide III, as well as producing a TAM Guide III Digital Guide that will be added to AASHTO’s TAM Portal (http://tam.transportation.org).
With the original project being completed in early 2020, the project panel has focused on both implementation of TAM Guide III and determining additional needs to make the TAM Guide III better based on the original literature research and review. An extensive literature search was conducted as a part of the original NCHRP project phase one work and the results generally incorporated and addressed in the new TAM Guide III; however, because of funding limitations, not all of the desired changes, updates, and enhancements could be addressed. Based on those limitations, the objective of this research is to provide further enhancements and content to the TAM Guide III.
Start date: September 2020 End date: February 2022
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for state DOTs and other transportation agencies on incorporating mai…
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for state DOTs and other transportation agencies on incorporating maintenance costs in a risk-based TAMP, including but not limited to the following:
1. A detailed presentation of procedures for identifying, collecting, and managing required data;
2. Using life-cycle planning tools and techniques to demonstrate financial requirements and cost-effectiveness of maintenance activities and preservation programs and the potential change in costs and liabilities associated with deferring these actions;
3. Formulating strategies that identify how to invest available funds over the next 10 years (as required by the TAMP) using life-cycle and benefit-cost analyses (and other applicable tools and techniques) to measure tradeoffs between capital and maintenance activities in alternative investment scenarios; and
4. Designing components of a financial plan showing anticipated revenues and planned investments in capital and maintenance costs for the next 10 years.
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) established a performance-based Federal-Aid Highway Program that includes a requirement for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other transportation planning agencies to develop and regularly update a risk-based Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). The TAMP is designed to identify investment and management strategies to improve or preserve asset conditions as well as the performance of the National Highway System (NHS). Although only pavements and bridges on the NHS are required to be included in the TAMP, states are encouraged to include additional assets. At a minimum, the TAMP should include the following:
A summary of NHS pavement and bridge assets, including a description of conditions;
Asset management objectives and performance measures;
Identification of any performance gaps;
A life-cycle cost and risk management analysis; and
A 10-year financial plan and corresponding investment strategies.
While most states are able to capture past and planned expenditures on capital projects, states are finding it challenging to incorporate maintenance costs into their TAMP.
The absence of maintenance cost data in a TAMP must be addressed to capture the full amount of investments being made by states in the transportation system. This issue is especially important as state transportation agencies increase their attention to system preservation, placing greater emphasis on preventive maintenance.
A Guide for Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan
Timeframe: 18 months Project Funding: $350000
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) established a performance-based Federal-Aid Highway Program that includes a requirement for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other transportation planning agencies to develop and regularly update a risk-based Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). The TAMP is designed to identify investment and management strategies to improve or preserve asset conditions as well as the performance of the National Highway System (NHS). Although only pavements and bridges on the NHS are required to be included in the TAMP, states are encouraged to include additional assets. At a minimum, the TAMP should include the following:
A summary of NHS pavement and bridge assets, including a description of conditions;
Asset management objectives and performance measures;
Identification of any performance gaps;
A life-cycle cost and risk management analysis; and
A 10-year financial plan and corresponding investment strategies.
While most states are able to capture past and planned expenditures on capital projects, states are finding it challenging to incorporate maintenance costs into their TAMP.
The absence of maintenance cost data in a TAMP must be addressed to capture the full amount of investments being made by states in the transportation system. This issue is especially important as state transportation agencies increase their attention to system preservation, placing greater emphasis on preventive maintenance.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for state DOTs and other transportation agencies on incorporating maintenance costs in a risk-based TAMP, including but not limited to the following:
1. A detailed presentation of procedures for identifying, collecting, and managing required data;
2. Using life-cycle planning tools and techniques to demonstrate financial requirements and cost-effectiveness of maintenance activities and preservation programs and the potential change in costs and liabilities associated with deferring these actions;
3. Formulating strategies that identify how to invest available funds over the next 10 years (as required by the TAMP) using life-cycle and benefit-cost analyses (and other applicable tools and techniques) to measure tradeoffs between capital and maintenance activities in alternative investment scenarios; and
4. Designing components of a financial plan showing anticipated revenues and planned investments in capital and maintenance costs for the next 10 years.
Proposed Research Activities
The research plan should (1) include a kick-off web conference to review the amplified work plan with the NCHRP project panel, convened within 1 month of the contract’s execution; (2) address how the proposer intends to satisfy the project objective; (3) be divided logically into (at least) two phases encompassing specific detailed tasks for each phase that are necessary to fulfill the research objectives, including appropriate milestones and interim deliverables; and (4) incorporate opportunities for the project panel to review, comment on, and approve milestone deliverables. It should also include a review of other related studies in general and NCHRP research studies in particular.
