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CC - Ways to Measure Organizational Efficiency



Research Period

Background Information

Literature Search Summary


i. define organizational efficiency
ii. offer varying frameworks depending how an organization/agency works (5-6 differing
iii. agency scenarios
iv. get specific metrics for organizational/agency efficiency
v. offer a toolbox that different agencies can use
vi. develop guidelines on how efficiency measures/KPIs can be used/applied


Link to 2021-2026 AASHTO Strategic Plan

Urgency and Potential Benefits

The Reason Foundation produces a ranked list of state agencies
Are there better ways to measure agency effectiveness such as data envelopment analysis
Come up with ways other ways to add value such as wanting to be able to find peer agencies to learn from?
How much money are we actually spending to manage programs?
What is the effectiveness of the funds allocated?
Want to have state legislatures understand when they are underfunding an area and know the impact of it.

Implementation Considerations


Hyun-A Park

Spy Pond Partners, LLC

[email protected]

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