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OM - Vision for transportation/Moonshots



Research Period

Background Information

Literature Search Summary


Potential benefit if you can align political and departmental alignment
Always need to balance top-down and bottom-up, operationalization of it
**Involvement of those doing the work is critical to long-term success - what are the contributing factors to make large-scale efforts successful?
How do you build a movement in transportation
Customer-, Environment- centric momentum for organizational change - What are the key components needed to make process?
Related organizational changes needed to make it happen?
Dave - Brene Brown - “Clarity is Kindness” in all that we do, find tools that help break down barriers.
Ties in with KM, OM, Risk, etc.


Link to 2021-2026 AASHTO Strategic Plan

Urgency and Potential Benefits

Implementation Considerations


Please add at least one champion.

Others Supporting Problem Statement

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Potential Panel Members

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Person Submitting Statement

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