In response to the objective, the research plan should
• Identify and review previous and ongoing NCHRP studies and other research indicative of the state-of-the-art with respect to defining, calculating, and incorporating maintenance costs in asset management plans;
• Review a diverse sample of existing TAMPs and summarize the extent to which maintenance costs are incorporated into the life cycle-cost analysis, risk and uncertainty analysis, and benefit-cost, financial planning and investment strategies; and identify key gaps in how maintenance costs are considered in a TAMP;
• Determine adequacy of available maintenance cost data to support the needs in each TAMP content area and identify what information is needed as a function of asset categories; and
• Develop guidelines to better account for past and planned maintenance costs as states develop their TAMP;
o Consider agencies at various levels of maturity in terms of their maintenance management practices in the guidelines and address special requirements necessary to incorporate assets in addition to pavements and bridges in the TAMP; and
o Consider how to address the impact on future maintenance cost increases from assets brought to the transportation system as a function of new capital improvements.
Phase I
At a minimum, work in Phase I will include the following steps:
1. Review of existing experience and conditions affecting inclusion of maintenance costs in TAMP;
2. Identify the types of assets that will be considered in the analysis in addition to pavement and bridges;
3. With assistance from the NCHRP panel, identify potential DOTs and other transportation agencies as subjects of a set of case studies for developing procedures for, and benefits from, the inclusion of maintenance costs in the TAMP;
4. Carry out the case studies and gather information from selected agencies to identify and evaluate data requirements, availability, opportunities, and constraints; and
5. Create a preliminary framework for the guide to be refined in Phase II, for incorporating maintenance costs in TAMPs, comprising a basic structure identifying tools, techniques, and procedures.
The work accomplished in Phase I will be documented in an interim report that describes the preliminary steps necessary to analyze and understand the process and requirements for incorporating maintenance costs in TAMPs. The NCHRP project panel will meet with the research team at the end of Phase I to review the interim report. NCHRP approval of the interim report is required before proceeding with Phase II.
Phase II
Building on the framework presented in Phase I and input from the NCHRP panel following the interim review, the research team will follow up with the agencies that previously participated in the case studies to refine and expand that preliminary framework, creating a guide for state DOTs and other transportation agencies on how to develop the resources and procedures for incorporating maintenance costs in TAMPs. At a minimum, this guide will include the following:
1. Procedures for identifying, collecting, and managing required data;
2. How to use life-cycle planning tools and techniques to demonstrate financial requirements and cost-effectiveness of maintenance activities and preservation programs and the potential change in costs and liabilities associated with deferring these actions;
3. Strategies that identify how to invest available funds over the next 10 years (as required by the TAMP) using life-cycle and benefit-cost analyses (and other applicable tools and techniques) to measure tradeoffs between capital and maintenance activities in alternative investment scenarios; and
4. Components of a financial plan showing anticipated revenues and planned investments in capital and maintenance costs for the next 10 years.
Final deliverables of Phase II will include at a minimum:
• A detailed guide for state DOTs and other transportation agencies on requirements for incorporating maintenance costs in TAMPs, defining critical steps necessary to acquire resources and necessary data, and to implement new procedures;
• A contractor’s final report that documents the entire research effort. This report should also include recommendations for additional validation in diverse settings, research on applicable procedures, data collection, analytical methods, and tools;
• A stand-alone executive summary that outlines the findings and recommendations;
• Communication material aimed at state DOTs and other transportation agencies that explains the benefits of using the guide and the potential return on investment in expanding the TAMP to include maintenance costs; and
• A stand-alone technical memorandum entitled, “Implementation of Research Findings and Products” (See Special Note B).
The research plan should build in appropriate checkpoints with the NCHRP project panel including, at a minimum, (1) a kick-off teleconference meeting to be held within 1 month of the contract’s execution date; (2) the face-to-face interim deliverable review meeting to be held at the end of Phase I; and (3) at least two additional web-enabled teleconferences tied to NCHRP review and approval of any other interim deliverables as deemed appropriate.
The objective of this research is to develop a “playbook” with standards, specifications, and process flows to help ai…
The objective of this research is to develop a “playbook” with standards, specifications, and process flows to help airport operators with the accurate and timely delivery of new and replacement asset information/meta data to key airport stakeholders responsible for tracking and maintaining airport assets.
Many airport operators have challenges when transitioning asset data from the planning, design, and construction stages to the operations and maintenance stage. These challenges include issues with timeliness, conformity, completeness, and accuracy. Such issues may lead to poorly informed operations and maintenance planning decisions, resulting in significant financial and functional impacts to operations and maintenance departments. There are a number of technology-based platforms to assist in the efficient and accurate transfer of asset data (e.g., geographic information systems, computerized maintenance management systems, building information modeling), yet many airports need guidelines for mapping not only the transition process, but for involving key departments and stakeholders through the entire process, from procurement to commissioning.
Asset Information Handover Guidelines: From Planning and Construction to O&M
Timeframe: Project Funding: $300000
Many airport operators have challenges when transitioning asset data from the planning, design, and construction stages to the operations and maintenance stage. These challenges include issues with timeliness, conformity, completeness, and accuracy. Such issues may lead to poorly informed operations and maintenance planning decisions, resulting in significant financial and functional impacts to operations and maintenance departments. There are a number of technology-based platforms to assist in the efficient and accurate transfer of asset data (e.g., geographic information systems, computerized maintenance management systems, building information modeling), yet many airports need guidelines for mapping not only the transition process, but for involving key departments and stakeholders through the entire process, from procurement to commissioning.
The objective of this research is to develop a “playbook” with standards, specifications, and process flows to help airport operators with the accurate and timely delivery of new and replacement asset information/meta data to key airport stakeholders responsible for tracking and maintaining airport assets.
The objective of this research is to provide a scoping study for a transportation framework for all-hazards risk and resil…
The objective of this research is to provide a scoping study for a transportation framework for all-hazards risk and resilience analysis of transportation assets. The scoping study must accomplish the following objectives:
1. Develop a comprehensive and consistent set of risk- and resilience-related terminology for transportation agency use; and
2. Provide a research roadmap for developing a framework for a quantitative all-hazards risk and resilience analysis of transportation assets, with its associated tools, and guidance on its application.
Accomplishment of the project objective(s) will require at least the following four tasks.
Risk-informed asset management and an understanding of system resilience are two relatively new concepts within the transportation industry. Transportation agencies often use all-hazards risk and resilience analyses to make decisions about enhancing system resilience. The Federal Emergency Management Administration defines "all-hazards" as “Natural, technological, or human-caused incidents that warrant action to protect life, property, environment, and public health or safety…” (https://training.fema.gov/programs/emischool/el361toolkit/glossary.htm). To conduct all-hazards risk and resiliency analyses for transportation assets, a transportation agency must:
• Know assets’ locations and their criticality for service delivery;
• Understand potential natural and man-made threats and associated likelihoods affecting assets;
• Be able to quantify the potential consequences from applicable threats to assets while adequately addressing the considerable uncertainty in those consequences; and
• Understand the link between risk and resilience.
In 2006, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers published Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Infrastructure Protection (RAMCAP), an all-hazards approach to critical infrastructure risk assessment. The initial document focused on terrorist activities but has since expanded into analysis of natural hazards such as extreme weather, seismic events, and changing environmental conditions, given the increased activity from such threats in recent years. RAMCAP identifies transportation as a critical sector, along with industries such as banking, oil/gas, electricity, water/wastewater, and nuclear energy. To date, several industries, including the water/wastewater sector, have developed an industry-specific standard for risk assessment. By demonstrating an active approach to risk assessment and management developed and approved by professionals within the water/wastewater sector, those agencies have seen improvements in bond ratings and reductions in insurance premiums. While RAMCAP provides a generic approach to critical infrastructure risk assessment, it does not provide specific information on asset performance under applicable threats for any one critical sector.
Through pilot studies, state departments of transportation (DOTs) have applied RAMCAP and similar guidance to risk and resilience analysis in their states. FHWA’s Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework (FHWA-HEP-18-020), for example, is guidance based on significant pilot studies in a large number of states. Four key lessons from the state DOT pilot studies include:
1. Though some research studies have been published on transportation asset performance under physical threats, this information is scattered across many published articles dating back to the 1960s and has not been compiled in a user-friendly format.
2. State agencies see the need for a common language for risk and resilience practitioners to facilitate adoption and implementation of consistent and effective risk management and resilience practices.
3. A simple industry framework is needed to support compilation of information for risk-based analysis of transportation assets, to reduce the burden on state DOTs and metropolitan planning organizations by clarifying the bases for quantifying annual risk and ensuring system resilience:
• Threat probabilities by type of hazard and by geographic location;
• Asset vulnerability to each applicable threat, appropriately considering asset resilience; and
• Quantitative anticipated consequences from each applicable threat to each asset, appropriately considering the significant uncertainties in those consequences.
4. Agencies prefer not to be constrained by proprietary solutions for all-hazards risk and resilience analyses but have the flexibility to implement open-source, repeatable methodologies. Inputs for these analyses should be derived from data readily available to agencies or other users.
The AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience and the Subcommittees on Risk Management and Asset Management have, collectively, identified the need for a transportation-specific framework that responsible agencies can use in conducting their own all-hazards risk and resilience analyses to facilitate enterprise-wide transportation decision-making. Research is needed to develop this framework and provide guidance on its use.
Scoping Study to Develop the Basis for a Highway Standard to Conduct an All-Hazards Risk and Resilience Analysis
Timeframe: 18 months Project Funding: $250000
Risk-informed asset management and an understanding of system resilience are two relatively new concepts within the transportation industry. Transportation agencies often use all-hazards risk and resilience analyses to make decisions about enhancing system resilience. The Federal Emergency Management Administration defines "all-hazards" as “Natural, technological, or human-caused incidents that warrant action to protect life, property, environment, and public health or safety…” (https://training.fema.gov/programs/emischool/el361toolkit/glossary.htm). To conduct all-hazards risk and resiliency analyses for transportation assets, a transportation agency must:
• Know assets’ locations and their criticality for service delivery;
• Understand potential natural and man-made threats and associated likelihoods affecting assets;
• Be able to quantify the potential consequences from applicable threats to assets while adequately addressing the considerable uncertainty in those consequences; and
• Understand the link between risk and resilience.
In 2006, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers published Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Infrastructure Protection (RAMCAP), an all-hazards approach to critical infrastructure risk assessment. The initial document focused on terrorist activities but has since expanded into analysis of natural hazards such as extreme weather, seismic events, and changing environmental conditions, given the increased activity from such threats in recent years. RAMCAP identifies transportation as a critical sector, along with industries such as banking, oil/gas, electricity, water/wastewater, and nuclear energy. To date, several industries, including the water/wastewater sector, have developed an industry-specific standard for risk assessment. By demonstrating an active approach to risk assessment and management developed and approved by professionals within the water/wastewater sector, those agencies have seen improvements in bond ratings and reductions in insurance premiums. While RAMCAP provides a generic approach to critical infrastructure risk assessment, it does not provide specific information on asset performance under applicable threats for any one critical sector.
Through pilot studies, state departments of transportation (DOTs) have applied RAMCAP and similar guidance to risk and resilience analysis in their states. FHWA’s Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Framework (FHWA-HEP-18-020), for example, is guidance based on significant pilot studies in a large number of states. Four key lessons from the state DOT pilot studies include:
1. Though some research studies have been published on transportation asset performance under physical threats, this information is scattered across many published articles dating back to the 1960s and has not been compiled in a user-friendly format.
2. State agencies see the need for a common language for risk and resilience practitioners to facilitate adoption and implementation of consistent and effective risk management and resilience practices.
3. A simple industry framework is needed to support compilation of information for risk-based analysis of transportation assets, to reduce the burden on state DOTs and metropolitan planning organizations by clarifying the bases for quantifying annual risk and ensuring system resilience:
• Threat probabilities by type of hazard and by geographic location;
• Asset vulnerability to each applicable threat, appropriately considering asset resilience; and
• Quantitative anticipated consequences from each applicable threat to each asset, appropriately considering the significant uncertainties in those consequences.
4. Agencies prefer not to be constrained by proprietary solutions for all-hazards risk and resilience analyses but have the flexibility to implement open-source, repeatable methodologies. Inputs for these analyses should be derived from data readily available to agencies or other users.
The AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience and the Subcommittees on Risk Management and Asset Management have, collectively, identified the need for a transportation-specific framework that responsible agencies can use in conducting their own all-hazards risk and resilience analyses to facilitate enterprise-wide transportation decision-making. Research is needed to develop this framework and provide guidance on its use.
The objective of this research is to provide a scoping study for a transportation framework for all-hazards risk and resilience analysis of transportation assets. The scoping study must accomplish the following objectives:
1. Develop a comprehensive and consistent set of risk- and resilience-related terminology for transportation agency use; and
2. Provide a research roadmap for developing a framework for a quantitative all-hazards risk and resilience analysis of transportation assets, with its associated tools, and guidance on its application.
Accomplishment of the project objective(s) will require at least the following four tasks.
Proposed Research Activities
Task 1. Conduct preliminary work for roadmap development. Some preliminary work must be conducted before guidance on roadmap development can be sought (see Task 2) and the roadmap can be designed (see Task 3). This groundwork has two parts, which shall be done concurrently.
Task 1a. Develop a risk- and resilience-related glossary of terms. Transportation agencies may use this glossary as a common reference for future research on this topic. To develop the glossary, the terminology presented in NCHRP_Synthesis_527: Resilience in Transportation Planning, Engineering, Management, Policy, and Administration, should be reviewed, with the prospect of making the terminology more broadly actionable. At minimum, the following items should be considered for the glossary development:
Nature and extent of risk faced by state DOTs, including ways of characterizing risk both qualitatively and quantitatively;
Terminology adopted by risk standards organizations;
Risk and resilience terminology already in use in the transportation industry; and
Terminology already adopted and standardized within technical disciplines that support the transportation industry.
Where it is not feasible to propose a single characterization or definition, the glossary will enable translation across disciplines, and it shall include a quick reference matrix or table to help users understand how terms are used in different contexts or guidance.
Task 1b. Conduct a state-of-practice review. This review will summarize current, leading practices, including but not limited to the following:
Identifying critical transportation assets;
Estimating vulnerability to various threats or hazards;
Assessing consequences from damage and loss of functionality;
Developing recovery strategies to enable assessment of risk and system resilience, including RAMCAP and other relevant work; and
Incorporating cybersecurity and other emerging threats associated with evolution of transportation technology.
NCHRP must approve the glossary of terms (Task 1a) and state-of-practice review (Task 1b) products before work on Task 2 may begin.
Task 2. Engage the transportation industry for roadmap development guidance. To obtain broad industry input on roadmap development, the research team should explore, at a minimum, the following engagement options:
Relevant AASHTO and other industry meetings, including those of the Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience (CTSSR) and the Subcommittees on Risk Management and Asset Management; and
Conducting a webinar for AASHTO committee and subcommittee members and other interested parties presenting an executive-level summary and forum to discuss pertinent frameworks and how they relate to the proposed effort for transportation.
Task 2 shall include the following milestones:
Submittal of a technical memorandum summarizing results from Tasks 1 and 2.
Presentation of the memorandum at an interim meeting with the project panel in Washington, D.C. The memorandum shall include multiple proposed approaches for designing the roadmap.
Approval of the memorandum by NCHRP before proceeding with Task 3.
Task 3. Design research roadmap and develop research problem statements.
Task 3a. Design research roadmap to develop the quantitative all-hazards framework. The roadmap design should recognize that the framework would ultimately include associated tools and application guidance.
Outline work groups composed of AASHTO committee members and possibly non-AASHTO experts who will guide and validate the roadmap; and
Conduct invitational, multi-day workshop for up to 20 key personnel to validate the roadmap, preferably in conjunction with another AASHTO meeting.
Task 3b. Develop associated problem statement(s) for research supporting the roadmap. The research problem statement(s) will focus on developing the framework and its associated tools and application guidance. NCHRP will provide a template for the problem statement(s).
The Task 3 products will include (1) a validated roadmap document that includes the findings of Tasks 1-2; and (2) research problem statements. NCHRP approval of both of these products is required before their use in Task 4.
Task 4. Final report preparation. The roadmap document developed and validated in Tasks 1-3 shall be combined with the research problem statement(s) developed in Task 3 to constitute the final project report.
The objective of this research is to develop resources for state DOTs and other transportation organizations to help them …
The objective of this research is to develop resources for state DOTs and other transportation organizations to help them explain the value of investing in resilience throughout the life cycle of planning, engineering, design, operations, construction, and maintenance activities.
The resources should provide tools for state DOTs to (1) build the business case for investing in resilience strategies and (2) develop communication strategies to make the public and stakeholders aware of the importance of resilience as part of the state DOT's overall mission. This project should consider the diversity of resiliency issues among state DOTs and agencies.
Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.
Significant research has been conducted on many different aspects of system resilience and security, but research is lacking on the topics of (1) how state transportation officials can make a business case for investing in resilience strategies and (2) resilience-oriented communications strategies. Communications strategies are central to successful balloting of state and local funding initiatives. This project is focused on both the "hard" technical business cases and the arguably "harder" communications strategies applicable to the general public as well as governors, legislators, staff and leadership at state departments of transportation (DOTs), and regional transportation planning organizations.
The 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Pub. L. No. 114-94) included several requirements for transportation agencies that reflected an increasing concern for system and operational resilience and security. For example, statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes were to consider projects/strategies to improve the resilience and reliability of the transportation system. It continued all prior National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) eligibilities and added (among four new eligible categories) one for projects to reduce the risk of failure of critical NHS infrastructure (defined to mean a facility, the incapacity or failure of which would have a debilitating impact in certain specified areas). The FAST Act keeps in place a resilience provision introduced in the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), which required state DOTs to develop risk-based asset management plans.
State DOTs are addressing resilience issues in concert with local and regional organizations, including governments, planning organizations, non-profits, and the business community. In order to identify effective business case and communications strategies for state DOT resilience efforts, it is key to acknowledge the different demographics, infrastructure, and resource capabilities of each state DOT and agency, as well as the differing resilience opportunities and challenges they face. In addition, some state DOTs and local and regional transportation agencies have begun and achieved robust resilience activities. It is apparent that system resilience is becoming an ever more important concern for transportation officials at all levels of government.
Business Case and Communications Strategies for State DOT Resilience Efforts
Timeframe: Project Funding: $349618
Significant research has been conducted on many different aspects of system resilience and security, but research is lacking on the topics of (1) how state transportation officials can make a business case for investing in resilience strategies and (2) resilience-oriented communications strategies. Communications strategies are central to successful balloting of state and local funding initiatives. This project is focused on both the "hard" technical business cases and the arguably "harder" communications strategies applicable to the general public as well as governors, legislators, staff and leadership at state departments of transportation (DOTs), and regional transportation planning organizations.
The 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Pub. L. No. 114-94) included several requirements for transportation agencies that reflected an increasing concern for system and operational resilience and security. For example, statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes were to consider projects/strategies to improve the resilience and reliability of the transportation system. It continued all prior National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) eligibilities and added (among four new eligible categories) one for projects to reduce the risk of failure of critical NHS infrastructure (defined to mean a facility, the incapacity or failure of which would have a debilitating impact in certain specified areas). The FAST Act keeps in place a resilience provision introduced in the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), which required state DOTs to develop risk-based asset management plans.
State DOTs are addressing resilience issues in concert with local and regional organizations, including governments, planning organizations, non-profits, and the business community. In order to identify effective business case and communications strategies for state DOT resilience efforts, it is key to acknowledge the different demographics, infrastructure, and resource capabilities of each state DOT and agency, as well as the differing resilience opportunities and challenges they face. In addition, some state DOTs and local and regional transportation agencies have begun and achieved robust resilience activities. It is apparent that system resilience is becoming an ever more important concern for transportation officials at all levels of government.
The objective of this research is to develop resources for state DOTs and other transportation organizations to help them explain the value of investing in resilience throughout the life cycle of planning, engineering, design, operations, construction, and maintenance activities.
The resources should provide tools for state DOTs to (1) build the business case for investing in resilience strategies and (2) develop communication strategies to make the public and stakeholders aware of the importance of resilience as part of the state DOT's overall mission. This project should consider the diversity of resiliency issues among state DOTs and agencies.
Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.
Proposed Research Activities
Phase I
Task 1. Literature review. Review relevant practice, performance data, research findings, and other information related to (a) building a business case for resilience and (b) resilience communications strategies. Include a broad spectrum of industries and resources; legal and regulatory justifications; social and economic losses associated with disruptions; international and other levels of cross-border planning. See Special Note F.
Task 2. Employing quantitative and/or qualitative research methods, review current resilience business case examples and communications strategies. Measuring performance of communications efforts—especially as it relates to public and internal agency support for resilience initiatives—is of particular interest. Include common obstacles and how they are overcome. Ensure that a full range of diverse disruptions is represented, and at least includes those caused by various shocks and stressors, such as natural, societal, technological, and human-caused. Include unpublished information such as after action reports from state DOTs.
Note: If proposed, survey/interview instruments and sampling plans shall be submitted for NCHRP review and approval prior to use.
Task 3. Based on what was learned in Task 1 and Task 2, develop a revised work plan to support the development of project deliverables in Phase II (i.e., case studies and tools).
Task 4. Prepare an interim report on the findings and conclusions of Tasks 1 through 3. The interim report should include draft tables of contents for products that will be developed in Phase II and detailed plans for Task 5 and Task 6. The research plan shall provide a 2-month period for review and approval of the interim report. An interim meeting of the project panel to discuss the interim report with the research agency will be required.
Note: For budget purposes, to allow for the possibility of an in-person meeting, assume NCHRP will be responsible for the cost of panel member travel and will provide the meeting facility. The interim meeting may be held virtually or in a blended in-person/remote format. For the interim meeting, provide a PowerPoint presentation suitable, upon revision, for posting on the NCHRP project web page. The research agency shall not begin work on the remaining tasks without NCHRP approval.
Phase II
Task 5. Based on the approved Phase II work plan, prepare no fewer than 6 diverse case studies of how agencies have (a) developed business cases for resilience and (b) planned and executed communication strategies for resilience programs. Case studies should cover communications tailored for various internal and external stakeholders such as
• Governors
• Legislators
• Policymakers
• Local communities
• General public
• State DOT leadership
• State DOT staff
• Regional transportation planning organizations such as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs)
Task 6. Prepare tools for state DOTs and other transportation organizations to explain the value of investing in resilience throughout the life cycle of a DOT’s planning, engineering, design, operations, construction, and maintenance activities. The tools should support agencies as they (1) build the business case for investing in resilience strategies and (2) develop communication strategies to make the public and stakeholders aware of the importance of resilience as part of a state DOT’s mission. Also prepare a final report documenting the research and a 2-page executive summary.
Tools for use by the primary audiences should include (a) “resilience communications plan in-a-box”; (b) “business case in-a-box”; and (c) Task 5 case studies.
The objective of this synthesis is to document the various technologies used by DOTs to inspect highway infrastructure dur…
The objective of this synthesis is to document the various technologies used by DOTs to inspect highway infrastructure during construction and maintenance of assets.
Information to be gathered includes (but is not limited to):
• The technologies used for inspection of new and existing highway infrastructure assets (e.g., geospatial technologies, mobile software applications, nondestructive evaluation, remote sensing and monitoring);
• The different methods used to assess the viability, efficiencies, and return on investment (ROI) of inspection technologies;
• How information from these assessments is being used (e.g., for construction project management, to allocate resources, to determine condition of the asset).
Highway infrastructure inspection is critical in any transportation system because it ensures conformance with plans, specifications, and material requirements over the lifecycle of the asset. Historically, state departments of transportation (DOTs) have employed on-site workforces to execute infrastructure inspection using traditional inspection methods. With the latest technological advancements, the inspection landscape has been rapidly changing through incorporation of technologies such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), embedded and remote sensors, intelligent machines, mobile devices, and new software applications. These technologies can potentially satisfy the need for cost-effective and efficient inspection and monitoring of highway infrastructure (e.g. roadways, bridges, drainage systems, signage).
Highway Infrastructure Inspection Practices for the Digital Age
Timeframe: 9 months Project Funding: $45000
Highway infrastructure inspection is critical in any transportation system because it ensures conformance with plans, specifications, and material requirements over the lifecycle of the asset. Historically, state departments of transportation (DOTs) have employed on-site workforces to execute infrastructure inspection using traditional inspection methods. With the latest technological advancements, the inspection landscape has been rapidly changing through incorporation of technologies such as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), embedded and remote sensors, intelligent machines, mobile devices, and new software applications. These technologies can potentially satisfy the need for cost-effective and efficient inspection and monitoring of highway infrastructure (e.g. roadways, bridges, drainage systems, signage).
The objective of this synthesis is to document the various technologies used by DOTs to inspect highway infrastructure during construction and maintenance of assets.
Information to be gathered includes (but is not limited to):
• The technologies used for inspection of new and existing highway infrastructure assets (e.g., geospatial technologies, mobile software applications, nondestructive evaluation, remote sensing and monitoring);
• The different methods used to assess the viability, efficiencies, and return on investment (ROI) of inspection technologies;
• How information from these assessments is being used (e.g., for construction project management, to allocate resources, to determine condition of the asset).
Proposed Research Activities
Information will be collected through literature, a survey of DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected agencies for the development of case examples. Information gaps and suggestions for research to address those gaps will be identified.
Information Sources (Partial):
• Chase, S., Edwards, M. (2011). “Developing a Tele-Robotic Platform for Bridge Inspection.” Virginia Transportation Research Council and Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Centers Program.
• FHWA research on the use of RFID tags to track paving materials (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/14061/index.c fm)
• Heymsfield, E., and Kuss, M. L. (2014). “Implementing Gigapixel Technology to Highway Bridge Inspections.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000561, 04014074.
• Gibb, S. P. (2018). “Non-destructive Evaluation Sensor Data Processing and Fusion for Automated Inspection of Civil Infrastructure.” MS Thesis.
• La, H. M., Gucunski, N., Dana, K., and Kee, S. (2017). “Development of an Autonomous Bridge Deck Inspection Robotic System.” Journal of Field Robotics, 34(8), 1489–1504. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary. wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/rob.21725, https://doi.org/10.1002/rob. 21725.
• Mulder, G. (2015). “e-Construction,” Iowa Department of Transportation, Presentation on May 27, 2015.
• NCHRP Project 22-33: Multi-State In-Service Performance Evaluations of Roadside Safety Hardware (Research in progress)
• NCHRP Synthesis 545: Electronic Ticketing of Materials for Construction Management
• NCHRP Synthesis 548: Development and Use of As-Builts Plans by State DOTS
• NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 51-01: Practices for Construction-Ready Digital Terrain Models (Current Synthesis)
• Effective Use of Geospatial Tools in Highway Construction (Publication No. FHWA HIF10-089, October, 2019)
• NCHRP Project 20-68A, Scan 17-01: Successful Approaches for the Use of Unmanned Arial Systems by Surface Transportation Agencies.
The objective of this synthesis is to document current state DOT practice and experience regarding collecting and ensuring…
The objective of this synthesis is to document current state DOT practice and experience regarding collecting and ensuring the accuracy of element level data. The synthesis will also examine how DOTs are using the data from inspection reports.
Information to be gathered includes (but is not limited to):
• Practices for collecting element level data (e.g., collection software, nondestructive evaluation methods);
• Practices and methods for ensuring the accuracy of the data collected;
• DOT business processes that use element level data (e.g., project scoping, maintenance, bridge asset management modeling and analyses, performance measurement and reporting); and
• Aspects of DOT bridge management systems that use element level data (e.g., deterioration models, action types, action costs, decision rules, performance indices).
State departments of transportation (DOTs) have been transitioning to using element inspection data for documenting bridge conditions since 2014. This condition assessment methodology offers a significant opportunity to improve the timing, cost efficiency, and accuracy of bridge maintenance, rehabilitations, and replacement decisions. However, there is no standard guidance on achieving those benefits. Bridge management platforms such as AASHTOWare BrM can combine these data with other inputs to forecast future conditions and recommend optimal plans for a portfolio of bridges.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that state DOTs that receive the inspection reports are taking numerous approaches to using the data. Many DOTs rely on general condition ratings reported to the National Bridge Inventory for bridge maintenance and investment decisions. Still others have begun to incorporate the element level data into those decisions.
Using Bridge Element Data in Asset Management Decision Making
Timeframe: 9 months Project Funding: $45000
State departments of transportation (DOTs) have been transitioning to using element inspection data for documenting bridge conditions since 2014. This condition assessment methodology offers a significant opportunity to improve the timing, cost efficiency, and accuracy of bridge maintenance, rehabilitations, and replacement decisions. However, there is no standard guidance on achieving those benefits. Bridge management platforms such as AASHTOWare BrM can combine these data with other inputs to forecast future conditions and recommend optimal plans for a portfolio of bridges.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that state DOTs that receive the inspection reports are taking numerous approaches to using the data. Many DOTs rely on general condition ratings reported to the National Bridge Inventory for bridge maintenance and investment decisions. Still others have begun to incorporate the element level data into those decisions.
The objective of this synthesis is to document current state DOT practice and experience regarding collecting and ensuring the accuracy of element level data. The synthesis will also examine how DOTs are using the data from inspection reports.
Information to be gathered includes (but is not limited to):
• Practices for collecting element level data (e.g., collection software, nondestructive evaluation methods);
• Practices and methods for ensuring the accuracy of the data collected;
• DOT business processes that use element level data (e.g., project scoping, maintenance, bridge asset management modeling and analyses, performance measurement and reporting); and
• Aspects of DOT bridge management systems that use element level data (e.g., deterioration models, action types, action costs, decision rules, performance indices).
Proposed Research Activities
Information will be collected through literature review, a survey of DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected agencies for the development of case examples. Information gaps and suggestions for research to address those gaps will be identified.
Information Sources (Partial):
• NCHRP Scan Team Report for Scan 07-05, Best Practices in Bridge Management Decision-Making (2009). (http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-68A_07-05.pdf
• Utah DOT, Bridge Management Manual (2017). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qnl3isRKugZl9kyCFS11GCIPiVfKQNFF/view
• NCHRP Web-Only Document 259, Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Element-Level Bridge Inspection (2019). http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/178842.aspx
• Joint Transportation Research Program FHWA/IN/JTRP-2016/13, Element Level Bridge Inspection: Benefits and Use of Data for Bridge Management. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/jtrp/1606/
• AASHTO Technical Services Program, Bridge Preservation BMS Working Group survey
Bridge Preservation BMS Working Group:
AASHTO Technical Services Program: https://tsp2bridge.pavementpreservation.org/
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for the formulation of long-range plans and budgets for replacement o…
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for the formulation of long-range plans and budgets for replacement of highway operations equipment. The guide shall include processes and tools for consideration in making investment decisions. For the purpose of this research, long-range is defined as 20-25 years.
State highway agency equipment fleet assets are vital to the delivery of agency programs, projects, and services. These fleets represent a significant capital investment and require recurring maintenance, operational expenditures, and timely replacement to achieve the desired level of performance, reliability, and economy. A variety of practices have been used by state departments of transportation (state DOTs) agencies for making investment decisions for highway operation equipment. However, there is no widely accepted process for determining the long-range needs and budgets.
There is a need to identify current practices, review relevant information, and develop rational processes that will provide state DOTs a realistic means for making investment decisions. A guide for formulating the long-range plans for replacement needs and budgets of highway operations equipment can then be prepared to facilitate use of these processes. Such a guide will help highway equipment managers and administrators in making decisions regarding replacement needs and budgets. NCHRP Research Report 879: Optimal Replacement Cycles of Highway Operations Equipment (http://www.trb.